The End Of America?

I had a future vision of the world nearly ending in 2101 due to the climax of World War 4. That is when America as we all know it today falls but so does every other country in the world by then. By about 2133 most of the Earth is relatively stable enough to be livable again. Humans are going to be glad robots evolved so much by then as they could go into areas that had little to no oxygen levels. Not to mention they figured out how to reinforce the earths broken Teutonic plates. If they do not do that the earth will break apart. So I get the fear of robots becoming self aware and going all terminator on us but that is not how it is going to happen. The funny thing is how much they will be a savior to us in just over 80 years from now.

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[QUOTE='Cosmo]Written in 2016, but 8 or 9 of those things are happening right now. Now about those missing suitcase nukes...
[/QUOTE]Possible some maybe.....

It has been planned. USA is too strong to attack with only military, so they are destroying us slowly and actually, it is now accelerating with the help of internal traitors.  America is being destroyed from within. I fear for my children. 

There a lot on that list that is happening or we see it in the near future. Though a lot on the list would be each other’s predecessor.

Don’t be the fool and think it can never happen, those have always been famous final words

