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I think it is Time for me to get serious about dicussing, describing, and revealing the myriad connections between Qabalah's "sacred geometry" and the mathematical/scientific descriptions of our physical universe of Massive SpaceTime. This thread deals with one-half of the core 3-D structure of Creation, which is the Golden Mean Spiral. Here we examine the structure of a CONVERGING 3-dimensional spiral. We call it the Inward Spiral because if we were to equate this spiral to an Energy flow, we would witness the energy spiraling and flowing INWARD to a central axis. The weather phenomenon we call a tornado is one example of a physical realization of an inward energy spiral. This Inward/Converging spiral constitutes an energy VORTEX.
The Merkaba Connection
In three dimensions we can visualize the volume that the CONVERGING spiral sweeps out as defining a 3-D funnel with its mouth pointed upwards. This structure can be directly correlated to the upward-pointing tetrahedron in the Merkaba configuration. This structure that consists of FOUR sides, each of which is a balanced TRIANGLE, is one that describes the process of Creation associated with the Collection and Focusing of Energy (and/or Information).
The Human Body Connection
The head structure of the human body is a physical structure that embodies a CONVERGING VORTEX that acts as a funnel that takes in both Energy (Food+Water through the mouth) as well as Information (Sights/Sounds/Smells/Tastes/Textures). The Inward Spiral, also known as the Downward-pointing Tetrahedron of the Merkaba is physically realized in the structure of the Human Head.
The Numerical Connection
The linear contraction of integer counts ...--- 4 --- 3 --- 2 --- 1 --- 0.
Standard, non-linear, dynamical control theory has been used to effectively control a Contracting, multi-dimensional Energy Input spiral. This is the domain of Energy Input countours for any closed system. It relates to SENSING Systems for any Closed Loop Control System (CLCS). As physical human beings we have senses that accept energy and information.
The Qabalah Connection
The matrix structure of the Tree Of Life clearly defines and describes a physical body that is the result of two, interacting, vortex spirals. The upper triad on the TOL acts as the Inward Spiral, the Collector Function... not only for the physical body (your head and senses) but also for your non-physical self (your coherent information network).
Our bodies are physical implementations of counter-balanced Inward and Outward Spirals. The dynamics of how these counter-projective fields interact, in our bodies and in our environment has been described in mystical texts of our common human heritage.
Look Inward to see if you agree with these correlations,
I think it is Time for me to get serious about dicussing, describing, and revealing the myriad connections between Qabalah's "sacred geometry" and the mathematical/scientific descriptions of our physical universe of Massive SpaceTime. This thread deals with one-half of the core 3-D structure of Creation, which is the Golden Mean Spiral. Here we examine the structure of a CONVERGING 3-dimensional spiral. We call it the Inward Spiral because if we were to equate this spiral to an Energy flow, we would witness the energy spiraling and flowing INWARD to a central axis. The weather phenomenon we call a tornado is one example of a physical realization of an inward energy spiral. This Inward/Converging spiral constitutes an energy VORTEX.
The Merkaba Connection
In three dimensions we can visualize the volume that the CONVERGING spiral sweeps out as defining a 3-D funnel with its mouth pointed upwards. This structure can be directly correlated to the upward-pointing tetrahedron in the Merkaba configuration. This structure that consists of FOUR sides, each of which is a balanced TRIANGLE, is one that describes the process of Creation associated with the Collection and Focusing of Energy (and/or Information).
The Human Body Connection
The head structure of the human body is a physical structure that embodies a CONVERGING VORTEX that acts as a funnel that takes in both Energy (Food+Water through the mouth) as well as Information (Sights/Sounds/Smells/Tastes/Textures). The Inward Spiral, also known as the Downward-pointing Tetrahedron of the Merkaba is physically realized in the structure of the Human Head.
The Numerical Connection
The linear contraction of integer counts ...--- 4 --- 3 --- 2 --- 1 --- 0.
Standard, non-linear, dynamical control theory has been used to effectively control a Contracting, multi-dimensional Energy Input spiral. This is the domain of Energy Input countours for any closed system. It relates to SENSING Systems for any Closed Loop Control System (CLCS). As physical human beings we have senses that accept energy and information.
The Qabalah Connection
The matrix structure of the Tree Of Life clearly defines and describes a physical body that is the result of two, interacting, vortex spirals. The upper triad on the TOL acts as the Inward Spiral, the Collector Function... not only for the physical body (your head and senses) but also for your non-physical self (your coherent information network).
Our bodies are physical implementations of counter-balanced Inward and Outward Spirals. The dynamics of how these counter-projective fields interact, in our bodies and in our environment has been described in mystical texts of our common human heritage.
Look Inward to see if you agree with these correlations,