The globe is a deception


Temporal Novice
Outer space and Globe earth are dying.

God its so embarrassing were still this fooled.

Literal farm animal human race.

Outerspace as a whole is nothing but pseudoscience and made up math equations only believed by what your government tells you and what tv shows you. You people believe water bends without ever seeing it. fucking retards. wake up from your religion

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I'm pretty sure each of the things in these photos can be explained... Give me some time and I'll outline them.

there is a blatant leftist effort in our country to shill the round earth model. Not only do they have marxist indoctrinators teaching kids as young as 6 that the earth is round, but every new movie that has come out has a round earth model somewhere in it's length. Not a single mainstream news agency will report on flat earth developtments either. How do we fight back against this leftist conspiracy? what is their end goal?

Yeah and I suppose Pillsbury Doughboy is code for buttermilk biscuits....Water never curves huh..Then explain why creeks twist and turn...and the water follows those twists, turns and bends.....A flat earth! I'd just as soon believe the Moon was made out of green cheese.

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