The Fake Controlla Virus


Rift Surfer
I don't believe in the Covid fairy tale anymore. I think people have had the flu. People with the correct symptoms are told they have covid. The flu can get really nasty and kill people as well, along with other virus, bacteria, and conditions. Hospitals are paid to report covid cases. It's really odd that a new strain pops up the same day the vaccine comes out, and in the UK so that China can't be blamed again. (We know many politicians are in bed with China). I do not wish people to be sick, but we cannot trust a single word the news says. Not one. All this happened during a political uproar. That is also suspicious.   I will not comply to anything they demand. All I have to say is THANK GOD Ron Desantis is our governor.

P.S. I believe the elderly should always be cautious. And I'm sorry, but your mask will not protect them or others. Viruses escape. You are putting them at risk for the flu just by being there. Hate me. I don't care. Wear a mask. I don't care. But don't demand that I wear one because I refuse. I WILL NOT COMPLY. 
