The Loss of Free Speech


Rift Surfer
Dear fellow Americans,

After watching Tucker Carlson's April 26th, 2017 episode, I decided that this needs to be said. American freedom is in grave danger. When our young college students do not believe in the same values that we have grown to love and cherish, we risk losing our freedom when these students grow up and enter the working force. These young folks will be our lawmakers, our lawyers, our judges, our policemen, our doctors, our teachers, our politicians, and our professors. These young folks will be making decisions based on their inherent liberal values, values which condone the obstruction of any and all speech that does not match their ideology. These values also include using violence to enforce this obstruction and to achieve their political objectives.

America, we are in danger of becoming a fascist country due to this intolerance. I believe, though, that we can prepare to fight back against this fanatical, destructive, liberal ideology. Each and every one of you who loves this country and takes our country's true values to heart has the moral obligation to teach your children and grand children the truth about free speech. Children need to study the constitution. Children need to hear that their views are valid and should not be suppressed because someone does not agree with them. As parents, grand parents, and caregivers, it necessary that we instill these values into our young ones so that they have the power and tools to undo the destruction that the current liberal young folks are wreaking on this country.

Please, do not rely on the school system to teach your children an objective view of how our government, our constitution, and how our country in general operates. This needs to be done by YOU and only you. If you do not have a copy of the constitution in your household, please obtain a copy. Begin teaching your children and grand children those key values that helped shape America. And most definitely, sleep with one eye open when you send your children to school and college. Have open and honest discussions with your children. Allow them to tell you what is discussed in school and among friends. Build a good relationship with them so that they will come to you when someone is suppressing their rights, and give them the tool of facts and truth so that they can ultimately defend themselves if you are not available. I understand that we have built a work based society and time is a factor, but all it takes is a few minutes every night before bed to explain to your children the concept of true freedom and to explain how our government works.

If we, as Americans, lose our ability to express ourselves freely, we will inevitably lose freedom itself. It will only be a matter of time before the rest of our lives are dictated and controlled. NOW is the time to stop this pattern of self destruction by TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN about true civil liberty. We need to raise Americans to fight back against the fascist regime of liberal thought that suppresses each and every American that dares to disagree. It begins with our youth, and we are going to need strong, intelligent youth to go against the modern liberal ideology that is destroying America one sentence at a time. Take heed Americans, we are already in a civil war and our freedom is at stake. Please take this seriously and pledge that you will teach your children the truth. Our future depends on it.

Dear fellow Americans,After watching Tucker Carlson's April 26th, 2017 episode, I decided that this needs to be said. American freedom is in grave danger. When our young college students do not believe in the same values that we have grown to love and cherish, we risk losing our freedom when these students grow up and enter the working force. These young folks will be our lawmakers, our lawyers, our judges, our policemen, our doctors, our teachers, our politicians, and our professors. These young folks will be making decisions based on their inherent liberal values, values which condone the obstruction of any and all speech that does not match their ideology. These values also include using violence to enforce this obstruction and to achieve their political objectives.
America, we are in danger of becoming a fascist country due to this intolerance. I believe, though, that we can prepare to fight back against this fanatical, destructive, liberal ideology. Each and every one of you who loves this country and takes our country's true values to heart has the moral obligation to teach your children and grand children the truth about free speech. Children need to study the constitution. Children need to hear that their views are valid and should not be suppressed because someone does not agree with them. As parents, grand parents, and caregivers, it necessary that we instill these values into our young ones so that they have the power and tools to undo the destruction that the current liberal young folks are wreaking on this country.

Please, do not rely on the school system to teach your children an objective view of how our government, our constitution, and how our country in general operates. This needs to be done by YOU and only you. If you do not have a copy of the constitution in your household, please obtain a copy. Begin teaching your children and grand children those key values that helped shape America. And most definitely, sleep with one eye open when you send your children to school and college. Have open and honest discussions with your children. Allow them to tell you what is discussed in school and among friends. Build a good relationship with them so that they will come to you when someone is suppressing their rights, and give them the tool of facts and truth so that they can ultimately defend themselves if you are not available. I understand that we have built a work based society and time is a factor, but all it takes is a few minutes every night before bed to explain to your children the concept of true freedom and to explain how our government works.

If we, as Americans, lose our ability to express ourselves freely, we will inevitably lose freedom itself. It will only be a matter of time before the rest of our lives are dictated and controlled. NOW is the time to stop this pattern of self destruction by TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN about true civil liberty. We need to raise Americans to fight back against the fascist regime of liberal thought that suppresses each and every American that dares to disagree. It begins with our youth, and we are going to need strong, intelligent youth to go against the modern liberal ideology that is destroying America one sentence at a time. Take heed Americans, we are already in a civil war and our freedom is at stake. Please take this seriously and pledge that you will teach your children the truth. Our future depends on it.
Well said.

Look how far we have come from following the constitutions bill of rights! Who is most responsible for the loss of our way of life in this country?

The Liberal Mind The Psychological Causes of Political Madness By Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D.

For more than 40 years, Rossiter has diagnosed and treated over 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases, both state and federal, as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist retained by numerous public offices, courts and private attorneys. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter explains with great clarity why the kind of liberalism being displayed by Barack Obama can only be understood as a psychological disorder. "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Rossiter. "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity - as liberals do," he says. "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population - as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which overregulates and overtaxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state - as liberals do."

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization; satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation; augmenting primitive feelings of envy; rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.

"The roots of liberalism - and its associated madness - can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."

I just now tried to edit one of my post and a sign came up and said I am blocked from doing so. If this is correct then I am GONE!

You aren't blocked walt. That may have happened as I was condensing your posts in one of the threads. Everything you posted is there and you should be able to edit your material. ( every post, by anyone, does have a time limit as far as being able to be edited. Once that time limit has been reached, only an administrator can edit any posts upon request IF approved by Cosmo. )

So the only thing I have for now, is that the psychological profiling could also be used to say that the far right also display childish behaviours such as greed, violence, and tribalism.

So the only thing I have for now, is that the psychological profiling could also be used to say that the far right also display childish behaviours such as greed, violence, and tribalism.
And your background of knowledge is in what? Why should I agree with others after being told by the Dean that I was one of just two people that past the judgment exam with a score of 98% while all other failed miserably? Do you see the problem here? Being stupid is not so bad, however being stupid and unwilling to listen to smarter people may be a problem. Or another way to put it: "Opinions are like asshole, Everybody has one"!

I'm not sure if you took offense to that or what, but you quoted me and then rambled off about yourself, boasting, then started talking about stupid people... which has nothing to do with the left/right, as both sides have idiots taking up the cause.
