One thing that can be ascertained from Einsteins theories was that the speed of light was a contributing factor in our quest for time travel. As you approach the speed of light, time slows one would conclude that AT the speed of light, time would stop...and FASTER then the speed of light, time would go backwards. Scientists have theorized about crafts being pushed by a beam of light...but even then, it could not EXCEED the speed of light. So my ultimate question is how does one overcome this major drawback? Too much thought is put into the cause and effect of time travel...what about actually DOING it? So far, our only proof of time travel is the speed of the traveler. An experiment done in supersonic jets proved that time slows down at high speeds. Two clocks set at exact times were a solid second apart when the jets were landed. How then, when we have evidence that SPEED is the issue, can we even fathom the actual process of time travel?
Doctor Emmet Brown
Doctor Emmet Brown