The Mysterious CIA MOLE - Conspiracy Theory?


Rift Surfer
I watched that show "The Company"...

There are always worried about the super CIA mole?

That will help the communists defeat America and bring the soviet way of life to world....

There are 2 people who pop into my head:

o George H.W. Bush
o William Jefferson Clinton

Of course, it could be anybody in business, corporate or world government circles...

But George H.W. Bush whereabouts on the day JFK died are still unknown...

He wouldn't tell Carter about the UFOs/IFOs...

And he is the only public figure, Intelligence (CIA) or Government (President) who is still in a position to control the public perception of "reality" and "the future of America"...

Has influence with his "son" George W. Bush and his circle of advisors and cabinet...

And whining about "conspiracy theorists"

His relationhip with "Bill Clinton" is very distrubing...

They both have a couple of "quotes" attributed to them...

G.H.W.Bush - "If they knew what we have done, they would hunt us down and kill us..."
G.H.W.Bush - "Trilateral Commission? Just another one David Rockefellers schemes to control the world"
WJC - "I am not really in charge, there is some kind of shadow government"...

I'm sure there is more... You should research them...

can you give me a link to this Quote that you posted? WJC - "I am not really in charge, there is some kind of shadow government"...

I might have written it wrong... The more I think about it was "secret government" not "shadow government" but if you can't see what is in the shadows its kind of a secret...

Check conspiracy sites...

Typo Sorry,
