The DaVinci Code Movie Review Conspiracy


Rift Surfer
I just rented the DaVinci Code movie...

It reminds when the movie opened world wide

And how so many 'reviewers' panned it

And how Tom Hanks (Steven Spielbergs pal) rejected it as nonsense although he STARRED in the movie...

And how Tom Hanks immediately parodied the movie on the Tonight Show with "I like Tacos" as the answer to the code :)

I remember one TV news announcer saying

"This is all our producers will allow of us to say about the DaVinci code" opening

The showed a movie marquee with SOLD OUT on all the movie times.

What 'religion' were these reviewers and producers? That wanted so little said about the movie?

Sounds like a conspiracy against one the most popular books ever written...
