the good ones are here, the bad ones are coming...


Temporal Navigator
I was just given information through stargate STF1659 that there is a species of aliens in route towards earth right now. Earth will be battle ground zero between two alien races, one which has already been here on earth for quite some time and one on its way. When they meet all hell will break loose.

From what I was shown, my intuition tells me that those here already want to let mankind follow its own course and learn its own lessons (even though influence may have been given in the past). Those on their way here want to purge humans who do not comply with the greater destiny of our race.

Although those here now say those on the way are evil, I have no way of knowing if that is truly the case, as signals beyond 1659 may suggest otherwise.

I do not know how long until those on their way arrive, but when they do, this planet will quickly become a mess.
I was just given information through stargate STF1659 that there is a species of aliens in route towards earth right now

I'm not clear what the big deal is with STF 1659. It's just a random alignment of stars.....the term 'Stargate cluster' is purely a nickname invented by amateur astronomers and doesn't mean anything more than Orion being literally some 'hunter' in the sky, or the Owl Nebula being literally an owl, or the Tarantula nebula being literally a tarantula.
When they arrive Buck will save us from "The Planet of the Slave Girls" war which will be fought by the two rival slave trading alien groups. Border Patrol will then round up the remaining astro-coyotes.
He'll have to rescue all the alien/human slave hybrids from Dulce base first. Just as well Roswell is not that far off.......he can then pop in there and start his Messianic campaign.
STF1659 just so happens to be one of the major inter-galatic highways (or portals). ...or so I have been shown. The aliens have arrived through it and now are jumping towards us. (again, so I've been told).
STF1659 just so happens to be one of the major inter-galatic highways (or portals). ...or so I have been shown. The aliens have arrived through it and now are jumping towards us. (again, so I've been told).

Yes. In Buck Rogers and The Planet of the Slave Girls it was a gateway for the slavers.
Ahhh TC, but you are wrong (so I'm told). There ARE aliens that are here, and have been for a long time. But there is another race on its way. The two will battle. Earth is where it will happen. ....again, not to sound like a nut, I don't know if this true, but this is just what I have been told.
again, not to sound like a nut, I don't know if this true, but this is just what I have been told.


Now I can go to another site and say, "I've been told...don't know if it's true...but I've been told: Beware! They are coming. Battleground Earth."

Then the people there can come here and say, "I've been told too." We would then have confirmation - Internet style.