Temporal Navigator
The end of Titor\'s journey...
Well, yesterday I said that I found something which for me, puts a final nail in the coffin of the whole John Titor, soldier from 2036 story. I never expected to find it, it was staring at me the whole time from one of the first sites, I looked at since returning to this forum.
Now socomoddjob first put forward the idea that the picture of the time machine in the manual was identical in design to the machine we have seen from the pictures that John left, using the otherwise random positioning of the caution tape as a reference. For more info, see the thread Hmmmm....John Titor's Box. This was by no means conclusive evidence in itself. After all a reasonable argument could be that the machine is a unique model and therefore the manual had to use pictures of the machine, or possibly an earlier version from the production phase - less stickers...
My reasoning is that to find an uneditted picture of the machine in the exact position as it appears in the manual, would verify that the manual is fake and therefore the entire story is too.
Well the following picture is satisfactory enough for me...
Examine it closely with the picture revealed in the manual. The polished reflections are an exact match. Now for any doubters, download the above picture and open it with Microsoft Photo Editor. Under effects, choose print/stamp/?/(I'm not sure what the english name is, I'm using a German computer but anyway it's the second last option). The result should appear very, very similar to the image in the manual. One or two differences can be eliminated by saving the pic as a .bmp and then using MS Paint to remove a few of the stickers. Thus creating a model of the machine which appears slightly older but nevertheless a match!
I don't believe that it is simply a better quality scan of the manual. The scan of the manual appeared as a definitive black and white image, while at the edges of the page, a gradiant from black to white could be noticed, showing that the scanner was not limited in it's interpretation of the picture.
I don't feel that John was a bad person. I think he was incredibly imaginative and helped to bring alot of people into his world. If you called him a bad person, you might as well go and throw all writers of fiction into prison. I think the whole thing was kind of like the ultimate interactive adventure. Everybody and anybody could get involved!!
I think he was someone that wanted to try something new and found an audience which can make the entire thing very addictive for a storyteller. He knew when to stop and I don't think anyone was hurt by the things he said. I would love to know if he was a writer, I'm sure he has a talent. As an aspiring novelist myself, I truly enjoyed trying to understand his motivations.
I hope now that this forum can in some way leave this story in the past, and return to it's former glory as a place buzzing with ideas and possibilities. I hope also that people will stop dragging the dead donkey and claimimg to be also from John's future.
Sometimes the truth IS out there...
James Anthony
Well, yesterday I said that I found something which for me, puts a final nail in the coffin of the whole John Titor, soldier from 2036 story. I never expected to find it, it was staring at me the whole time from one of the first sites, I looked at since returning to this forum.
Now socomoddjob first put forward the idea that the picture of the time machine in the manual was identical in design to the machine we have seen from the pictures that John left, using the otherwise random positioning of the caution tape as a reference. For more info, see the thread Hmmmm....John Titor's Box. This was by no means conclusive evidence in itself. After all a reasonable argument could be that the machine is a unique model and therefore the manual had to use pictures of the machine, or possibly an earlier version from the production phase - less stickers...
My reasoning is that to find an uneditted picture of the machine in the exact position as it appears in the manual, would verify that the manual is fake and therefore the entire story is too.
Well the following picture is satisfactory enough for me...

Examine it closely with the picture revealed in the manual. The polished reflections are an exact match. Now for any doubters, download the above picture and open it with Microsoft Photo Editor. Under effects, choose print/stamp/?/(I'm not sure what the english name is, I'm using a German computer but anyway it's the second last option). The result should appear very, very similar to the image in the manual. One or two differences can be eliminated by saving the pic as a .bmp and then using MS Paint to remove a few of the stickers. Thus creating a model of the machine which appears slightly older but nevertheless a match!
I don't believe that it is simply a better quality scan of the manual. The scan of the manual appeared as a definitive black and white image, while at the edges of the page, a gradiant from black to white could be noticed, showing that the scanner was not limited in it's interpretation of the picture.
I don't feel that John was a bad person. I think he was incredibly imaginative and helped to bring alot of people into his world. If you called him a bad person, you might as well go and throw all writers of fiction into prison. I think the whole thing was kind of like the ultimate interactive adventure. Everybody and anybody could get involved!!
I think he was someone that wanted to try something new and found an audience which can make the entire thing very addictive for a storyteller. He knew when to stop and I don't think anyone was hurt by the things he said. I would love to know if he was a writer, I'm sure he has a talent. As an aspiring novelist myself, I truly enjoyed trying to understand his motivations.
I hope now that this forum can in some way leave this story in the past, and return to it's former glory as a place buzzing with ideas and possibilities. I hope also that people will stop dragging the dead donkey and claimimg to be also from John's future.
Sometimes the truth IS out there...
James Anthony