The NEXT USA President


Temporal Novice
I did not travel in time , but I know 100% sure that the next USA president will be Hillary Clinton.

JT said it had to be a woman, right?
but I know 100% sure that the next USA president will be Hillary Clinton.
There is very little (if anything) that one can be 100% sure about. Probability & Statistics tell us you cannot be 100% certain about any outcome.

but I'll bite... how do you know this for certain? And are you ready to accept ridicule if/when the election comes around and we resurrect this thread to find you were not correct?

Of course, I'm a serious person. I know that from 2004 and in case I'm wrong I will accept that the timeline in which we are has changed referring to my expectations (and that means a good thing, really good).

I'm writing a book, really soon in the UFO section of this forum, completely for free.

So you are saying you are 100% sure Hilary Clinton will be in perfect physical condition until the Next presidential election?
Her health will be 100% ?
100% No One will fix the Election?
100% There will be no vote re-count error ?
Ok, let me say 99%

Anyway what will happen you all will see.

JT said it had to be a woman, right?

Wrong. He didn't say that.

On 19-FEB-2001 he posted
The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.

However, that would sound like Hilary - only interested in keeping her power base.
I think I'm not the only person there to believe in his story...
True enough, but I would hazard to guess that the number of people who believe his story has been on a significant decline since his 2004/2005 civil war prediction (among others) has failed to come to pass.

Not to mention the Winter Olympics came and went without a hitch this year.

"No more official Olympics after 2004."

Where are these Waco type events he spoke of?

I think I'm not the only person there to believe in his story...

I'm not sure how to interpret your post because you used the word "there" rather than "here".

But I can say this:

I've been with this story since the beginning. The two original "Titor" sites were here and Art Bell's "Post-2-Post". When Art closed his bulletin board in 2001 we basically moved his TT forum to Anomalies where I am the Mod and a site Admin.

I've run a poll for several years there asking the question "Do you believe that Titor was a time traveler." People stopped posting to the poll 19 months ago. At that time the split was 70% no and 30% yes.

Since that time interest in Titor has all but died. Death was on the horizon even before 19 months ago. In February of 2004 Pamela started a thread titled "I Received the 100% Proof that I Needed" based on information that she received from the John Titor Foundation (entertainment attorney Larry Haber). She quickly backed away from her position and even resigned as my co-moderator. That started the ball rolling. At that time it became apparent to even many "believers" that the Titor story started in Celebration, Florida when the owner of this site was the SysAdmin of Celebration's community BBS and had a hot link on that site to this site. Someone in Celebration clicked the link and the Titor story took form. With an entertainment attorney in charge of the JTF (he may actually be the JTF) who represents movie makers it was rather obvious that this was not a "hoax" but a commercial entertainment venture of some sort. This position is greatly supported by the Radio Program, the Book, the Movie (in production), the Comic Book (in production), the t-shirts. coffee mugs, etc. that they have for sale. So much for Titor's whine about consumerism.

The pace of "death" picked up after the 2004 elections, gained momentum in 2005 when there were no Waco incidents and no sign of a civil war evolved. The funeral was held last winter when the Olympics went off as scheduled.

Its really come down to this: if you open a Titor thread here you get groans but people still respond to the posts. If you open a Titor thread on Anomalies you get the same (though I have to admit that the death of John Titor seems to also be a near death experience for the TT forum of Anomalies). On many other sites you get screamed at because the regulars are bored to death with the topic.

So, yes, there are still a few believers out there but their numbers are dwindling.
I also think that the time is fast approaching, when the need for a female face will arrive.

2009? Perhaps. I'd say it would likely be later then this. I think that H. Clinton would be a bit of a mistake however, if she was indeed elected.
Hi, Darby

I want to learn something: does JT correctly predicted the mad cow disease? did his first mention of the disease precede the onslaught of the disease?

I want to learn something: does JT correctly predicted the mad cow disease? did his first mention of the disease precede the onslaught of the disease?

I don't know what you mean by "onslaught of the disease". Worldwide there have only been relatively few diagnosed cases.

In any case, no. Titor wasn't even close to being the first person to mention the disease and it had been reported widely in medical journals as a situation for concern. It had been making the rounds on Internet sites for a very long time before he mentioned it. I might be incorrect, but I believe that the term was first coined in the UK in 1985...15 years before the Titor Saga.

The best thing for you to do is to go over his posts (there aren't really that many - 95% of all "Titor" posts were made after he stopped posting), find his prediction topics and make a list of them, i.e. the Chinese space program, Ginger/IT, MCD, etc.

After you make the list Google all of them. In every case you'll discover that he didn't bring forward a single new topic. They were all the "talk of the town" on the Internet conspiracy sites long before he came along.
hi Darby

I thought "onslaught" means "the beginning of something, in this case of the mad cow disease". Am I wrong?

(there aren't really that many - 95% of all "Titor" posts were made after he stopped posting

do you mean they (95%) were made up?

"Onslaught" means an overwhelming number of events rather than the beginning of a series of events. That would be more like "on set".

But if you meant the word to be taken as you defined it in your previous post, the beginning of the set of events, the answer is still no - at least as of today. He predicted a worldwide epidemic (a pandemic) that would have to be of major proportions prior to 2011-2012 when the nuclear holocaust occurs in his story. I say that because as a result of that event, where half of the world's population (3 billion people) is killed by The Bomb, there wouldn't be too many people around to track and collect statistics on a single disease nor would it be likely that they would have any interest in such an esoteric endeavor. According to his story those "survivors" were sterile, the world population growth curve was negative, they were expiring from starvation, radiation poisoning and a host of other diseases. Mad Cow Disease would be a rather insignificant "annoyance" for a world that was eating whatever Glow-in-the-Dark beef that survived that was laced with Strontium-90, Plutonium, Uranium, etc.

do you mean they (95%) were made up?

No. What I meant was that virtually all of the Titor related posts were made after he stopped posting by people commenting on the original posts. Titor/TTO actually made very few posts (some of which were not really posted by Titor/TTO - they were posted for him by Pamela). Thus, you only have to search through the two original Titor threads here for TTO's posts between 2-NOV-2000 and the second week of March 2001. Its not that many posts to cover.

I should have worded the first post a bit better. Sorry about that.
Prediction: A new law will be passed or something tragic will happen and Bush will remain president regardless that he cant no more.

Is that horrible enough for ya?

Lets assume (pretend) Titor was real for a minute.
I believe he wrote that 911 didnt happen in his timeline so for any info he would submit would be fairly accurate.
I mean 911 set the stage for many major events to take place but the agenda may still be the same unless its not.

Ide say the only thing to do is just the normal which is share info around the net and study your sciences.
Its always interesting to explore the what if TT possibilities and watch it unfold almost like a true or false game.

I still dont understand why would a TT bother to post online and claim to be a TT with the most obscure information while almost anyone could do the same.

Prediction: A new law will be passed or something tragic will happen and Bush will remain president regardless that he cant no more.

That won't happen. No bill can be passed to negate the 22nd Amendment no matter what the circumstances. Only the state legislatures can amend the Constitution (See Article V). That would take several years to accomplish.

Lets assume (pretend) Titor was real for a minute.
I believe he wrote that 911 didnt happen in his timeline so for any info he would submit would be fairly accurate.

He said nothing about 9-11. He stopped posting during the 2nd week of March, 2001, seven months before 9-11.

I still dont understand why would a TT bother to post online and claim to be a TT with the most obscure information while almost anyone could do the same.

Excellent observation. It doesn't make much sense for a society to allocate the time, money and resources to a project that would make the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb seem like child's play, only to send a egotistic cowboy to play on the Internet.

This is especially so in the case of Titor's Saga where a devastated world was just recovering from a nuclear war that killed 3 billion of the 6 billion inhabitants of the planet and left the "survivors" in a condition where they were starving, sick and sterile. In the real world this government killed the Super Collider because of the cost at a time when the country was in great shape compared to Titor's Brave New World of recent revolutionay militias that were armed to the teeth and blood thirsty to boot. That's a good reason for yet another revolution in such a gloomy world.
How the hell could he not know if the president from 2009 is female or male?!?!? if he's from "2036" then why wouldn't he know the gender of past leaders. and don't give me that whole, "but it's an alternate time line in a diffrent universe" crap! This John Titor dude is a load of BS! And you guy's are falling for it. I mean if his "reality" is diffrent and has nothing to do with his, why would he care about things that happen in the future? It dosn't seem "really" in any way. Plus all these Stupid Riddles that he gives out are retarded! I mean if you came from the future trying to help someone wouldn't you give them the flat out truth? not some "code that needs to be cracked! Look, I have nothing against you guys writing on this thing. Hell I'm writeing on here loike you are! But if this whole time travel thing was really and he really did want to help us why did he hide?