The direction of time.


Temporal Novice
In what direction does time flow?Would it be possible to travel into the future or only the past? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re- In what direction does time flow?Would it be possible to travel into the future or only the past?;

It is all relative and there are plenty of sites that will explain the theory of relativity along with many other theories about time.
You should do a search.

But I would defiantly not think of time as a directional moving object at all.
I would rather think of us being linear travellers that pass through time and space.
You make it sound like “time is like a fountain from the springs of space” when time and space are intricately connected.

Ren can you give a quick tutorial on this?
My interpretation on time is this:
Time and the universe are one and same.
If you travel through space then you travel through time.
The location and time of your start point, journey and destination is totally relevant to the observer whether he is the journeyman or some other observer.
Accordingly, so is the time-value of the journey.

We also travel through time (it seems) when we don’t move at all but who can say or interpret the movement’s of the universe around us. So I ask you, are you moving now? …. That too is relative.

One thing I did do a few years ago was to think about time as a linear object. Sort of like A & B x X & Y numbers. You know like:
-9,-8-,7-,6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. School stuff!

Where as you could travel from negative time (the past) to positive time ( the future).
BUT the problem is how do you get to negative time in the first place (because time is “relative” so I am always stuck on 0 (present time).

Then I thought of time as being 3 dimensional, you know like A & B x X & Y x # & # x * & *.
Then I tried to imagine a 3 dimensional math to compare it to (Note* we do use mathematics to solve 3 dimensional mathematical equations but we don’t have a 3 dimensional number to begin with)
So ... I am still stuck on 0. If we did have 3 dimensional numbers then we could solve a 4 dimensional equation.
If we can do that then we would unlock the time barrier.

You see, we live in a 4 dimensional universe but we only perceive the 3 around us but time is the 4th.
But I think that time it self has many more dimensional properties than that.
Where to from here?

I don’t know.

When will we know that time travel has been achieved?Do you think it will be a "state sponsored"project or maybe some private exploration will do it?Maybe even some type of accident.Could we really travel into the future when we don't know what is there?(The earth was destroyed one day before our target and we arrive in the vacuum of space?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

In what direction does time flow?Would it be possible to travel into the future or only the past?

It seems to flow in the same direction that entropy increases ---->

...toward the thermodynamic future.

If it flowed the other way no one would have asked how to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: redshift

I've always thought there was some sort of connection between our perception of time and the motion of objects, and the effects that time dilation would have on the motion of our atomic structure. To where if you could accelerate your "atomic existence" things around you would begin to move slower because your perception would be faster. Maybe there is a universal constant; at least enough of a constant to let every human experience time at the same speed.

I also think temperature is relative to time perception. Hot objects are more excited and travel faster, on an atomic scale. They exist faster and burn objects around them. Cold objects may be in atomic stasis, existing slower and preserved for a longer time.

Just some ideas.

I watched a movie the other night titled"What the (bleep) do we know?"Yes that is really the title.It dealt with quantum theory and a bunch of other stuff that was waaaaaay over my head.Check it out,as it discusses time travel.
I guess what I am saying is this:If we can remember the past ,could we not remember the future?
Why are we told to prepare for the future and not for the past?Time travel will change all these seemingly silly questions into quite valid ones,don't you think?
IF time travel becomes a reality,I believe the ONLY SAFE(if you could call any aspect of time travel safe!) direction one could go from ones present time is to the past.To do otherwise could land one in countless danger.I don' think time travel changes your physical location,so any number of things could be wrong with a 'future' destination point.(under water,buried in a land slide,covered in lava,vaporized by a meteor strike,etc...But with the past,you know where you're going? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif(Tell me that last sentence was not strange!!)

One theory about "remembering the future" relates back to what I said above about thermodynamics and entropy.

Entropy is a statement about the state of order in a system. Over time a system becomes more disordered.

For example, let's say that you build a box with a physical divider in the middle that divides ithe box in to two equal halves. In one half box you put a certain number of hydrogen atoms. In the other half box you put the same number of helium atoms. Then you remove the divider.

"t" is "time"

At t_0, the instant that you remove the divider, the "big box" is in a state of very high order. Hydrogen and helium are clearly divided.

Wait a long period of time.

Now it is t_1. You didn't do anything but let time do its work. The helium and hydrogen have started to mix together...the state of order has become less organized. That is entropy at work.

"Remembering the future" seems to be precluded for the same reason. Memory is a state of high organization in the brain. You don't remember the "future" because the future is unorganized relative to the thermodynamic past.
From:Carl Sagan

Question: What for you is time?

Sagan: Ever since St. Augustine, people have wrestled with this, and there are all sorts of things it isn't. It isn't a flow of something, because what does it flow past? We use time to measure flow. How could we use time to measure time? We are stuck in it, each of us time travels into the future, one year, every year. None of us to any significant precision does otherwise. If we could travel close to the speed of light, then we could travel further into the future in a given amount of time. It is one of those concepts that is profoundly resistant to a simple definition.
Why do you have the idea that time "flows" at all? It doesn't. Time stands still -- it's always the same time. Time doesn't move; we move through it. Space doesn't move; we move through it.

All of anything that makes it appear as if space or time are moving, all of it is simply perception, illusion if you will.

All time is is an axis on a coordinate system so we can mark a position. The axis doesn't move any more than "up" or "down" move.
All time is is an axis on a coordinate system so we can mark a position. The axis doesn't move any more than "up" or "down" move.
You are scientifically quite correct in this VinnieLT. Time has exactly 3 coordinate dimensions (Past, Present, Future) just like there are 3 coordinate dimensions to Space (x,y,z). Not suprisingly, Mass is also a phenomenon that can be described in 3-D coordinates.

And all three of these physical dimensions are so tightly integrated, that we perceive them as being different things, when in fact they are all part of a single, integrated phenomenon, which we call Energy.

Okay, from a few other people that work in the field and have some answers given by books they have written.

One is Dr. Hawking, back in 1996, previously from 1988, and a book called a "Brief History of Time".

Time in the future is open. Time in the Past is closed and has to be self-consistent, which means that if you were able to travel back in time, which is doubtful according to Dr. Hawking, then you could not go back and kill your grandfather, since it is clear that you were born, otherwise you would not be here posting. So, if you were able to go back in Time, you would have less free will in what you would be able to do, because you would not want to change anything that would affect you, living in the future when you went back to the future. Now, the future is open, and you have more free will to decide what to do, because the future future is not here yet!

But, in the microscopic realm of particles, virtual particles fly apart into a anti-particle and a particle. The particle is traveling into the future, but the antiparticle may travel into the past. They separate, but then follow a closed-looped curve and come back smashing into each other and annilihate each other when they meet again. Space is made up of virtual particles all doing this all the Time.
SpaceTime can not be separated anymore since Einstein came out with his General Relativity Formula, that links Space (and the three co-ordinates that make up Space --- length, width, depth) with Time (co-ordinate is a measurement when you are taking the measurement). You must talk about SpaceTime, now, and Space is not separated from Time! It can not be, since you need all co-ordinates to tell yourself where you are at in SpaceTime. Enter Quantum Theory where information is thought to also flow, and energy is packets of discrete packets where information is also held. Call it like bits of a computer memory, memory like 1's and 0's and each packet is like a bit of computer memory.
1101 is diffrerent from 1001 is different from 1011 and so on.

Now enter another thought that since virtual particles from above follow this pattern, how is the info flowing from the particle to the anti-particle, since nothing is supposed to travel faster than the speed of light -- proved by Einstein with his Special Relativity formula that came first, 10 years before his General Relativity Formula -- E=MC^2 where E=is energy (amount of work done), and M is mass (the mass not the weight of an body in Space) and C is the speed of light and C^2 is the speed of light squared (or the speed of light times the speed of light) which is a very big number.

After that, enter some other thinking that there are more dimensions --- how many? -- now thought to be ten dimensions with six curled-up dimensions at the Planck's Length which is a very, very small number, something like 10 to the -35 centimeters (or meters, I would have to look it up!)
That means to the scientists, that there is a limit on how -- small -- small can get!
It is a limit like the speed of light is a limit on how fast an object can travel.

There are limits or barriers that can not be crossed, and it is not known whether those limits will ever be crossed and new thinking established.

This leads one to think that ever traveling to the stars will take a long time since one can only approach the speed of light and never really reach it (your mass would become infinite, and the energy to push you up to the speed of light -- infinite, and can not be done!).

So also to Eistein's formula, there is a way to bend Space, so a trip through the bent Space would take less Time -- it is called a Einstein-Rosen bridge -- a bridge connecting two regions of Space, by bending Space, so traveling across this bridge would take less Time, then going the long way through all of Space that is needed to get to that nearest Star -- Alpha-Centauri!

But also at the same time, Quantum Theory describes that particles acting in pairs as those virtual particles do, and acting the way that they do (also they can not get up to the speed of light either, since it takes more and more energy, but since they are way way smaller, they can use a particle accelerator like CERN or Fermilab, and get those particle smashing together at 99.99995% or so to the speed of light) leaves now the thinking to imagine that there may be multiple universes, where the particles are exchanging into and outof multiple universes, perhaps.

It is very much up in the air at this time, and a lot of math, and more experiments to prove anything also has to be done. But at this time there is limit on the technology, as we only know so much.

If there are multiple universes, they may not be similiar to ours, or some think that they could be. If that is true that multiple universes are similiar to ours, since every possibility may happen, or every probability, then there also may be universes that are ahead in some future time, and some also in the Past, and in the past time, from where we are at in time.

That is also very much up in the air, but combining a theory of everything means learning more about another force that is here -- and that is gravity, which is only now being having the technology to try and ascertain some of the answers about that.

The goal of physics is to come up with a unified theory of everything which Einstein tried to do, and could not. Maxwell before Einstein came up with combining Electricity and Magnetism, while Einstein combined Energy and Mass -- leading to SpaceTime.
Now Light and Gravity is also needing to be combined somehow, while Quantum Theory is there making up a mess of things, and is also being worked on!

But if time is only thought to move forwards or in one direction as we preceive it now, living our lives out in this SpaceTime, then having multiple universes or some of this new thinking may lead one to be able to travel back in time, although only to another universe, or forward in time, although only through having multi-universes.

But, according to Dr. Hawking the laws of physics may have some type of chronology protection to it, so traveling to the Past would be kind of forbidden. But according to Godel and others who worked on some math, it is quite clear that Einstein's formula allows a sort of time travel, where it can work with that Einstein-Rosen Bridge -- now called a wormhole through Space, and connect two regions of Space, where it would be possible to arrive at another Star and make it back to where you began your journey, before you left to go on your journey in the first place.

But again, more experiments and thoughts and math have to be done, before any of it moves out of the realm of science-fiction -- including warp drive as in Star Trek, or a Star-gate as in StarGate SG1.
Besides Dr. Hawking'a books to read, there are other books, like Dr. Kaku's -- Hyperspace -- and also other books such as J. Richard Gott's book -- Time Travel in Einstein's Universe, plus other various books that can be read, perhaps, even found at your local library if they have those books.

Hyperspace would be the best one to gain a knowledge about where the current thinking about all of this is at, as regards to solving what the physicists say is just -- thinking about traveling in time, because at this time, it seems to be so farfetched, that only thinking about traveling in time could ever be done, and some future Civilization may be able to travel in time, maybe in a million or a billion years from now!

But do not worry, you are traveling with the Milky Way Galaxy -- our name for our Galaxy, and also traveling in time -- although at the speed of where you are at -- on Planet Earth -- one second by one second into the future, right here on good ol' Planet Earth!

If humans survive!
We may also think of how to travel in time -- or in Space, and really get an edge on this SpaceTime, that surrounds us and makes us, and all this thinking that is needed -- perhaps -- in the future!
Another link in the sea of links of the probabilities that expound:

Anyway, as of yet, there seems to be no freedom of movement for time except into the future, so along with all the thinking that must decoherence (break down) because of the wave functions:

Who knows???

At this point, my mind is mush again, so until I probability again, I must go!

Away, away, away, as some people seemingly seem to be ---- Out There, wherever that is at!
Nice posts, TimeNot_0. But just a few notes on some of your thoughts...see what you think:

One is Dr. Hawking, back in 1996, previously from 1988, and a book called a "Brief History of Time".
Yep, definitely interesting books. But let's make no doubt about the fact that there is a new sheriff in town since the turn of the century. It is the confirmation of the accelerating universe, which confirms that there is some "Dark Energy" causing this acceleration that we can't describe/define yet.

But also at the same time, Quantum Theory describes that particles acting in pairs as those virtual particles do
Yep. The "story behind the story" is simply that two theoretical views are at odds, and this places us at a significant crossroads in physics. Since Relativity and Quantum Theory predict different things, then one could say we are living in a time of a classical Einsteinian paradox. As we figure out which of these competing theories will "win" (be correct) we will watch what is currently a paradox resolve itself into a single solution. A single understanding. And I believe, from my studies of both science and the spiritual/mystical arts, that it is going to be a VERY big day indeed for mankind when this paradox is resolved.

There are limits or barriers that can not be crossed
And this is one of the thoughts that this "new understanding," which we stand on the brink of, will prove to be incorrect (once again). In history people always claimed such-and-such was a "barrier of physics". And the only reason they thought it was a barrier was because of two things:

1) No one had ever been witnessed crossing this "barrier".
2) No one could describe, in a scientific manner with the accepted scientific theory of the current time, any practical way to break this "barrier".

And then, in those past times when we thought something was a barrier, something happened. We figured out how to break that barrier, and found it was not really a barrier after all.

But again, more experiments and thoughts and math have to be done, before any of it moves out of the realm of science-fiction -- including warp drive as in Star Trek, or a Star-gate as in StarGate SG1.
You are correct, more has to be done. But not only on the scientific/experimental side. There is also a coalescing of spiritual energy which has been going on, and is accelerating. It will be the "other half" of the work that must be completed. And when the last "i" is dotted, get ready for something grand. Something that will make us all look at life, energy, and our "place" as physical beings in this universe in a completely different LIGHT.

Not only do I bet my money on it, but I bet my career and my LIFE on it. It is literally going to be the "end of Time as we know it", or Time as how we currently think it works. And IMHO, it is going to be the greatest, most empowering thing that could happen to humankind.

THAT is the universe that I am Creating for my own future. Anyone else who wants to grow old into such a universe are welcomed to come along for the ride, and participate with Creations of their own! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif