Excellent post. I was thinking along the same lines as you. I never really felt any animosity towards Bruce, and wish him the best of luck. It is to bad that he will be gone, because he did seem to have alot of knowledge regarding plants.
I do have a grudging respect for that skill, since I have tried to utilize my "green thumb" and realized my greatest ability in growing any type of plant, is with cactus. Easily maintained, even when I forget to water the thing, it hangs in there. All other plants have wilted and passed away for a variety of reasons. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif
Regardless of anyones belief in the time traveling claim, it doesnt matter either way in the greater scheme of life...namely how we get along. It doesnt matter from where we hail, we should exhibit considerations of peace, compassion and prosperity for all.
Bruce...I dont know if you will even read this post, but I hope you understand that I "never" laughed at you, nor have any ill feeling towards you what-so-ever. I wish you the best and may life provide you with the love and beauty to which everyone is entitled.
You may have met with some hostility, however, I am hopeful you would understand that it was bound to occur, and par for the course with any claim.
You are not unique with regards to such treatment.
And I am sure you recognize that you would meet with skeptical responses, especially realizing that your proof does appear to be questonable.
Knowing people, you should have known what replies would follow such a posting. You also should be happy that there are people that DO question things placed on the table before them.
Not everyone responds the same way, we all have different personalities, and we ALL experience the good...and bad. Its what we do with them that counts.
We all have the opportunity to learn about ourselves and how we interact with others. All situations are a chance to learn about ourselves, and to recognize the need to build a foundation for evolution/ascension and developing compassion for fellow travelers walking the path we have found ourselves upon.
This includes you, yourself. We all need to learn to "sacrifice" our negative approach to others, regardless of the situation(s)...a lesson in many "religions" ignored.
Jesus, Himself, beaten, tortured and crucified, had the greatest of all reasons to hold a grudge and resentments for those that did these things to Him. However, he "sacrificed" these emotions for forgiveness and asked that they be forgiven, a universal lesson that everyone should learn.
When you return to your world-line, take this with you, an understanding that wherever creation has established itself, Love and forgiveness needs to exist as well.
So do NOT leave with negativity as a companion, but forgive those who have trespassed against you, and travel the time-lines with an (en)lightened heart.
<font color="blue">"May The Lord bless you, keep you safe; May the Lord's face shine upon you,
and be gracious upon you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give
you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)