The Mullet Man!! <--- This is not a hoax!


Temporal Novice
This guy looks legit!


This is so 80's hahaha... I'm sure lots of you guys knew about him already, but for the ones who didn't, here it is

Enjoy! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Mullet Man!! - Shadow Government Agent?


The "Mullet Man" is an rogue agent of the Shadow Government on a secret mission.

Do Not Approach or interfere with his temporal mission!

Be Warned! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

this has to be a hoax....surely if it's not then you replied to his ad right? would love to chat to him...l.o.l.


yeah most probably it is a hoax, i was meant to put a smily face next to the title... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

the photo was obviously added later, but the add itself i think its real. I wonder if there was someone who actually wrote back. I mean, he sounds so profesional and experienced! hehe :D
Well, it just looks like a photo of a guy who just broke up with his g/f to me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR] <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]

This hoax has been around for several years. I think that it first appeared here (or on Anomalies - I'm not sure which) in 2003.

I was tempted to drop him a line back then because the P.O. Box is just a 45 minute drive from my home. Phil at Anomalies even considered it because he lived 15 minutes from Oakview at the time. But we didn't. One man's hoax is another man's 5150. We didn't want to meet up with some nutcase...