Dimensional Traveler
Forget the Large Hadron Collider: Whether they’re tracking Martian robots, simulating hurricanes or fending off the supernova apocalypse, these supersize science projects don’t just look cool—they’re hunting some of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries.
These research machines aren’t celebrities yet, but they deserve to be.
1. Super-Kamiokande
2. 45 Tesla Hybrid
3. Hurricane Simulator
4. Green Bank Telescope
5. Drilling Vessel Chikyu
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PM Website
Forget the Large Hadron Collider: Whether they’re tracking Martian robots, simulating hurricanes or fending off the supernova apocalypse, these supersize science projects don’t just look cool—they’re hunting some of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries.
These research machines aren’t celebrities yet, but they deserve to be.
1. Super-Kamiokande
2. 45 Tesla Hybrid
3. Hurricane Simulator
4. Green Bank Telescope
5. Drilling Vessel Chikyu
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PM Website