The Final Solution - TTA or RMT?


Super Moderator
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." - The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

I believe I have made the case for the serious discussions I have engaged in on this board with respect to science and the potential for time travel. I have also, admittedly, taken a harsh stance on hoaxers. And I will certainly not deny that I have engaged in activities that my momma might not be proud of. (Such as ending sentences in prepositions!). But I am at an impasse with the TTA and his shenanigans (both the ones you see, and the ones he does not want you to see). This coming from someone who was banned on this forum once before. So I offer this "Final Solution". Since I have never been banned, perhaps it might be TIME to offer myself up, and let the People decide. And I fully accept the Will & INTENTION of the democratic forces. SO much so that, as in past polls I have had on this subject, I profess and promise that I will NOT vote in this poll. And seeing as how I do not employ "sock puppets" there is little need for me to vow that I will not vote from another account, but I make that vow explicit as well. I would hope that all people who vote are honest enough to follow this same basic ethic. With that said, I lay before you a most important vote to determine where/how you want this forum to move forward.

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1164030816RainmanTime">

Who Should Be The Next One Banned From TTI Forums?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Ban TTA_01. I mean he HAS been banned before, and it is hard to see why he is here other than to promote his own legend status. Ban him again!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Ban RainmanTime. While he has never been banned, and he does sometimes offer discussion about the science of Time and potential of Time Travel, he is just not worth the hassle. Give him his first taste of BAN!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Ban BOTH TTA_01 AND RainmanTime! Stop screwing around with their endless arguments. Off with BOTH of their heads!
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

I put forth this Final Solution with all sincerity. If the votes call for me to be banned, we can even have a formal ceremony where Mop does me in once and for all. Since TTA has already been banned once, at least he won't be able to cull the drama he enjoys from a second banishment! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
My vote is to ban neither of you.

Maybe you both can agree to take your 'war' to the test forum, where the admin can eventually delete them out.

Maybe in the test forum area you can start a thread where everybody can just hammer on whomever they want, and keep it out of the threads in the time travel section, so those who decide to "stay the course' on more serious discussions, can continue without having to weed through posts that are off-topic and merely salvos of ammunition in a personalized combat theatre, in which, some others here may not want to become active participants.
I agree with Thomas. I feel something important is being done here, Ray, but you are letting yourself get drawn off into squabbles.

The time travel topic is getting stale, but we can do something here that isn't being done elsewhere, and your presence is important /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I understand and appreciate both of your comments.

But there is a principle at work here, one of taking responsibility for one's actions. I once even explained it to the other party to this nonsense: CAUSE and EFFECT. It is the principle that I use to guide my life.

You will note that I do not deny that, at times, I may not act like (or even BE) a "nice person". That is because I have faults. I have biases. I have prejudices. I make mistakes. I often use excessive sarcasm. Do I treat TT claimants "harshly"? Quite possibly, yes! But if you fully engage the CAUSE &amp; EFFECT philosophy, wouldn't one ALSO look to "judge" the people who wish to pull a hoax.... and their smugness in thinking that by NOT ANSWERING obvious questions, that they are somehow "pulling one over" on others?

Now play the flip side of this album (sorry, showing my age!): How often have you seen the TTA either (a) admit to his faults/transgressions and/or (b) APOLOGIZE to those on the forum who also have to put up with his nonsense? Indeed, some other members (who have come and gone) have accused the TTA of activities that one cannot "openly" see on the forum as connected to him. And finally, I ask you to consider another question that I referred to earlier. Ask yourself: Other than criticism and judgments of others, what sort of positive material does TTA bring to this forum?

If the TTA, and his schizophrenic tick of referring to himself in the 3rd person, does not want to end this... then I must take responsibility (and admit to being at least half of the problem) and take some action. Ban me, or ban him... it's that simple. And looking at the current poll, it does seem it is even simpler than I thought, as there seem to be no "in the middle" (ban both) votes.

To those who enjoy SERIOUS conversation about the science of reality, and understanding TIME... if it turns out that I am banned, so be it... but that does not mean there will not (perhaps suddenly) pop-up on this huge WWW another place where we can gather, and discuss these things seriously. AND if such a place does show up, those who are serious about applying "good science" to the discussion will be welcomed, and perhaps even relieved to know that this new forum will NOT STAND FOR TT claimants who are not serious about answering questions and providing evidence.

That is all.
If a vote is needed then a third party must present
the candidates......

Lets have a third party present the candidates, the third
party's IP must not be cloaked, and the third party must
be a 1 year long member....

Otherwise no vote from me...
Re: Principle

So are you basically saying, "either he goes or I go!" ??
I am one who wishes you would show your age even more and stick
to science topics instead of people topics.
Your very smart Rainman but these conversations do not let you shine your <font color="orange">brightest. [/COLOR]
I don't think anyone cares who is "winning" this contest of egos.
This is a time travel board. People are here to talk about time travel.
These types of conversations make people look foolish.

I wonder what Albert Einstein would say to all of this?
He might just slap you in the head and order you to go over to the board and
work on your equations. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Written with much love of course. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif


<font color="red">Just stop it![/COLOR]
Re: Principle

Settle down Ray... just settle down.

You take things way to personal on this forum.

It's no wonder things are to the point that they are now, because of you!

And if people want to continue to see this side of you, then they will vote to boot me out.

But if they boot you out, you will out of anger go someplace else.

I assure you though; no TT Hoaxer will follow you wherever you decide to post.

This is what you find pleasure in after all, isn't it?

The Hunt!

Perhaps, it's not so much the science and the collaboration of others that makes you want to stay, but the TT hoaxers that make it more appealing. It's making someone less intelligent then you, be brought down to their knee's.

If this is what people want to see more of, then please vote to ban me.

Re: Principle

I personally don't believe either should be banned, but RMT does contribute to the active discussions and is hence infinitely more valuable and is a seemingly good guy
Thats not to say though that TTA is not a good guy (although I'm not sure that I agree with his motives for posting here), he just doesn't contribute on the same level as RMT.
Re: Principle

Like I said before, I am willing to "bury the hatchet" and move forward.

I said this last night on 11/19/06 at 10:19 PM on thread: Anyone Is Free To Falsify.........................

However, RMT attacked me and started this all over again on 11/20/06 at 01:07 AM on thread Hey Rainman!!!!

Not to mention the times I've tried with him through PM.

Ray just keeps fighting me, despite me wanting peace.

He wanted me to leave him alone, so I left him alone.

I don't see the problem in doing so again.

But it has to be extreme and be blown up into a grand spectacle, because it’s Ray-Ray’s party.

It could have just stayed on 1 thread, and between 1 person. But multiple threads were made, and many people chose to become involved and defend him.

And so here we are now.

Can't we all just drop this now?

If you really want me to leave this badly Ray, just to make your self (principle) feel better, then gather all the friends and supporters you got, and vote me out.

But as you can see, there are just as many people who don't want you here either.

I get the hint, do you?

Re: Principle

Thats not to say though that TTA is not a good guy (although I'm not sure that I agree with his motives for posting here), he just doesn't contribute on the same level as RMT.

And do you know why? I said I'd leave him alone. So how can I post, and contribute, if he's everywhere? The next thing you'll know, I'll be getting a PM complaining why I am not leaving him alone... again!

Plus it's not just me who isn't contributing. RMT acts as a deterrent, keeping those silent voices away, and ridicules those who do attempt to be apart of the discussion of Time Travel, if they are not up to his level of understanding of it that is.

As shown here, anyone that goes up against Ray, is subject to a long drawn out conflict, whether they want one or not.

Either you succumb to his belittling and ridicule when you attempt to reason with him and then leave, or he continues until he creates a poll to get rid of you.

I feel no need to interfere with both your decisions to leave this forum. I only understand time travel from my point of view and that is "I am only here for a visit" and that is it.

I feel also no need to vote about it either. Simply I feel no need to further explain anything either. If I want to make nonsense I should be allowed to make nonsense, afterall if nothing else, then at least it was something.

I am only here on this Planet for a visit.

Afterthat, the tallyperson comes and taketh away.
Here is something to read.

Perhaps you would not want to read what I was reading last night.

New Madrid Fault Line is suppose to have an earthquake estimated to be by 2040 and perhaps a big one.

Also religious sites that I can not give, excuse me while I look just to make sure in my Favorites.

Let's see by the time I was done I was tired, so again half of it went somewhere in time but probably not in my head. Let me check out this website and see if this is the one I think I was reading last night. Be back in a minute or so.

That is not it, but only part of what I read.

What I read on this website is the God let the Devil have power for a brief part of time. During that, especially since the Devil is running out of time, he will get more aggressive now, since he can not bring down the Church and Vatican. This is part of the prophecy of the perhaps the End Times, and how this current Pope is the Last Pope, and forget the next one, he will be an Anti-Christ. Then God is doing this to bring people back to religion since people have fallen away. Of course the Vatican will be destroyed and the Pope leaves over the bodies of dead Cardinals, and such as the prophecy goes, which according to the Third Secret of Fatima was not this it was describing but that Pope John Paul II was shot back in what 1987 or when it was by that person, and that the Third Secret of Fatima referred to that. However, some people think that it actually refers to this Papal Prophecy up above about this now current Pope, and whatever.

Now the First Secret of Fatima was about WWI, and all of that and including some things like the fall of communism in Russia and the reemergence of Faith to Russia, and all of that. Now, whatever is suppose to happen is by the Devil and not by God. Of course, God is doing something, and that is suppose to (see earthquake up above) and some of that concerning Global Warming, and other things by other Saints like Ireland being in the Sea because of rising Ocean Levels and cleanse to be more religious and such in the future, and of course England some also, and coastal cities and such everywhere or at least where you live.

Sorry, I can not be more specific for how long of time the Devil has ben granted this Power by God so that God can bring people back to religion, but it does not sound good. A Hundred Years or so, in which case, the time is almost gone, and the world will get more aggressive because of that in the future and perhaps a lot of Christians will be destroyed during this time also, and all of that.

Now, there is some sort of time travel that other people claim is occuring now.
The Paper up above by the science site is something different though.
I wish I would have kept that website as a favorite so I could view it again.

No, this is not it either:

Nor this:

But I think I looked up Saints at Google, then St. Malachy (Papal Prophecy) and then did a search later on "AntiChrist".

Well, that is about it and that took a few hours.
So, some of my time is being taken up with the End of the World, End of Time type of discussions and website.

Kind of ties in with the person claiming to be John (Titor?) at MySpace and the original discussion from the Art Bell BBS forum back in 2000/2001.

Well, off to find that website again. Bye!
Such intelligent people acting so silly! Surely you know how good you have it here.

There are places on the net that have Mod-Gods and Nazi-Admin who would be more than happy to take sides and send one or both of you packing.

Enjoy your freedom and move on. Just my opinion - GROW UP!

Sheesh . . .