The Inward Spiral.......4-3-2-1-0


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I think it is Time for me to get serious about dicussing, describing, and revealing the myriad connections between Qabalah's "sacred geometry" and the mathematical/scientific descriptions of our physical universe of Massive SpaceTime. This thread deals with one-half of the core 3-D structure of Creation, which is the Golden Mean Spiral. Here we examine the structure of a CONVERGING 3-dimensional spiral. We call it the Inward Spiral because if we were to equate this spiral to an Energy flow, we would witness the energy spiraling and flowing INWARD to a central axis. The weather phenomenon we call a tornado is one example of a physical realization of an inward energy spiral. This Inward/Converging spiral constitutes an energy VORTEX.

The Merkaba Connection
In three dimensions we can visualize the volume that the CONVERGING spiral sweeps out as defining a 3-D funnel with its mouth pointed upwards. This structure can be directly correlated to the upward-pointing tetrahedron in the Merkaba configuration. This structure that consists of FOUR sides, each of which is a balanced TRIANGLE, is one that describes the process of Creation associated with the Collection and Focusing of Energy (and/or Information).

The Human Body Connection
The head structure of the human body is a physical structure that embodies a CONVERGING VORTEX that acts as a funnel that takes in both Energy (Food+Water through the mouth) as well as Information (Sights/Sounds/Smells/Tastes/Textures). The Inward Spiral, also known as the Downward-pointing Tetrahedron of the Merkaba is physically realized in the structure of the Human Head.

The Numerical Connection
The linear contraction of integer counts ...--- 4 --- 3 --- 2 --- 1 --- 0.
Standard, non-linear, dynamical control theory has been used to effectively control a Contracting, multi-dimensional Energy Input spiral. This is the domain of Energy Input countours for any closed system. It relates to SENSING Systems for any Closed Loop Control System (CLCS). As physical human beings we have senses that accept energy and information.

The Qabalah Connection
The matrix structure of the Tree Of Life clearly defines and describes a physical body that is the result of two, interacting, vortex spirals. The upper triad on the TOL acts as the Inward Spiral, the Collector Function... not only for the physical body (your head and senses) but also for your non-physical self (your coherent information network).

Our bodies are physical implementations of counter-balanced Inward and Outward Spirals. The dynamics of how these counter-projective fields interact, in our bodies and in our environment has been described in mystical texts of our common human heritage.

Look Inward to see if you agree with these correlations,
Physical Example - Turbojet Engine Energy Spirals

I could give many different physical examples of the Converging/Diverging spiral Energy vorticity phenomenon to help illustrate how opposing spirals are evident in our physical reality. Since my chosen career has made me into an aerospace expert, I feel most comfortable describing a physical example from my area of expertise: An aerospace propulsion system known as the turbojet engine. This engine is a physical manifestation of the thermodynamic power transformation cycle known as the Brayton Cycle.

The Inward Spiral - Engine Inlet & Compressor
The front end of the basic turbojet engine consists of an Inlet (Inward) which captures a specific mass flow rate of air. The compressor then reduces that specific volume of air into a smaller package, which causes the air pressure (and density) to go up. The inlet of a turbojet engine is directly related to the mouth of an inward Energy spiral. It is capturing a specific Mass of air at the inlet's mouth...just like the mouth of the Inward Spiral. The compressor of a turbojet engine is directly related to the funnel-shaped, spiral cone of vorticity which defines the axis of the Inward Spiral. The jet engine compressor is concentrating and focusing the Energy captured by the Inlet into a High Pressure, High Density package of Mass(Energy) which can be combusted in the engine core.

Science achieves an act of Creation whenever it marries-up the Inward Spiral of vorticity of an Inlet/Compressor with a compatible Outward Spiral of vorticity of a Turbine/Nozzle. This interplay between two opposing vortex spirals is what defines the space of solution possibilities for the aerospace engine designer. The primary output of the engine, which is realized as the interplay between the Converging/Diverging spirals, is what we call the Thrust Force. This force is what enables Motion of Matter.

Just one example of actual Converging/Diverging systems existing in our physical reality.
Very interesting. I will have to read up more on merkaba, Kabalah, mysticism, sacred geometry, etc.

Was there a reason for splitting up your threads into inward and outward spirals?

It seems like you wrote the same thing on the Outward sprial thread.

Anyway, for those who didn't read my response in the other thread, here is my reflection about vortex forms in zero point energy/time travel research:

IN his book "Quest for Zero Point Energy", Moray B. King writes: "Dual vortex action is required in order to induce a current on a series wound, bifilar coil (i.e. the windings are shorted on one end). Sweet places the bifilar coil on the on the face of the conditioned barium ferrite (which is driven by an a.c. magnetic field from two separate, in phase, standard wound, "excitor" coils directed at the 4 inch sides...(p. 60). (King's book is available for purchase online, I bought my copy off Amazon).

Later in the book, King observes: "The counter rotating vortex hypothesis may also explain another well witnessed, free running energy machine: the Swiss ML Converter (Matthey, 1985). Two large, counter rotating, acrylic disks (similar to a Wymhurst machine) induce a colorful, swirling plasma between them" (p. 61)

So vortex actions figure prominently in the Sweet VTA machine, the Swiss ML converter, and also in Victor Schauberger's implosion device.
Was there a reason for splitting up your threads into inward and outward spirals?
Yup. To focus on how the two spirals appear to be the same, but are actually diametrically opposed in their difference.

It seems like you wrote the same thing on the Outward sprial thread.
Similar. But not the same.

The Merkaba will do the job, of that we are certain. But it is in getting the proper configuration of the Merkaba, and how we constitute the two opposing spirals, that will make all the difference. As OvrLrdLegion says, we know the answers are in the texts... it just takes a lot of time, thought, meditation, and trial-and-error to work through it! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Matter as Energy\'s Inward Spiral

My own, personal extension to the discipline of science is in the distinction between what we commonly call Mass and what I call Matter. From my perspective, I seem to find that Mass is a static entity that is independent from Time. However, Matter represents how a finite Mass at any given Time evolves into a new state of Mass. In other words, I believe there is a distinction between the illusion of static Mass and the dynamic state of Matter as Mass that changes over Time. Most science and engineering texts would call this same phenomenon "Mass Flow Rate", which relates how Mass changes with respect to Time. Therefore, I provide the following definition for Matter:

Matter= Mass Flow Rate = Units of [Mass]/[Time]

The concept of Matter relates directly to a specific, objective form of Mass that persists over some segment of linear Time. Matter strictly deals with the interaction of Mass with Time... so we typically refer to this thing that I call Matter as Mass Flow, but we could also refer to it as MassTime. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The form of Matter (that is represented by MassTime) is actually a concentration of the waves we call Motion (or Frequency). Motion/Frequency causes physical Energy that we call Matter to congeal into its solid state.

Therefore, the Matter that comprises our physical, human bodies can be considered as Inward-concentrating geometric spirals of Energy.

And we know most definitely that Matter is Energy. Einstein showed us how Energy is locked within Matter via E = mc^2!

Evidence of Nature\'s Inward Spirals

No, these threads are not going to just fade away and die. I intend to keep posting to these threads to provide readers with examples and evidence that support how physical manifestations are dependent upon the interaction of opposing spiral energies to Create the desired result.

In this set of companion posts I will examine how the forces of Nature provide very large (and powerful) clues with respect to how Manifestation and De-manifestation work with respect to scientific laws.

Since this is the thread dedicated to Inward Spirals, I will describe how Nature provides TWO very obvious, and very powerful, forms that exhibit Inward Spirals of Energy in our perceptual universe. See if you can make the connection between these Inward Spirals and equivalent forms of Outward Spirals that might counteract these Events in Time...

Nature's Hurricanes - A Powerful Inward Spiral
How much does mankind really understand about the force of Nature that we call a hurricane? No matter what anyone wishes to claim about the storm we call a hurricane, there is one thing for sure: It is described as an Inward Focusing Spiral of Pressure Energy. We even give them names, they are so powerful. The connection between a hurricane and the inward spiral of Energy I have been discussing in this thread should not be minimized or dismissed as insignificant. There is a very important clue in the storm we call (and name) as hurricanes.

Nature's Tornados - A Powerful Inward Spiral
The people who live in the American midwest and southeast can easily attest to the power of the Tornado. If there ever was a structure of Energy that was more perfectly formed in an Inward Spiral, this weather phenomenon clearly qualifies. Atmospheric pressures of opposing forces begin to mix in warm-weather skies, and when these energies mix in a "hi gain" manner, the storm we call a tornado appears before our eyes. An organized swirl of "destructive" Energy that focuses its high-energy, pencil-point centroid of Matter In Motion on a specific spot on the surface of our earth.

How many other Inward Spirals of Energy can you identify that naturally occur in our universe? Think maybe a Galaxy might qualify? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Next Comparitive Analogy - Head Inward Spiral

The Inward Spiral of the human body's supernal (upper) physical triad (otherwise known as the Human Head) is an Interpretive Spiral that can be scientifically and systematically analyzed to understand its System Input Frequency Dynamics.

Ears - The Focal Point of Human Head Audio Inputs (Sounds & Words)
The human ears obviously sense audible frequencies, that we use to Interpret Information via sound waves of Energy. Our ears Interpret sounds which can be characterized by their frequency and amplitude (sometimes recognized as other forms of Information we call Words). The sounds that a human hears and the words that a human interpret spiral INWARD toward the destination we call the human head. Sound pressures are a scientific FACT that describes an INWARD pressure Energy flow to the human head...specifically the ears. The human hearing system is a dual stereo audio receiver system.
Mach 1 (the speed of sound in a Fluid) is a primary measure of this form of Energy.

Eyes - The Focal Point of Human Head Visual Inputs (Visual Reality)
The human eyes obviously sense visual light frequencies, that we use to Interpret Information via light waves of Energy. Our eyes Interpret images which can be characterized by their frequency and amplitude (sometimes recognized as other forms of Information we call Objects). The images that a human eye sees spiral INWARD toward the destination we call the human head. Visual "Hubble Bubble" light waves that focus Inward towards our heads are a scientific FACT that describes how INWARD lightwave Energy flows into the human head... specifically the eyes. This lightspeed Energy input of the human Eyes adds to the soundspeed input Energy of the human Ears.
Warp 1 (the speed of light in an Ether) is a primary measure of this form of Energy.

Cranium - The Focal Point of Human Head Thought Inputs (Inspirations for Contemplation)
We know that the human brain, located at the top of the human head, is the central organ of Information processing. There is no general disagreement that the cranium and the brain Interpret Information inputs that exhibit themselves as physical inputs of the human body's senses. The cranium/third eye not only receives internal inputs that regulate the Human Body, but it can also receive Energy inputs external to the body, from the other Energy of our universe.

Now... the interesting thing to note about the 3 Inward Spirals described above is how they relate to specific physical manifestation of Energy Inputs to the Human Head. Namely:

Ears- Sonic input, received at the speed of sound with respect to the air we breath.
Eyes- Visual input, received at the speed of light with respect to the ether we exist within.
Cranium- Electromagnetic input, received at the speed of thought, which is the "spiritual ether" at a dimension beyond our lightspeed "visual ether".

These are the THREE Human Inward Energy Spirals. They relate to THREE Human Outward Energy Spirals that BALANCE OUT the Inward Energy Spirals you read about here. You know where to find Information about the Complementary Energy Spirals!

The Inward Spiral.......TIME

Consider the following assignment of one of the Triad manifestations of Universal Energy to the concept of an Inward Spiral:

TIME - Do we not observe TIME as something that "ceases to exist" as we cross the event horizon of black holes? Aren't black holes characterized as Inward Spirals of SpaceTime which suck in all Mass that approach them? What does this tell us about TIME?

Hmmm...interesting... how TIME could be considered a Inward Spiral such that it aligns with our concept of black holes. How it might be associated to two other forms of Spirals can be researched in the other, companion threads!

Teaching in sets of's something I find quite natural! :D
The Inward Spiral of Light...The BLUE shift

The human body responds to a very specific range of frequencies that are associated with visible Light. This is a performance characteristic of our human vision system. The upper, middle, and lower bands of the human visible Light spectrum are well known and well established by science.

Clearly, the BLUE end of the light spectrum describes the contraction of Time that we observe in our physical universe. Time is always contracting into discrete matter & motion Events, and this we perceive as a BLUE shift in light patterns when objects are moving towards us. These measurements of LIGHT’s BLUE SHIFT CONTRACTION are what confirm to our sciences that the thermodynamic “arrow of Time” that we call entropy is a CONTRACTING Energy.

The point is that BLUE-shifted light frequencies are distorted in such a manner that attenuates the contracting TIME. There is a direct correlation between BLUE-shift and a 3-Dimensional Inward Energy spiral.

Operational Domain of TIME - Inward Spiral

In another thread, I have been sharing my theory (and its basis) for how I believe information relates to physical energy & physical forces. I've given an equation for information (I=ms^3) as part of my theory, and I have described how this new equation, when taken with Einstein's (E=mc^2) and Newton's (F=ma), form a triplex set of nested relations that describe Force, Energy, and Information. These 3 posts to the 3 "Spiral" threads are intended to demonstrate how my theory of Information, and its relationship to Energy and Force, can be applied to the triplex Inward/Central/Outward spiral model.

Inward Spiral of System Operation
The INWARD spiral corresponds to a system's OPERATIONAL domain. The metrics associated with the operational domain are that of TIME and its reciprocal metric, FREQUENCY. These TIME & FREQUENCY metrics arise from, and are defined by, interactions between the other two domains, namely the FUNCTIONAL and the PHYSICAL. This is another way of saying that the way we measure TIME & FREQUENCY is directly related to how we track MATTER (physical) in MOTION (functional).

Human Head - Center of Inward Spiral of Operational Information
It is no coincidence that the human head is where the concept, measurement, and understanding of TIME & FREQUENCY is focused. This is because the head is the OPERATIONAL planner for the rest of our body. The human head is the defined center of an INWARD SPIRAL of INFORMATION. Our primary senses of sight and hearing are located here. Each of these two senses are based upon different FREQUENCIES of vibrations that deliver INFORMATION to the human head for processing. The human ears operate in the low-frequency range of audible sounds (20 Hz-20KHz) that propagate through a fluid. The human eyes operate in the higher-frequency range of visible light (790 THz-405 THz), and some believe these waves propagate through a higher-dimensional "superfluid". We can even show how the human sense of taste is related to certain characteristics of chemical frequencies associated with what we call salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes.

Operational Information is the focus of Human Cognition
It is my belief that the equation (I = ms^3), when analyzed in its full tensor calculus form, describes the critical relationship between Mass and Space that allows our brains to synthesize the concept of a linear, causal TIME. My work in this area is intended to show, in a mathematical manner, just how the concept of linear TIME arises from the brain's ability to measure MASS with respect to SPACE. I believe that when I am done with all my analysis, it will also show that TIME, as we perceive it in its linear manner, is actually a "figment of our imagination", or stated otherwise, a byproduct of the interaction of the functional and physical aspects of our human information architecture.

I share this information on theses theories here on this TTI website for several reasons:
1) To present my thoughts/theories and show how they are grounded in the history of science.
2) To start a discussion that may lead to a better understanding of what Time & Matter & Motion really are.
3) To invite others to point out possible errors, or even to possibly falsify the theories resulting from my analysis.
4) To reach out to others who might be willing to take this research to its eventual conclusion, which is to build a working time machine.

Stay tuned, and feel free to comment/criticize/correct or question whenever you feel the need.

PS - The astute reader will recognize and understand the purpose for the "parallelism" of concepts described in common posts in the Inward/Central/Outward spiral threads.