The Final Post from DeJaVu


Temporal Novice
Hello again this is the last one,

Time Travel is possible. But not how you probably think.

I will be posting my theory over several posts. I am nobody in particular meaning I’m not a scientist, a pastor, or even a great mind. This is my theory, please bear with me and please post your ideas on this theory. I am not infallible. This situation of time travel should have all kinds of ideas put to it.

Please See The Second Post from DeJaVu & Time Travel is possible. But not how you probably think, before reading, for background information on this theory.

So in essence through my hypothesis we can travel to our “twins” both older and younger in our infinite universe. We might be able to get a peak at where this planet has been or is going based on the condition of our “twins”.

We however cannot time travel and return to our past or see our future, because of one simple reason.


Think about it, think of all the screwed up things man has done since we have been on the earth. We have had guys kill millions of people, kids shooting up schools, priest molesting kids, and mothers killing their children. Now what if just one [censored] had the ability to go back in time or go into the future. We would not exist. The heart of man is deceitfully wicked. All it would take is for one “terrorist” to go back in time and wipe us all out.

God has placed rules on us and in us. That’s why you can’t run through a 5-ton concrete wall, that’s why you can’t go into space and breath like you breath on earth, that’s why we all must die. The plain and simple truth is there are certain rules we can’t break, time travel to our past and future is one of them.

God has put exploration ahead of us to keep us interested in life and discovering things. We haven’t explored the oceans totally yet, think of all the creatures and plant life we have yet to see. And space, that’s infinite fellas just think of the adventure there.

As a world we spend so much time, energy and money blowing each other up and finding new ways to kill one another, if we just took a fraction of that energy, time and money in areas like space exploration we would find some spectacular things that probably would unite the world because we would realize that we are all from the same place.

Please post your comments to my posts, and Thank You for reading.

The second half of what you have posted, is not always true for everyone.

You know this, then why did you post this statement?
uh, basically there is a way to prove whether there is a 'god' or not. Read my post, its above your first one. Anyway, basically what you are stating is that there are parallel universes, and that you can "travel" to these universes by moving through space. *sigh*

You fail to understand that our universe is expanding at the speed of light, and that we can only detect the edge of our supercluster as it was 75 million years ago. There are many superclusters in the univers, and to get to the 'edge' of our universe you must travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible by the laws of relativity.

If you want to know why, think of it this way. You are in a ship, travelling at near light speeds. As soon as you hit the speed of light, your mass converts to photons, and you expand in a blinding flash. You then will travel at exactly the speed of light until you hit something solid, like the particles in the near perfect vacuum of space (estimated at about 1000 particles per cubed inch) and your "body parts" which are now photons will be absorbed by the electrons of the particles. You will then die. THAT, not god, is why we cannot traverse in your theory!

"If you want to know why, think of it this way. You are in a ship, travelling at near light speeds. As soon as you hit the speed of light, your mass converts to photons, and you expand in a blinding flash. You then will travel at exactly the speed of light until you hit something solid, like the particles in the near perfect vacuum of space (estimated at about 1000 particles per cubed inch) and your "body parts" which are now photons will be absorbed by the electrons of the particles. You will then die. THAT, not god, is why we cannot traverse in your theory!"



A man has a 5 year old son... Knowing the nature of the child, the man places some rules on the kid. He cannot cross the street, he cannot have cookies out of the cookie jar on his own, he has to ask before doing anything...

What stopped the kid from doing these things?


Just as the rules of physics would cause what you had said to happen IF we were to reach the speed of light.

Just rules right?

Someone made the rules for that kid... His father right?

Well I believe God designed and made the rules on physics... mathematics and all its possible workings, fibbonaci, calculus, geometry, trigonamitry, simple arithmatic... All so our world and others could exist... and ... well... actually work.

(non sequiter comments coming up...)

I personally believe and have multiple points of view on many things, physics, meta physics, theories on evolution, planetary & stellar creation... and design.

The funny thing is i'm strongly rooted in my faith. I know some people aren't and thats fine and relative to them, but I know I am. I believe God created the universe. A blink of His eye is eons to us. You have people arguing big bangs and evolution. And I agree. What if that was the way He worked it out? Create chain reaction after chain-reaction to create life. If I was an eternal being, and could be described as just IS, then whats a few eons to me? Especially if my perception of time is different than our own and very non-linear.

I get up in the morning and go through a sequence of events to start a coffee pot and get that first cup of java. Who's to say our existance isn't a sequence of events excecuted specifically to carry out a purpose? We experience time in our daily lives in a linear fashion.

I don't claim to know all the answers, but I definatly won't questions his methods.

Anyways, I'm agrreeing with both of you. Read over what I said again if you don't believe me.

Take all I said with a grain of salt if you have too, but try to think outside of the box.
Re: A little more analitical thinking please

Friend Deja Vu of EarthTR125.0121

Your thoughts on time travel are interesting ones, however and in this one I incline towards creedo's perspective, I do think you are not thinking objectively in the last statements of your post.

What would you do if I inform you that there are already time travellers sojourning the vastness of time/space, beings timephasing through the Prime Temporal Points and yet others bending the structure of reality with their very words.

If God were to judge the rest of mankind by the atrocities performed by a small few He would then be a Tyran. He would not be a God of Love, Justice and Peace. He would not be a God of Free Will. If the God that you believe in would do this, then he is definetely another entity altogether, a controlling and fearful being. The Source of All is not lijke that. It provides us with the things that we need to learn and make ourselves better, to grow and to enrich our minds and spirits.

You state that the heart of man is deceitfully wicked. I beg your pardon.
Mankind, and all of the other beings in the multiverse are all inclined to cooperation from the first moment they acquire a consciousness. It is the various cultural biases that conform the personality of every individual in more mature stages. Granted that some are not as good as they should, but believe me when I tell you that lifekind is all good hearted.

I sure hope you meditate a lot on your view and find peace.

Until later becomes now
Re: A little more analitical thinking please

You state that the heart of man is deceitfully wicked. I beg your pardon.
Mankind, and all of the other beings in the multiverse are all inclined to cooperation from the first moment they acquire a consciousness. It is the various cultural biases that conform the personality of every individual in more mature stages. Granted that some are not as good as they should, but believe me when I tell you that lifekind is all good hearted.

Not true at all. If you believe this, then tell me...regardless of culture and upbringing...why does EVERY 2 year old on earth display behaviors of selfishness. Did they learn to be naughty back-talking little kids from their culture? No. It is human nature since the Fall. Since then, we have knowledge of good AND evil. Ask any parent on earth and you will NEVER find one who said they had to teach their child to be naughty. Rather, ALL of them had to teach them such principals as being kind, sharing, cooperating, etc.

Your universalist viewpoint is very much flawed, and does not have an ounce of evidence to back it up. I hope you don't think I'm mad or flaming you...just pointing out a flawed opinion.

Be well. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Of Complex behavior and developmental stages

Friend Iridium of EarthTR125.0121

"Not true at all. If you believe this, then tell me...regardless of culture and upbringing...why does EVERY 2 year old on earth display behaviors of selfishness. Did they learn to be naughty back-talking little kids from their culture? No. It is human nature since the Fall. Since then, we have knowledge of good AND evil. Ask any parent on earth and you will NEVER find one who said they had to teach their child to be naughty. Rather, ALL of them had to teach them such principals as being kind, sharing, cooperating, etc.

Your universalist viewpoint is very much flawed, and does not have an ounce of evidence to back it up. I hope you don't think I'm mad or flaming you...just pointing out a flawed opinion."

Your response is rather interesting and does has an even more interesting answer. There is a theory within the study of Developmental Psychology that was put forth by Dr Erickson that states that there are a series of stages in the development of mankind. Of these stages, that comprises from the post natal to the final stage of death, there is the preschool stage. Before this stage the child would have not develop a sense of self, individuality nor the foundations of his/her psychic structure, as Dr Freud would have stated it. Therefore as the child begins to grow inward in this stage of development he/she would begin to establish an identity, a sense of persona, a self image and a sense of pertaining. This would undoubtbly cause the behavior of the child to be erratic, irritable and selfish-like at most, the reason, simple, there are several cognitive adjustments going on within the self of the child, changes that are an altogether new experience for the creature, this could be quite confusing indeed.
As for the back-talking little brats, well that is another story my friend Iridium. Dr. Bandura, yet another enterprising psychologist of this Earth, spoke of the Vicarious Learning Effect and Social Learning. His theory, I assume you might look or read something about it, postulates that children learn not only what they are taught but also what they are not meant to be taught. They acquire information from behavior they observe from adults and other children. It is quite ineteresting this concept that Bandura states. Therefore going back to the back talking little brats, mayhaps thay have back talking irresponsible adults.

I sure hope you understand I am not "flaming" you either, just pointing out a verily flawed misinterpretation.

Until later becomes now.