The Earth Is Hollow

Mao Hayasoto

Temporal Novice
If gravity is caused by the matter inside the earth, then doesn't this same matter exert a greater force upon the center of the earth? If the earth gets denser closer to the core, then the gravity is much greater at the center of the earth than on the surface because gravity is of course more powerful in close proximity. So if this is true, the center of the earth is hollow with a vacuum occupying its space.
Hollow Earth

Yah but, one side is still going to attract the other side. Matter would fall to the center. Matter always fall to the place of LEAST gravity. This is called the 'center of gravity' and thats where the force vectors point .....I guess.
Actually, at the very center of the Earth, in theory, if it were indeed possible to go to such place, there would be no gravity!
Why? Because at the very center, all of Earth's mass is causing gravity at all directions and would thus 'cancel' each other out and be zero gravity. It is still causing gravity, its just that the force is equalibrium here.

Let's say at the North Pole someone dropped a ball, and at the same time someone else dropped another ball. They are both falling to the ground but because on opposite sides they are actually falling 'towards' each other. Somehwere in the middle these two gravity forces in opposite directions must equate out to zero.

However of course, the pressure and temperature in the centre would be beyond extreme. The Earth's core is liquid molten iron, and the heat is maintained by the pressure caused by both gravity pressure as well as stress on the physical planet by tidal forces from sources like our moon, and perhaps a lot of the heat from Earth's formation is being partly preserved down there. It is very gradually cooling, though.

These tidal forces account not only for the molten state of Inner Earth, but this in turn leads to the convection currents and the tectonic activity that occurs to Earths crust. The iron core also causes Earth's magnetic field, and these convections may also account for why Earth's magnetic field subtlely changes over time, and has even swapped around completely a few times.

Back to what you were saying, gravity would not actually be greater if you were inside Earths center, but the mass and density of the matter down there compounds on the gravitational pull closer to the crust. Gravity is caused by Earths layers right up to the crust, though the crust is of different density (I think lighter despite being solid rock) and compounds less gravity to whats below.

So in places where the crust is thickest (e.g around India near Himalayas) gravity is ever so slightly lighter (can't remember for sure now), but the difference is too small to physically notice.

No chance of Earth being hollow, this is most likely the densest place of all!
Gravity is stronger the closer you are to the source. The more matter, the more gravity. The center of the earth has more matter closer to the center than the surface has close to the surface. If you were to draw a line to show where the majority of the mass was in the earth, it would be close to the center. So the gravity at the center of the earth is more powerful than on the surface, and pulling out in all directions. The gravity to one side of the center wants to pull it towards it, but the other side exerts an equal force upon it. Thus, they cancel each other out. But the earth rotates. This creates centrifugal force drawing matter outward from the center. The gravity in the center of the earth is already balanced, so even the smallest amount of extra gravity or force will draw matter outwards from the center. The sun and moon also exert gravity upon the center. Since the moon is only on one side of the center, its gravity exerts more gravity to pull matter outwards, than inwards. I.E., the moon is closer to one side, so its gravity is weaker on the opposite side where matter is trying to pull matter back to the center. I know this sounds confusing, but read through it a couple times and I hope you will understand. The earth is indeed hollow, I estimate its size to be very small, but where the center should be, there is a vacuum. I don't know exactly what this proves or how you can apply it, but you are right Mao... is that name Chinese?