The free energy government conspiracies

Actually, for once the cornspiracy theorists KINDA got it right.

There actually IS a government conspiracy about energy (but not free energy because if you know physics and thermodynamics you know there is no such thing).

However, the "conspiracy" is one of those things right in front of your nose, and the government even admits it will make energy prices skyrocket.

Anyone know what it is? Hint: Its biggest zealot uses more energy in a month with his Tennessee mansion than average folks consume in an entire year with a modest house.

Al Gore.

There actually IS a government conspiracy about energy (but not free energy because if you know physics and thermodynamics you know there is no such thing).

Not to mention "if" there ever was something close to "free energy" in that context (humor me), capitalism would would render the term redundant anyway.

(IE T. Boone Pickens) It's one thing to produce, it's another to transport, infrastructure etc.
(Hydro? ^^ Niagara falls was just there wasn't it...)
I still remember in the early 90's teachers in HS teaching that when cavemen first learned to cook meat, that was when we started pollution through man made fire.
I found that so ridiculous.
After all, compare the amount of natural forest fires to another part of a natural ecosystem 'evolution' in this manner (natural progression) - humans.
I think I would have learned more valuable knowledge if they had taught about homo sapiens/neanderthalis naturally having the intestine tract of a herbivore and the uncanny discovery of killing bacteria and improving taste.
Instead it made a bunch of kids feel bad about going camping.
'But what do I know?