The infamous mullet photo


Rift Surfer
I’m going to be intentionally vague because I want to hear other peoples’ thoughts. Compare the two people below. I’m not so sure the nose is the same, but our noses do keep growing our entire lives. The chin is very similar.

Does anyone know why people originally thought this mullet photo was John Titor? And what are your thoughts about any of the people in the photo being Oliver Williams?

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Something interesting. I did use Google face recognition with the photo on the left. It showed pictures of some famous military General and it did look like him, but now those photos no longer show up.

Ah, the search was unorthodox enough that perhaps it caught someone off guard (very temporarily).

May I ask the name of the General in question? It may be that there would be some ties to this subject matter.


That’s the problem. I don’t know the General’s name. I was doing the face search again to get the name and a photo to post here, but it doesn’t show up anymore. He really does look like the guy on the left. Wish I could remember.

Another interesting factoid. Someone made a General James Cartwright FB page and then added me. I thought it looked so much like the guy on the left that I started investigating. If it wasn’t for the mole on the face, I’d almost think I had a match.

Keep Digging!

I can imagine Red Blocks flashing at the NSA computers with the words Project Titor Compromised on them, and Paula Jedi at the other end on her computer doing a facial recognition with the project lead General coming up.

Keep on it. I wonder what projects General Cartwright oversees.

On further consideration, unlikely the marines would have cutting edge tech, but instead tech developed for them.

I think were looking for Army and possibly Air Force involvement.

P.S. Retired Generals often go on to private companies in their areas of expertise.

Well, knowing WHO the “guy on the left” is, knowing without knowing, I mean (being intentionally vague), he’s already involved, but to what extent I don’t know. I’m simply trying to identify this man. Why? Because his current attitude justifies it.

“P.S. Retired Generals often go on to private companies in their areas of expertise.”

And yes, the “guy on the left” is trying to be very private, but deep down he knows that if anyone figures it out it would be me. And I mean someone who figures it out without his telling them, of course.
