Re:, Pamela About Singularities
These access ways are not la'morte Pamela, however random raceways, from unstructured said black hole event, or naturally occuring otherwise and other place worm holes.
I do not know the Fourier of the CAD program and what was entered in, however wormic pathways, via these projections are shown rectangular.
This means via data only given within these projections, that the variant pathways are self scalier reciprecal.
The statments must say, within brackets, (what are the set of wormholes, that are non rectangular, via their natures); ASK Alc?
This is via Horowitz within the discussions from the 1980s investigaitive projecture group, et al, that black holes, do generate heat as an indication that black holes are twin or more folded, via their constructions.
So this means that worm hole events, are random peer, near, Monticarlo numbers, within issue and starting of their own said events?
So at what time does the injestion of raw matter into what non-digested fold, does so create the action of a worm hole?
This again is monticarlo and these are per said energy and random event quotents, as per peer digestion rates equals, So actions?
The other side of worm holes, must be rapid finger-like white holes, as configfured very much in similar fashion, to static eletrical discharges within their configurations.
These white holes MUST appear near any relativlty large planetary body of system, as an equalizer to the universal energy conservation balance.
This is so as in junctioned with the laws of thermodynamics, where one system can not infinatly take in energy or fule, within to that system, without some form of transfernace.
So therefor, whorm holes are well as white holes, must always be present within their actions, at what determined length, or duration?
This is conjecture in line with said man-made attempts, or natural function....? uuur-mmm bip burp?? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Respects, TO' M. Bartsuiack and publishers.
Thank you.