The Definitive Time Travel Investigation


Temporal Navigator
Fellow TTI members,
Here in this thread, the most thorough and probing, online time travel investigation will be conducted. We shall start off with affirming the basic physical and mathematical concepts behind time travel, before moving onto the methods of time travel, the paradoxes that result therein, and finally with our answer to the questions:

Is time travel possible?

How will it be made possible?

Is it practically possible?

Everyone should feel free to come and join us progressing through these issues. We will be using conventional newtonian physics, both theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. Other theories such as string theory are welcome, as are other ether related theories. I would ask persons with off the wall, fly in the face, personal theories to refrain from using them, but they are welcome and at least we will see if there is any substantial truth to them once and for all. We will also be using purely scientific means to justify the end, religion will not play a part in our investigation.

Feel free to post links to articles and other time travel related literature, questions and contribute to the investigation and debate.


Good Scientist
I'm interested, GS. Thanks for starting this thread. Sounds like you will start out with a pretty good review of existing physics. I look forward.

A Question For Discussion: Minkowski SpaceTime

Does anyone think it possible that the classical model of Minkowski SpaceTime (t, x, y, z) just may be an incorrect (limited) derivation? And beyond that, does it really make sense to claim that Minkowski spacetime is "flat"? Yes, it would appear "flat" if you model time as a scalar, such as is done in this model. But it might not be "flat" if time is treated as a vector.

What if (and yes, I know this is a big "what if") a more complete (expansive) derivation of the structure of SpaceTime involves Time being a full 3-vector just like Space? Such a derivation results in some interesting changes to the tensor structure of SpaceTime that we are all familiar with as told by Einstein. Anyway, this is where I am headed in my investigations. So far, so good.

Yes, I believe time travel is possible. I doubt many will post to this thread. The enthusiasm for research into this subject is just not present in most people. But it is an area I am intensely interested. Gravity probe A was a confirmation of Einstein's predictions that time flows faster further away from a gravitational source. At least from the earth's gravity as far as we know so far. So it has always been an interest of mine to understand gravity. It has occurred to me that controlling gravity would be like having access to the time force. A collapsing gravity source would create a time flow that increases in intensity. The time force. A star undergoing gravitational collapse after the expenditure of all it's nuclear fuel would create this kind of gravitational collapse. I have talked about rotating gravity fields also as a possible way to vary the intensity of a gravity force. But so far it is difficult to get people to visualize the concept. Yet the rotating gravity field concept exists within our solar system. Any two body system would create the rotating gravity field. Of course it would require the presence of a third gravitational source to use the base reference frame to rotate off of. Since it has been shown that there is no universal reference frame. That is part of my ongoing investigations. What defines a reference frame? My investigations suggest we cannot arbitrarily choose a reference frame for mathematical descriptions. So discovering how mother nature creates and uses reference frames is of intense interest to me. I did just recently realize that mass is a reference frame all by itself. And matter as a whole does seem to reference off mass.

Will this be possible or practical? My recent experiments suggest gravity and mass can be created and manipulated using electric and magnetic force configurations. Just knowing how much stronger the electromagnetic force is than gravity gives me a lot of confidence that what I am investigating is definitely going to turn into something very valuable in time.
Re: A Question For Discussion: Minkowski SpaceTime


Does anyone think it possible that the classical model of Minkowski SpaceTime (t, x, y, z) just may be an incorrect (limited) derivation? And beyond that, does it really make sense to claim that Minkowski spacetime is "flat"? Yes, it would appear "flat" if you model time as a scalar, such as is done in this model. But it might not be "flat" if time is treated as a vector.

Yes, I believe it is incorrect. I am basing this belief off the Michelson-Morley experiment. It does tend to suggest that the local spacetime is dragged along with the earth. Lots of ways to interpret this. But the facts just don't support the math models.

What if (and yes, I know this is a big "what if") a more complete (expansive) derivation of the structure of SpaceTime involves Time being a full 3-vector just like Space? Such a derivation results in some interesting changes to the tensor structure of SpaceTime that we are all familiar with as told by Einstein. Anyway, this is where I am headed in my investigations. So far, so good.

Yes, I have had similar thoughts. Like each vector of space has it's own independent time flow. If you remember I tend to think of each vector of space as having three states. Two of those states would be plus and minus time flow states, while the third state would just be timeless length.
Re: A Question For Discussion: Minkowski SpaceTime

G.S. asked, Is time travel possible? Answer, yes it is.

How will it be made possible? Answer, it has been made possable.

Is it practically possible? Answer, this depends.
OK, it is good that you guys have taken interst in the alternative theories, I would like you to follow them up, with regards to time travel, but also (to a lesser extent) how they might fit into experimental and observable realty in all other situations.

I shall simply use conventional, currently accepted physics to explain time travel.

Let's dive right in then, and I know I said I would approach the mathematics first, so.

Pythagoras into Einstein:

Well let us start with one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind, the great theorem of Pythagoras, a fundamental equation in all of mathematics and physics. The theorem, applies to right angled triangles in flat Cartesian (Newtonian) space takes the form of:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle.

Next we will introduce Einstein's theory of Relativity which states that neither time, length, or indeed mass remain constant additive quantities when approaching the speed of light c. Our simple ideas of time and space come from the fact the we are so used to living in a three dimensional universe. Einstein showed that this was simply not true and in fact all the "foundational" three laws of Newton have to be fudged by the Lorentz factor:

Lf = (1 - v^2/c^2)^-1/2

Simple Guide to Relativity:

There are, however, certain quantities that do remain constant. These constants are related to four-dimensional quantities known as metric tensors. From this Einstein proved that space and time are two aspects of the same thing and that matter and energy are also two aspects of the same thing. From the second of these concepts we get the most famous equation in physics:

E = mc^2

Now since time and space are aspects of space-time and we wish to travel through time and not build atom bombs we will leave E=mc^2 for the moment. To illustrate this, look at the extension of Pythagorean theorem for the distance, d, between two points in space:

d2 = x2 + y2 + z2

where x, y and z are the lengths, or more correctly the difference in the co-ordinates, in each of the three spatial directions. This distance remains constant for fixed displacements of the origin.

In Einstein's relativity the same equation is modified to remain constant with respect to displacement (and rotation), but not with respect to motion. For a moving object, at least one of the lengths from which the distance, d, is calculated is contracted relative to a stationary observer. The equation now becomes:

d^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 (1-v^2/c^2)^1/2

and this implies that the distances all shrink as one moves faster, so does this mean there are no constant distances left in the universe? The answer is that there are because of Einstein's revolutionary concept of space-time where time is distance and distance is time! So now:

s^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - ct^2

and this new distance 's' (remember s stands for Space-time) does indeed remain constant for all who are in relative motion. This distance is said to be a Lorentz transformation invariant and has the same value for all inertial observers. Since the equation mixes time and space up we have to always think in terms of this new concept: space-time! This means that time isn't constant and that by simply increasing the velocity (to close to the speed of light for it to have an affect) significant time dilation effects can be seen.

Lorentz transformations can be made for distance as we have just seen, accelaration, momentum and velocity. Although it would be fun to deive these it is not necessary for the purposes of explaining time travel at this level. Just understand that they exist and are part integrated parts of the time travel energy equation.

We have by the above shown that space-time remains constant and that as we travel faster, reaching speeds closer to the speed of light, time dilates, or simply, time slows down. So that at c (speed of light) time stops altogether, but to travel back in time requires us to go faster than the speed of light. This is not possible by increasing the propulsive force, but is possible by using quantum tunnelling. The energies needed to cause the quantum fluctuations in general relativity and so tunnel across the trans-light barrier are massive, but when near the speed of light, if more energy is added to our system then the probability of us quantum tunnelling across the trans-light barrier becomes greater and greater until when one particle of our ship tunnells through the trans-light barrier all other particles in a translational symmetry (i.e the hole ship) will have a probability of 1 of also tunneling across the trans-light barrier (TLB)...

So suddenly we are traveling backwards in time all the while travelling at speeds slightly greater than the speed of light. Although there is the possiblity of tunneling back across the trans-light barrier, if energy input is constant after crossing the TLB, this should be very improbable.

If anyone has got anything to add, please do so; thoughts arguements, alternative theories etc. all welcome.

I will now mention the specifics of quantum tunnelling and quantum mechanics having shown how speeds close to the speed of light, will allow objects travelling at such speeds to experience time dilation and that past the Trans-Light barrier in superluminal speeds (or superlight speed) time flows in a negative direction.

Until the end of the nineteenth century, it was thought that atomic and subatomic particles behaved in the same way as much larger objects. Newton's laws of classical mechanics accurately described the motion of everyday objects and planets and it was assumed that the same laws governed the motion of particles such as atoms and electrons.

However, experimental evidence was accumulating to suggest that this was not the case. Inconsistencies were observed by scientists studying black body radiation, heat capacities, atomic and molecular spectra and electromagnetic radiation which suggested that only certain descrete values for the energy of a system are possible. This was in complete contrast to classical mechanics which predicts that there should be no restrictions on the energy which a system can take.

This phenomenon is known as quantization and these observations led to the birth of Quantum Mechanics.

How does Quantum Mechanics work?
The discovery of quantization forced scientists to change the way in which they described matter. Classical physics described matter as particles which travel along definite paths but quantum mechanics requires matter to be described as particles distributed through space like a wave.
This wave is called the wavefunction, Y. It is a mathematical expression which contains all the information known about the particle. The wavefunction can be found by solving the Schrodinger Equation (Erwin Schrodinger, 1926).

The one dimensional, time-independent Schrodinger equation is:

By entering all the forces acting on the particle, its position in space relative to the other particles with which it is interating and other boundary conditions, such as the space in which the particle is confined, the Schrodinger equation calculates the particle's allowed wavefunctions and corresponding energy levels. Each energy level is defined in terms of a set of quantum numbers.

The Born Interpretation of the Wavefunction:
The Born Interpretation of the wavefunction relates to the probability of finding the particle at different positions in space.

(Y is meant to be Psi, a pitch forked greek capital letter)

If the wavefunction of a particle has the value Y at some point x, the probability of finding the particle between x and x+dx is proportional to |Y|^2 dx.
Y is called the probability amplitude and |Y|^2 is called the probability density.

The probability of finding the particle at a given position is not the only information contained in the wavefunction. The wavefunction carries all the information known about the particle. Properties such as the particle's kinetic energy can also be found from the wavefunction.

Particles are confined to certain regions of space because they do not have enough energy to "escape" from that region. These regions are defined by potential energy curves.

Quantum tunnelling is where a particle is found outside a confining potential despite it having insufficient energy to cross the barrier classically. The effect arises from the fact that a wavefunction does not fall abruptly to zero at the walls of a container (unless the potential is infinite), but decays exponentially inside the barrier. The result of this is that the wavefunction may be non-zero on the far side of the potential barrier and hence, by the Born interpretation of the wavefunction, there is some probability of finding the particle there.

It can be shown mathematically that the probability of tunnelling decreases exponentially with the width of the barrier and the square root of the mass of the particle. Thus tunnelling is very important for light particles such as electrons but is insignificant for heavier entities such as diatomic molecules because the probabilities involved are negligably small.

But this is not true for us when we are travelling near the speed of light providing us with loads of energy, the Trans-Light Barrier (TLB) is also an very thin barrier (which also helps), and as for our mass, the phenomena I explained earlier; that once one of ships atoms quantum tunnels across the TLB the probability of the rest doing it is increased (asymtotically) to very near 1.

We have by the above shown that space-time remains constant and that as we travel faster, reaching speeds closer to the speed of light, time dilates, or simply, time slows down. So that at c (speed of light) time stops altogether, but to travel back in time requires us to go faster than the speed of light. This is not possible by increasing the propulsive force, but is possible by using quantum tunnelling. The energies needed to cause the quantum fluctuations in general relativity and so tunnel across the trans-light barrier are massive, but when near the speed of light, if more energy is added to our system then the probability of us quantum tunnelling across the trans-light barrier becomes greater and greater until when one particle of our ship tunnells through the trans-light barrier all other particles in a translational symmetry (i.e the hole ship) will have a probability of 1 of also tunneling across the trans-light barrier (TLB)...

I disagree with the interpretations used to describe quantum tunnelling. I don't believe this will be the path to time travel. I do believe it may lead to transport over larger distances with less time involved. The idea that time travels in reverse past the speed of light is not fact. What is fact is that the energy state of an object accelerated close to the speed of light is close to the most upper limit it can ever attain. But there is something I don't think you are aware of. The energy state we are in right now is probably not the most minumum state we could be within. If a way is found to reduce the energy state we are in right now time should flow faster. Also I don't believe anyone has ever documented just how fast the electric waves from a tesla coil actually do travel. The tesla coil is a device that does not radiate electromagnetic waves. I suspect that the effects observed with quantum tunnelling very well could be related to the propagation time of electric waves. In fact if electric waves are reversed time oriented then it may explain a lot of anomalous observations. The time flow doesn't really have to be in the reverse direction. Since the advent of relativity the time flow rate of an electric wave need only travel slower than that of everything else thus making it appear to be reverse time oriented. I have a video here of an experiment I performed using a tesla coil.


The two plates on the left are made of aluminum but the plate on the right is just a thin wooden disk. What is amazing to me is that when I turn off the tesla coil, all three plates remain sticking together for about 45 seconds afterwards. I waved the heated flame from a blow torch over the plates and separation will take place immediately. That just confirmed to me that the plates are giving up energy to bond in the presence of the electric field produced by the tesla coil. To break the cohesive bond, energy either from the surrounding air has to be absorbed, or heat from the torch readily speeds up the process. I am interpreting this as evidence of the existance of negative energy.

To me this is confirmation that the Alcubierre warp drive is possible. Energy can be added and removed simultaneously producing a gravity like propulsion with no upper speed limit. This is the negative energy density the warp drive needs to operate. Exotic matter is not needed. But it occurred to me that if this is a way to move through space without changing your energy state, then it might be possible to move through time in a similar manner.

In the Alcubierre drive the electric field and magnetic field are lined up in the same direction to produce the seemingly reactionless thrust. But it occurred to me that if I oppose the two forces against each other I might get an effect similar to mass.

I believe mass is the key to time travel. On the sun mass is declining in value as it is exchanged into energy in nuclear reactions that power our sun. I am leaning heavily toward the idea that this nuclear reaction is what creates the arrow of time.

So if I can create the mass state, then the next series of experiments I perform will be with ways to alter this mass state while observing the flow of time in the process.
To break the cohesive bond, energy either from the surrounding air has to be absorbed, or heat from the torch readily speeds up the process. I am interpreting this as evidence of the existance of negative energy.

This is a FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG assertion. Yes, energy is needed to break bonds, heat from the system or surroundings is always required to break bonds, even when the formation of these bonds will result in the net realease of energy (in the form of heat) out into the system and/or surroundings. Heat also destroys magnetism! This happens all the time and it is not due to negative energy. So I'm afraid you are not making negative energy with a Tesla coil.
For if Tesla coils did create gravity (which GS would like to stress, they DO NOT), this amazing contradictory evidence would have been discovered by Nikola Tesla himself. How can they create gravity? Try explaining that in terms of quantum electromagnetic field theory, and you have solved the unified field theory! Try explaining it in your own theory; that's fine, but at least also relate the explantion of electromagnetic phenomena and elctric current in your theory as well, so we can see in this theory is valid.

To me this is confirmation that the Alcubierre warp drive is possible. Energy can be added and removed simultaneously producing a gravity like propulsion with no upper speed limit. This is the negative energy density the warp drive needs to operate. Exotic matter is not needed. But it occurred to me that if this is a way to move through space without changing your energy state, then it might be possible to move through time in a similar manner.

But since you have chosen to ignore the relativity explained version I hve just given, you cannot then rationalise a curved space time as a gravitational field, and hence a gravitational force. As found in the Alcubierre drive.


This is a FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG assertion.

Actually according to existing physics as we know it, my experiment with the tesla coil cannot be. Yet I will accept an observation as a source of facts over existing theory any day. So on a fundamental level something in existing theory has to wrong.

I don't think you are quite happy with the concept of negative energy. In our reality we know that energy is conserved. So the concept of negative energy would upset conservation laws. I am aware of this. So I can reword it using existing understanding and yet still maintain the concept of negative energy. The answer is found using relativity. Since all energy in our existing universe is considered to be positive in value, a different way has to be used to understand how it can appear to be negative energy and yet still remain positive. Relative energy states comes to mind. Similar to gravitational potential energy. I interpret the attracting disks in my tesla coil experiment as being induced into a relative energy state that is lower than that of surrounding objects. This creates the apparent bonding that takes place. Very similar to the behavior of gravitationally attracting objects.

Lets take a closer look at voltage. The tesla coil I used is a DC pulsed tesla coil. All the voltage pulses are declining in intensity. I am running the secondary as an open circuit. This effect only occurred when I ran the secondary as an open circuit. The voltage field ratio to magnetic field is way out of proportion. The magnetic field doesn't appear to be present in the secondary. Since it is an open circuit I am inclined to believe the magnetic field in the secondary is non existant. So I have the presence of a high voltage field that continuouusly declines in intensity each time the primary coil fires.

So how does this relate to current electrodynamic theory? The idea of positive and negative charges has to be slightly modified. Just change it to relative energy states of charge. What this suggests is that the negative charge on an electron can behave like it was a positive charge . Remember that it is voltage that we use to break the atomic bonds that hold the electron to an atom. Almost as if it is the voltage we add that causes the electron to repel other electrons. If this is so, then removing the voltage should allow the electron to return to the attractive state it exists within the atom. What I think is going on with the tesla coil is that the natural attractive force that an atom has for an electron is being amplified. The electrons within the atoms are giving up energy and moving into tighter orbits because of the inducing effect of the high voltage pulses declining in intensity that are being produced by the tesla coil. And just by observation when this happens, I interpret it as if the dimensions of length were moving inward, or contracting.

The dimensions of length are being affected in a manner very similar to gravity. So I am very interested in using this interpretation to pave the way to a more thorough understanding of gravity.

I do have additional info. I gathered more data using an accelerometer just to see if any type of gravity type force could be observed. Yes. There are accelerations being measured. Two tenths of a gee in two millisecond spikes at a repitition rate of about 125 cycles per second. But what is really so fascinating to me is that the accelerations measured were omni-directional. It made no difference in which direction I pointed the accelerometer sensor. It's like every point in space became a little miniture vacuum, sucking up length.

But since you have chosen to ignore the relativity explained version I hve just given, you cannot then rationalise a curved space time as a gravitational field, and hence a gravitational force. As found in the Alcubierre drive.

Yes you are correct in your analysis. But I am approacing the Alcubierre drive concept from a different direction. And in the end I do believe his concept of how to move through spacetime at limitless speeds can be adapted using relative energy densities as a source for the negative energy density requirement that the drive requires.

I am moving away from the idea of curved spacetime as described by Einstein. There are alternate ways to comprehend how nature produces gravity. A much simpler theory that is very easy to comprehend.
Yet I will accept an observation as a source of facts over existing theory any day. So on a fundamental level something in existing theory has to wrong.

Well obviously, but how does heating the discs so that they separte an indicate negative energy? It doesn't When any type of bond forms it releases energy. Think of ice forming from water if you place the ice in a -10 oC freezer. You lower the temperature of the water to 0 oC and the water begins to freeze to ice, yet as it does the temperature of the water does not decrease below 0 oC the energy released from the formation of the bonds is exactly the amount required to keep the temperature at 0 oC. So when the ice is formed, you decidee to heat it (put energy back in) and the water forms again. An example of negative energy? NO WAY! You are just using the wrong theory to explain this observation.

So how does this relate to current electrodynamic theory? The idea of positive and negative charges has to be slightly modified. Just change it to relative energy states of charge. What this suggests is that the negative charge on an electron can behave like it was a positive charge . Remember that it is voltage that we use to break the atomic bonds that hold the electron to an atom. Almost as if it is the voltage we add that causes the electron to repel other electrons. If this is so, then removing the voltage should allow the electron to return to the attractive state it exists within the atom. What I think is going on with the tesla coil is that the natural attractive force that an atom has for an electron is being amplified. The electrons within the atoms are giving up energy and moving into tighter orbits because of the inducing effect of the high voltage pulses declining in intensity that are being produced by the tesla coil. And just by observation when this happens, I interpret it as if the dimensions of length were moving inward, or contracting.

Found this from some site, Might explain things a bit better.

'TGD = Topological Geometrodynamics

Topological Geometrodynamics (thesis in 1983) and topics related to it have been my main research interest for 23 years now. TGD is an attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical space-times can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8-dimensional space, which is product of Minkowski space future light cone and 4-dimensional complex projective space CP_2. One could end up with TGD as a generalization of string model obtained by replacing 1-dimensional strings with 3-dimensional surfaces, or as an attempt to construct Poincare invariant theory of gravitation (Poincare group acts in imbedding space rather than on space-time surface).'

'After having made the inventions providing much of the basis technology for the modern electricity based society, Tesla used the rest of his life to study the strange phenomena related to sharp electric pulses. Tesla became convinced that pulse like rays carrying longitudinal electric fields exists although Maxwell's theory does not allow them. Needless to say, Tesla's findings were not taken seriously by the scientific establishment. On the other hand, for the developers of so called free energy technologies Tesla has remained a magic figure. To me it has gradually become clear that it might be possible to formulate the visions of Tesla using the language of modern physics, and the final breakthrough came with a discovery of a mechanism generating what I have used to call negative energy topological light rays having phase conjugate laser waves as physical counterparts.

Negative energy topological light rays provide the fundamental control mechanism in the TGD based model of living matter and appear in practically every mechanism of consciousness as a basic step. This is however not yet the whole story. One should also identify mechanisms allowing to control the generation of the negative energy topological light rays: direct transformation of p-adic MEs to negative energy MEs is probably not enough. The solution to the problem came from a quite unexpected direction. It was the attempt to understand the physics behind the visions of Tesla which led to an identification of a very general mechanism of this kind.

Phase conjugate laser waves break second law of thermodynamics and this is possible in TGD Universe below the p-adic time scale characterizing the system. Therefore short pulses are ideal for this purpose. Depending on the situation, electric pulses in electric circuits typically force the charge carriers to accelerate or decelerate. During deceleration positive energy photons are emitted as brehmstrahlung whereas during acceleration charges emit negative energy photons in order to receive energy. Thus generation of pulses provides a mechanism to generate negative energy topological rays which in turn serve for various control purposes in terms of time mirror mechanism. TGD indeed predicts the existence of scalar wave pulses propagating in vacuum with light velocity and carrying longitudinal electric fields. The most fascinating implications of these ideas are into biology where the fundamental realization of intentions would be based on generation of p-adic scalar wave pulses transformed to real ones in quantum jump in turn generating negative energy "acceleration radiation" activating time mirror mechanism.

One can understand the basic findings of Tesla at qualitative level in TGD framework and there are strong reasons to believe that Tesla was right after all. This of course raises the question how it is possible that the scientific community with all its technology remained silent about the findings of Tesla for an entire century. Experimentalists must have made occasional encounters with the phenomena reported by Tesla. Are modern experimentalists conditioned to take theorists quite too seriously?'

This can then be combined with curved space-time being a gravitational field and, hey you are creating some form of gravitational phenomenon.

Sounds a bit like what you are describing, no?

Either way the debate into time travel will continue, If you want you can start a gravity-tesla coil thread.

Hi GS,

Nice review of GTR and Quantum Mechanics, without too much complexity. I'm still with you, and still "listening", and I agree you have captured the current thinking of mainstream physics. However, as I indicated in one of my replies above, I think it is valid to question whether or not the 4-D Minkowski spacetime is the "correct" model. Yes, it does appear to "work", but I do tend to believe there is a more "elegant" solution which could resolve the discrepancies between relativity and quantum theory such that we would have one mathematical solution that explains all of nature's forces in the same terms. Now I know you probably are thinking that I am referring to string theory, and in a way I am... but it is my own "special brew" of string theory.

I'm still working on the full-blown tensor math of this model, but I have run across several interesting things that it predicts. One thing it predicts is the relationship between energy and information that I am discussing elsewhere on this forum. And as you are no doubt aware, this "expanded model" (as I call it) is based on treating both mass and time as 3-vectors at the same rank as space. In my model this necessitates changing from a 4-D Minkowski model of spacetime to one which is a degenerate 6-D (two interleaved sets of 3-Ds).

More interesting than the energy/information relationship, my expanded model also has some startling implications with regard to the Einstein Equivalency Principle's (EEP) explanation that there is no distinction between gravity and inertia. Basically, I think this expanded model can not only provide a new, very strong proof of EEP, but I think it can also lead to a more thorough understanding of where gravity comes from and precisely WHY it is no different than inertial mass, in a very physical sense.

I've alluded to where my model begins in another thread, but let me review here: We are familiar with the good ole Newtonian "F = ma". I maintain that this is a degenerate form of the more correct form of Newton's Second Law which is written as the time rate of change of momentum, i.e.:

F = d(mv)/dt

The reason that I call "F=ma" degenerate is that in this form you "lose" the fact that mass is not a constant, never-changing entity. This assumption is what gives rise to further errors as you apply this model. The model above is more accurate in that it deals with momentum, which we know holds to a conservation law. Furthermore, when you apply the product rule of calculus to the momentum form of Newton's second, you get two terms, one is the familiar F=ma and the other term deals with the time rate of change of mass (I used the term MATTER for this, but it is also known as mass flow rate, or mass rate of change) times velocity. From this basic treatment of Newtonian physics, the only other piece required to take this to a full set of tensor relations that span energy and information only requires the treatment of both mass and time as equivalent 3-vectors with space.

But that is just where I am headed. I'd be interested in your thoughts. Back to your latest post: I am in vehement agreement with you about the Trans Light Barrier and the goal of quantum tunneling. Everything I have ever learned about supersonic dynamics seems to convince me that the superluminal barrier is a fractally self-similar phenomenon to the sonic barrier. IOW, I believe superluminal to be a superset of supersonic! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif That's simply super, hey? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Another thing to consider is that light is a medium that carries information, and that crossing the TLB will become possible with greater understandings of the non-linearity of information available to us in the universe. And this is, of course, directly related to the information content associated with QM and the wave function.

In any event...I just wanted to chime in here... definitely keep going. I'm reading and following along with you. Not sure if you accept my tensor theory, but if we work together we just might find where our individual works augment or support each other.


Yet I will accept an observation as a source of facts over existing theory any day. So on a fundamental level something in existing theory has to wrong.


Well obviously, but how does heating the discs so that they separte an indicate negative energy? It doesn't When any type of bond forms it releases energy. Think of ice forming from water if you place the ice in a -10 oC freezer. You lower the temperature of the water to 0 oC and the water begins to freeze to ice, yet as it does the temperature of the water does not decrease below 0 oC the energy released from the formation of the bonds is exactly the amount required to keep the temperature at 0 oC. So when the ice is formed, you decidee to heat it (put energy back in) and the water forms again. An example of negative energy? NO WAY! You are just using the wrong theory to explain this observation.

I don't veiw the adding of heat to make the disks separate as negative energy. The voltage field appears to cause the disks to lose energy thus creating the bond. That is identical to gravitational bonding. It's the loss of energy that appears to be in the negative direction, and it's happening at a rate faster than the normal entropy rate for surrounding objects. The temperature of the disks did not drop, so the disks did not lose thermal energy. And I even investigated to see if they were statically charged. No static charge was detected. The reason I brought this up is because it looks like the time function is backwards.

One can understand the basic findings of Tesla at qualitative level in TGD framework and there are strong reasons to believe that Tesla was right after all. This of course raises the question how it is possible that the scientific community with all its technology remained silent about the findings of Tesla for an entire century. Experimentalists must have made occasional encounters with the phenomena reported by Tesla. Are modern experimentalists conditioned to take theorists quite too seriously?'

This can then be combined with curved space-time being a gravitational field and, hey you are creating some form of gravitational phenomenon.

Sounds a bit like what you are describing, no?

Either way the debate into time travel will continue, If you want you can start a gravity-tesla coil thread.

Actually I am still a bit leary about calling this gravity. I have another device I developed from an analysis of the tesla coil. It is similar to an electromagnetic mass launcher. Only difference is my device produces a continuous thrust field. It turns out that it does fall into a physics category that uses the Lorentz force.


The disk in this experiment is made of magnesium. One of the metals that is reported to be found in UFO crash debris. If you notice, there appears to be a strong repulsion field present.

Now this is just an idea of mine to try out. But it occurred to me that if I combine the attraction field of the tesla coil with the repulsion field of my Lorentz field generator, I should get a stationary freeze state in space. The reason they wouldn't cancel is because the Lorentz field generator is magnetic and the tesla coil field is electric. The two fields are spatially at right angles to each other. But I am counting on the time flows of both fields to cancel. Just leaving a stationary length field. I am actually at this point in time considering this new field to have properties very similar to mass. The only difference is that my mass is electomagnetically produced. A zillion times stronger then normal mass.

Now you might wonder why on God's earth would I want to create mass. Well I just happen to notice that on the sun mass is declining in intensity as the hydrogen turns into helium. I am going on a base assumption that the arrow of time is created during this nuclear reaction. So if mass decreases in intensity a forward time flow is created. But if mass increases in intensity a reverse time flow should be created. This time flow would be entirely independant of the electromagnetic and electric field time flows.

So this is my idea for a time machine. Im going to make a device that creates a mass field that increases in intensity in repetitive cycles.

Could I be wrong? Of course! But look how much fun I'll have trying. And just think how much more fun I'll have if I'm right.
There is a new theory out that unites quantum mechanics, relativity, gravity and elctromagnetic filed theory and explains many of its discrepancies, I have got hold of it and I am going to review it, and see if it says about time travel.

Anyway, Eintstein, with this new theory there may be more chance of what you are doing being correct but like I say I haven't read all 1200 pages of it yet. So for now let's leave it at that, and we will begin again on the time travel after i review some 'special brew' the RMT has.

Well having reviewed the theory I have posted I believe that it is sufficient to explain a few methods of time travel.

A possible method to achieve the fantastic energies required for trans-light travel one possible huge power source can be built by tapping the energy of a black hole. To trap a black hole and use it a way must be found of containing the black hole inside a field of some sort. This can be done as follows. Any black hole is completely defined by three quantities: its mass, its charge, its angular momentum. The mass is simple, and for our purposes the bigger the better! The black hole can be charged since the electrostatic field equations are not subject to relativistic corrections etc. Electro-magnetic fields all travel at light speed anyway! Next is the angular momentum. Now computer simulations have shown that a rapidly spinning black hole turns into a torus or doughnut. Then a large metal rod can be passed through the middle. At the centre of the torus (the Eye of Harmony), we are outside of the event horizon and gravitational fields are very low so the rod will not be torn apart. The black hole must then be charged by firing millions of tonnes of charged particles at it. Then an opposite charge must be maintained on the rod and the black hole is captured around the metal rod. Two huge fields must build around the black hold to stop it from sliding up and down the metal rod. This is do-able.

How to Use a Black Hole Containment Device

To gain energy you use the rotational vortex method of Roger Penrose, and by using reusable matter to get the energy you can tap off as much as you like. With such a power source set up, one can build a dimensional collapse which enables you to shrink the apparent size of the black-hole machine. This will also mean that the mass of the black hole will fall for external observers. Another way of solving the mass problem is to use Higgs Boson particles to negate mass, since the Higgs Boson is generally believed to be the origin of mass. Then the device can become part of a normal spaceship. One can also change the relative time advancement rate of the black-hole region of space and so gain vast amounts of energy from the Hawking radiation that Black holes give off. This way the Black Hole loses mass and so you can turn the entire mass of the Black Hole into energy. Also the Black Hole then maintains it's own containment field. The important point is that one can set up the energies needed to cause the quantum fluctuations in general relativity and so tunnel across the trans-light barrier. The universe suddenly becomes yours for the taking. A NASA space shuttle fitted with a BH device becomes more powerful than Darth Vadar's Death Star!

Hence the job of a civilisation is to find a rapidly spinning Black Hole in order to build the first BH containment field. Or make their own via some star collapsing technology etc.

Hi GS,
Well having reviewed the theory I have posted I believe that it is sufficient to explain a few methods of time travel.
Perhaps that is true, but don't you think it might be a good idea to go a little bit deeper into known physics before we immediately jump to black holes? For example, I would think it might be more informative to discuss the concept of Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs) that were the basis for Kip Thorne claiming that time travel could be possible within the realm of General Relativity.

The reason I think this is instructive is not only does it give us a grounding of what we currently claim is possible, but it can also dispense (in a scientific manner) with the romanticized version of TT that hoaxsters like John Titor try to sell to people. One of the best distinctions I have seen along these lines are from the following website, and how it makes a distinction between a Wellsian time machine (the romantic belief that a whole human can be transported in time) and a Thornian time machine, which utilizes CTCs.

"There are at least two distinct general notions of time machines, which we will call Wellsian and Thornian for short. In The Time Machine, H. G. Wells (1931) described what has become science fiction's paradigmatic conception of a time machine: the intrepid operator fastens her seat belt, dials the target date—past or future—into the counter, throws a lever, and sits back while time rewinds or fast forwards until the target date is reached. We will not broach the issue of whether or not a Wellsian time machine can be implemented within a relativistic spacetime framework. For, as will soon become clear, the time machines which have recently come into prominence in the physics literature are of an utterly different kind. This second kind of time machine was originally proposed by Kip Thorne and his collaborators (see Morris and Thorne 1988; Morris, Thorne, and Yurtsever 1988). These articles considered the possibility that, without violating the laws of general relativistic physics, an advanced civilization might manipulate concentrations of matter-energy so as to produce CTCs where none would have existed otherwise. In their example, the production of “wormholes” was used to generate the required spacetime structure. But this is only one of the ways in which a time machine might operate, and in what follows any device which affects the spacetime structure in such a way that CTCs result will be dubbed a Thornian time machine. We will only be concerned with this variety of time machine, leaving the Wellsian variety to science fiction writers. This will disappoint the aficionados of science fiction since Thornian time machines do not have the magical ability to transport the would-be time traveler to the past of the events that constitute the operation of the time machine. For those more interested in science than in science fiction, this loss is balanced by the gain in realism and the connection to contemporary research in physics ." (emphasis mine)

Beyond this, I note you have not responded to any of my mathematical thoughts which postulate both Time and Mass as vector fields. Is it that you don't agree with them? The reason I put them forward is because I see a potential to unify Mass with Time just as Einstein was able to unify Space with Time. Would you agree that the entity we call Mass is not constant with Time? If so, I see an avenue to reconcile Relativity with Quantum Theory, and it relates to a tensor field that I call MassTime which is mathematically at the same level as the tensor field we call SpaceTime.
