The end of Titor's journey...


Temporal Navigator
The end of Titor\'s journey...

Well, yesterday I said that I found something which for me, puts a final nail in the coffin of the whole John Titor, soldier from 2036 story. I never expected to find it, it was staring at me the whole time from one of the first sites, I looked at since returning to this forum.

Now socomoddjob first put forward the idea that the picture of the time machine in the manual was identical in design to the machine we have seen from the pictures that John left, using the otherwise random positioning of the caution tape as a reference. For more info, see the thread Hmmmm....John Titor's Box. This was by no means conclusive evidence in itself. After all a reasonable argument could be that the machine is a unique model and therefore the manual had to use pictures of the machine, or possibly an earlier version from the production phase - less stickers...

My reasoning is that to find an uneditted picture of the machine in the exact position as it appears in the manual, would verify that the manual is fake and therefore the entire story is too.

Well the following picture is satisfactory enough for me...


Examine it closely with the picture revealed in the manual. The polished reflections are an exact match. Now for any doubters, download the above picture and open it with Microsoft Photo Editor. Under effects, choose print/stamp/?/(I'm not sure what the english name is, I'm using a German computer but anyway it's the second last option). The result should appear very, very similar to the image in the manual. One or two differences can be eliminated by saving the pic as a .bmp and then using MS Paint to remove a few of the stickers. Thus creating a model of the machine which appears slightly older but nevertheless a match!

I don't believe that it is simply a better quality scan of the manual. The scan of the manual appeared as a definitive black and white image, while at the edges of the page, a gradiant from black to white could be noticed, showing that the scanner was not limited in it's interpretation of the picture.

I don't feel that John was a bad person. I think he was incredibly imaginative and helped to bring alot of people into his world. If you called him a bad person, you might as well go and throw all writers of fiction into prison. I think the whole thing was kind of like the ultimate interactive adventure. Everybody and anybody could get involved!!

I think he was someone that wanted to try something new and found an audience which can make the entire thing very addictive for a storyteller. He knew when to stop and I don't think anyone was hurt by the things he said. I would love to know if he was a writer, I'm sure he has a talent. As an aspiring novelist myself, I truly enjoyed trying to understand his motivations.

I hope now that this forum can in some way leave this story in the past, and return to it's former glory as a place buzzing with ideas and possibilities. I hope also that people will stop dragging the dead donkey and claimimg to be also from John's future.

Sometimes the truth IS out there...

James Anthony
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

But check this picture out.
The top and bottom strips are exactly the same.
How do you know the latest ones are not precut or produced this way for the machines
and all they do is peel off the back and stick them.?

These stripes do not even match the one above.What about this picture?
This picture he said was from another manual.

One set came from a small group attached to the machine and another came from a regular manual.

Please keep in mind there were only a few C204 then they started producing C206's.
It is quite possible they used John's machine for one of the pictures.

Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

The picture above can be easily created using any graphics program. It is not a photograph. I don't think the positioning of the tape has anything to do with the authenticity of the device. I don't the builders of such device would be interested in it's commercial presentation!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Take a good look at the picture above. The strips in the picture look the same because they are the same. Use any graphics program to edit the picture. MS Paint might actually work best for this experiment, but first the pic must be saved as bmp. Highlight one of the 4 strips, and drag it over any of the others. Perfect match. There is nothing special about this diagram. Look at the bottom section, far right. It's much much thinner than the left side although the lid doesn't make any compensation for this.

I believe this to be the least impressive of the pictures posted. The most impressive is the cutaway but as I've postulated before, I believe he has a back in engineering - hence the indept knowledge of Physics.

I base my sceptism purely on the fact that the picture I posted earlier and the picture shown in the 'manual' share too many similarities to be dismissed, yet contain what appears to be deliberate attempts to hide this fact - the removal of two stickers. The actual polished shines appear exactly in the same position. If some one follows the steps I outlined earlier they would notice even the gap in the coiled wire linking the remote, appears in both images. I refer to the top of the Omega style laid out by the wire.

I could go on, but I believe I've made my point.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

Regarding the similarities between the cover photo and the higher detailed photo-
Often there is a basic photo that is used in multiple instances in military manuals. In fact, unless there is specific need for another shot, i.e. to illustrate a specific aspect of a device or process- it is very common to have multiple copies of a single image in a military manual. The posterization ( rendering to 'black/white' of the 'cover' has resulted in the off tones being dropped out completely, causing the stickers to disappear. Remember, you're seeing a reproduction of a reproduction,and so on.) It is not possible to determine the visual process these images have gone through before it hit the web. The only logical conclusion is that no conclusion, one way or another, can be drawn from similarities in these photographs.

Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

The biggest whole in the theory of some one coming back from only 30 years forward is this.

Currently scientists barely have a true understanding of our own planet. Time travel would require a vast understanding of the universe as a whole. Also, it would require a step in evolution for humans.
Look at our current technology compared to past technology. It has not changed that much. The only thing that we have improved on is the speed of our computers and even that is starting to slow down now. Our cars have not advanced that much in the past 10 years except to make them a little faster and require higher octane fuel. There are few hibrid cars but nothing really "turn of the century". If a severe crisis happens, then maybe technology would speed back up, but I dont see Time Travel as a viable answer to a crisis.
If we ran out of oil tomorrow, you would see some very quick and striking technological advancements in engine technology and fuel technology.
But on the other end of the spectrum we have NASA and our quest to reach a new level of space exploration. We had a Space Shuttle blow up in the 80's. We laid down for a while and finally get the courage to re-enter space. What happens? Another Space Shuttle blows up. Yet the advancements on technology have not increased to fix the problem. There are a few plans on the table, but nothing ground breaking that is going to change the way we get into orbit.

Human kind has become lazy. We only want to increase technology that can fatten our wallets, not expand our minds. There is no motivation to move forward if it does not suit us economically.

If a civil war was to break out, it would set technology backwards, not forwards.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

That device looks a lot like a detonator. Possibly from a demolitions manual?
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

I can search the military manuals at work. haha.

It actually looks like an early version of a tactical nuke.
The buttons in the middle are the arming key and firing sequence button.
The pad on the side is the counter and programmer, and the trigger is the manual firing device.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

I see your point, but in my own experience of trying to emulate the procedure, I could not remove the two lower stickers on the lid of the box without seriously altering the entire look of the picture. I just find it strange that instead of taking multiple shots of the box, the producers would rather edit the image - and to what end? From the colour images of the 'machine' these stickers appear to be warnings about the device being a class A laser device.

Interesting theory though about a mobile nuke... Put it together with his prediction about a series of WACO like events over the next few years and I would be very scared about any cult being led by someone with the initials JT... KABOOM!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I don't suppose he ever mentioned anything about what happens to military neutral countries like Ireland? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

I doubt NASA is the apex of USA space/time technology. That is the public Face. As for our technology being stagnant you are crazy. When our Great grand fathers were born there was no cars, no highways, noairplanes, and no spaceships, and when our parents were born there was no color tv, and when i was in highschool there still was no intrenet. Things are moving faster and faster. 30 years is a long time in technology, think about what the level of technology was in 1973 compared to now.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

I doubt NASA is the apex of USA space/time technology. That is the public Face. As for our technology being stagnant you are crazy. When our Great grand fathers were born there was no cars, no highways, noairplanes, and no spaceships, and when our parents were born there was no color tv, and when i was in highschool there still was no intrenet. Things are moving faster and faster. 30 years is a long time in technology, think about what the level of technology was in 1973 compared to now.

Who said anything about NASA?
Our technology is stagnant. In 30 years what have we done that is REMARKABLE.
We went into orbit and to the moon. (The way we get there has not changed).
We fly on airplanes. (Their Design and powerplants have not changed)
We drive cars. (That get better gasmilage)
We have a space station in orbit. (that is STILL NOT finished)

We should be much more advanced than we are now. But we have become lazy and greedy, and because of that, our technology has slowed down. All we have done in the past 30 years is take current technology and make it more efficient. We have not created anything new.
I remember reading popular science when I was younger, and reading all these things that could break open the technological barriers, but they do not exist now. Why? Because the risk was not worth the return PROFIT.
We have the technology right now to go to Mars and setup a colony there. We could do it on the moon too, but we have not done it yet. Why? same as above, no one wants to spend the money. Our greed and our laziness is slowing us down.
I have a faster computer, a thiner monitor and a smaller cell phone that takes pictures.
wow, im not impressed.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

The only information I have on technology advancement is what I've observed. Just because we haven't been all around the galaxy yet and haven't conquered the Cleons(sp?) doesn't mean that technology is stagnant.

In the mid 1900's, computers filled entire floors of office buildings, and required a team of well-trained professionals to maintain, just so it could calculate a simple math problem. Today however, computers have a thousand (not sure on the exact number here, help anyone?) times the raw processing power of those now ancient computing goliaths, fit on a small desk space, and can be used by anyone who has had at least a 5th grade education.

"Nanotechnology and molecular circuitry introduce the possibility that computers will not only be millions of times faster than those of today but also capable of such minuscule size as to flow within the circulatory system or permeate the brain at the cellular level..."
- An interesting quote taken from a scholarly journal, and if you want the source, I will gladly provide.

We should be much more advanced than we are now. But we have become lazy and greedy, and because of that, our technology has slowed down. All we have done in the past 30 years is take current technology and make it more efficient
- First off, I don't agree with what you have said here, but I'll humour you... in the past 30 years, the only thing we've done is make technology more efficient? Efficient as defined by is, "a) Acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. b) Exhibiting a high ratio of output to input." How is making technology more efficient any differen't from the advancement of technology? To make that technology more efficient, we had to think up new ways of doing things, new ways of producing computer chips, new ways of creating cars (Henry Ford's assembly line, huge advancement in technology,) new means to make computer chips smaller and faster. To say that technology hasn't advanced much in the past 30 years is ignornat. I do agree that as a whole, society has become greedy and lazy, but you cannot lump everyone into that category. Again, just because we aren't out there conquering exotic aliend races, and just because we aren't traveling through time does not at all mean that technology is stagnant.

Bleh, I just lost my train of thought /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif so thats all for now.

Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

When the nano-tech is available and 'working' then that will be an advancement. Perhaps I took the word technology a little to liberal. I look at everything as technology. Our way of life, treatment of disease, electronics, travel, everything to me is technology.

By saying stagnet, I mean that it is not in a constant state of change. Even stagnet water on a pond sometimes has a ripple. The only part of technology that is still going strong, are the two things that always sell: War and sex, and both are controlled by people who want to screw you for more money.
The atom bomb was a technological leap. It gave us something else to cause destruction other than gunpowder.

The speed of a computer is not a technological "advancement" in my eyes. It is like craming air into a bottle. Eventually the bottle gets full, and you have to find something bigger and better to hold the air.
A technological leap in automobiles would be an engine that does not require a fossil fuel.
The same applies with air travel.
A technological leap in computers would be every one having something that would make current things antique. Conventional Keyboards, mice, and monitors. A computer that is not "in a box"
A technological advancement would be space travel that does not use an aircraft desgined in the late 70's

One of my favorite quotes of all time is for medicine:
There is no money in the cure, only in the treatment.
When the cure is available with out giving me another disease.... that is an advancement.
It is funny that I am on medication to help me with my asthma, but causes migranes. With that, I have to take medicine for my migranes, which over the years has messed up my stomach. My stomach medicine causes insomnia (whole list of side effects). My sleeping pills cause me not to be able to focus. My A.D.D. and antidepressants cause a whole list of other "minor" side effects.

Pick any disease, the medicine that we pay TONS of money for, has "a few minor" side effects.

that is what i mean by technology being stagnet. Right now we are a puddle of water, that occasionally ripples from a drop of rain, and the bottom feeders like it that way, because it means more stuff for them. We need to a be a river... always flowing with new things, ideas, and creations..
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

One of my favorite quotes of all time is for medicine:
There is no money in the cure, only in the treatment.
When the cure is available with out giving me another disease.... that is an advancement.
It is funny that I am on medication to help me with my asthma, but causes migranes. With that, I have to take medicine for my migranes, which over the years has messed up my stomach. My stomach medicine causes insomnia (whole list of side effects). My sleeping pills cause me not to be able to focus. My A.D.D. and antidepressants cause a whole list of other "minor" side effects.
- Exactly. The pharmaceutical industry has a lot more power than most people think. This is a completely different subject, but I think that marijuana is illegal for that very reason. Pharmaceutical companies don't want to give up their profits, because they know if marijuana was legal, a lot of people would use it for both recreational and medicinal purposes. That means a loss of profit. Oh no! ANYTHING but a loss of profit!

Marijuana is a very useful plant though, along with hemp products (does anyone have specifics on the uses of hemp?) Anyway, uses for medicinal marijuana have been found in treating the following diseases: Cancer - Marijuana alleviates the vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite that is caused by chemotherapy. Glaucoma - The pain and progress of the disease can be reduced by the drug, as it reduces intraocular pressure. Glaucoma is the primary cause of blindness in the US. AIDS- Vomiting, pain and loss of appetite can be reduced. Multiple Sclerosis- Muscle pain is reduced by use of marijuana. Epilepsy - The drug has been known to fully prevent epileptic seizures in some patients and can allow more fresh areas of bronchi to open up. Chronic Pain - The drug reduces chronic pain caused by an array of injuries.

As far as negatives go: The drug when smoked, increases the chances of lung cancer and other smoking related illnesses. Tobacco is usually smoked with marijuana, and this too is a carcinogenic substance. The smoke produced by burning cannabis is less carcinogenic than tobacco, so smoking the substance pure isnt nearly as damaging compared to smoking with tobacco. Habitual use of the drug leads to loss of motivation in all areas. It is easy to get stuck in a cycle of smoking, although the substance itself hasnt been proven to be addictive. It is the feelings the drug produces which becomes second nature to many people too quickly. Loss of motivation in life can prove hugely detrimental to careers and other important life areas. Loss of short-term memory is common, with heavy habitual users often forgetting to do things on daily basis.

A little off topic from the original post, heh, got a little carried away, but I'd rather take my chances with the side effects of marijuana as opposed to chronic diarreah, migraine, vomiting, etc. that many of the prescription drugs cause these days.

Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

It was the pharmaceutical companies that pushed for legislation against marijuana in the first place. It is much more now. If marijuana was legal it would also cut into the alcohol, tobacco, and cotton industries. Hemp oil is also supposed to be more efficient and cleaner burning than petrolium. There is no chance in hell that it will ever be made legal for these reasons alone. It has nothing to do with it being dangerous because it is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. It has no known toxicity and it has been shown that after 3 months of abstinance the brain returns to normal. Also, people very rarely ever become violent when high on marijuana.
Re: The end of Titor\'s journey...

Poster: JScannell
Subject: Re: The end of Titor's journey...

It was the pharmaceutical companies that pushed for legislation against marijuana in the first place. It is much more now. If marijuana was legal it would also cut into the alcohol, tobacco, and cotton industries. Hemp oil is also supposed to be more efficient and cleaner burning than petrolium. There is no chance in hell that it will ever be made legal for these reasons alone. It has nothing to do with it being dangerous because it is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. It has no known toxicity and it has been shown that after 3 months of abstinance the brain returns to normal. Also, people very rarely ever become violent when high on marijuana.
- I think what these companies are doing is so wrong; they want a beneficial substance illegal, meanwhile they are prescibing things that do much worse. Just because they have tons of money, and don't want to give it up, they are willing to keep a helpful substance illegal. It just doesn't make sense to me.
