The Irony of Titor's CIVIL War


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The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

As if the term "CIVIL war" was not ironic enough, there is an added twist of irony for those who seriously believe, as Boomer would wish you to believe, that the USA is the one teetering ever so close to civil war. It is why I continue to find "Titor's" predictions utterly laughable, and why I am also so willing to laugh at those who do take it seriously.

The sheer volume of objective evidence available to us today makes the case for the exact OPPOSITE of the situation of what Titor told in his stories. What I mean by this can be understood by comparing and contrasting two societies that are prevalant in the drama being played out on the world stage:

1) Western Democratic society (in this case we would chiefly look at the USA, but cannot exclude the others in the Western world)
2) Middle Eastern Arabic and Muslim society (focusing on Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, but not excluding the other major players in this area of the world)

In looking at where these two societies are at this moment in Time, does anyone really believe that the odds are greater that the USA would erupt in civil war rather than a place like (yes) Iraq, or Iran, or even SA? Just the fact that the Shiites and the Sunni Muslims can hardly live together without killing each other would seem to say it is the pan-Arabic Muslim society in the Middle East that is most ripe for "Civil" war (or warS).

If you go with my theory that the John Titor story was a terrorist Psy Op, what would be truly ironic is that one can propose that some radical, funamentalist Islamist who wants to tear down the USA was actually writing about his OWN society that seems perched on the verge of a pan-Arabic civil war.

Now THAT is one tasty bowl of Ironic Chowder, isn't it???!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

Titor's background science seems to gain ground every day though:

"The tunnel belongs to Cern, the European Centre for Nuclear Research. Though currently empty, over the next two years an enormous experiment will be installed here.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a powerful and impossibly complicated machine that will smash particles together at super-fast speeds in a bid to unlock the secrets of the Universe.

'New physics'

By recreating the searing-hot conditions fractions of a second after the Big Bang, scientists hope to see new physics, discover the sought-after "God particle", uncover new dimensions and even generate mini-black holes.

When completed, two parallel tubes will carry high-energy particles called protons in opposite directions around the tunnel at close to the speed of light. "

So we're just a few years away from creating black holes/ => warping time/space.
Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

Hi MM345:

Titor's background science seems to gain ground every day though:
OK, help me understand what you are really saying here. Are you trying to imply that it would have been impossible for anyone at the time of Titor's postings (2000-2001) to have known about the plans for Cern and what scientists wanted to achieve once the LHC was built?

Anyone with even a mild interest in advanced, high-energy particle physics back then could have dug up enough info about the project to make such "predictions" as have been attributed to Titor. It serves as absolutely no evidence that "Titor" was a real time traveler. Right?

Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

What you say is reasonable if one sees it from the "fraudulent" perspective but I just pointed out that we're scientifically going closer to actual time travel.

If we create black holes in a few years times than we've got another 20 years plus to control them and time travel.
Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

I think we need to all ask a couple of questions regarding TITOR:

1) That a time traveller from the future comes back in time in a 1968 chevy camero to acquire some ancient computer to bring into his future to reprogram a bug in unix that is threatening his agrarian society and along the way decides to post on the internet the secrets of the future;


2) That some pretty clever guy who has an interest in physics and/or maybe even a degree decided to play a little joke that got way out of hand;

What's more likely here?

If I had to bet my house, I'd choose door #2, chuck.
Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

What you say is reasonable if one sees it from the "fraudulent" perspective but I just pointed out that we're scientifically going closer to actual time travel.

If we create black holes in a few years times than we've got another 20 years plus to control them and time travel.
Oh, OK then. I understand. I just thought you were one of these people who were going to claim "see, Titor was right, therefore he must be real" with regard to Cern and the LHC experiments.

But I am with you in the fact that we are getting closer and closer to understanding Time. And I completely agree with your assessment that we will first get some wild experimental results as part of some inquisitive tests before we learn enough to be able to control time travel. This is written in the history of our human species: We first accidentally stumble across some non-linear relationship of Input to Output, and it results in science learning to quantify this transfer function. Once we quantify this input-to-output relationship we can then advance to the next level of learning how to apply it to our forms of creation. Just as we learned to overcome the speed of sound, so will we learn to overcome the speed of light. I think we are VERY close to unlocking some of the big secrets of physicality.

Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

And now a word from your Canadian corrispondent,

I don't know what i belive anymore, the skeptics are getting better at stating the old arguments over and over again in new words, and so are the belivers.

I think that we all (or most) belive that time travel is plausible?

Titor was an american, and no offense to our slightly southern buddies, but ya'll are a bit self centered. So with that said, i belive that titor could have gotten some things mixxed up, dates perhaps (didn't he say somthing about records of this era being lost?). so maybe a few things were exagerated a little. Besides how else could you get people to listen to your story and warnings than making the conciquences seem far worse than they are?
Re: The Irony of Titor\'s CIVIL War

Titor's background science seems to gain ground every day though:

I think that depends on how stressed you are at any given point in time. The possibility it's a psyop is important to accept and it should be debunked as much as possible. Which is quite easy. Very easy. Almost, too, easy.