Quantum Scribe
Friends of TR125.0121
For a time now the discussion on alternate worlds has been a favorite one here on the Forum. I would like to present my thought on the subject.
What we call universes are in fact alternate quantum realities. What this mean is that for every possible outcome there is a possible universe where that event took place. Up to here I think there should be no grudge against my view. Besides it is compatible to the thought on the subject by my dear friend Niels.
Nonetheless for one particular reality there are an infinite number of pseudo realities that stem forth from the parent reality. An example of this would be the number 1 and the number 2. The number 1 in this example is a parent reality as well as the number 2. However there are an infinite amount of decimals between the 1 and the 2. This infinite amount of decimals are the pseudo realities of 1. Each combination a different possible outcome of the 1 reality. Yet there is another reality completely different from 1, that is the reality of 2. Where things could have been different from the start, where there was no roman empire or Atlantis never vanished. TTA I am not stating that Atlantis ever existed, Ok.
This Pseudo realities as a result to temporal and quantum mechanics developed lesser realities were infinite possibilities revolved and permuted themselves, resulting in a myriad alternate universes where history or even life as we fathom it is completely different.
All this realities are arranged by a number of chronotrons, which are temporal particles that gauge the passage of time. Where are they then? They find themselves at the very center of the Prime Temporal Point. All joined as a web or lattice by the Coronal Tubes.
This Coronal Tubes are surprisingly similar to the theoretical wormholes of our scientists here on Earth. The only difference is that they lack an event horizon, they simply exist joined to the reality as an ever encompassing tube around the universe it surrounds. As you can all imagine this coronal tubes are to be excedingly massive and dense. In themselves being the curvature of time/space.
Thus are formed quantum clusters of sibling realities, realities where every single chioce taken was completely different,resulting in a very distinct chronological timeline and realities were the universe even manifested in very confusing ways, giving out conditions where life as we know it are simply impossible.
As always is open for the debate.
Until later becomes now.
For a time now the discussion on alternate worlds has been a favorite one here on the Forum. I would like to present my thought on the subject.
What we call universes are in fact alternate quantum realities. What this mean is that for every possible outcome there is a possible universe where that event took place. Up to here I think there should be no grudge against my view. Besides it is compatible to the thought on the subject by my dear friend Niels.
Nonetheless for one particular reality there are an infinite number of pseudo realities that stem forth from the parent reality. An example of this would be the number 1 and the number 2. The number 1 in this example is a parent reality as well as the number 2. However there are an infinite amount of decimals between the 1 and the 2. This infinite amount of decimals are the pseudo realities of 1. Each combination a different possible outcome of the 1 reality. Yet there is another reality completely different from 1, that is the reality of 2. Where things could have been different from the start, where there was no roman empire or Atlantis never vanished. TTA I am not stating that Atlantis ever existed, Ok.
This Pseudo realities as a result to temporal and quantum mechanics developed lesser realities were infinite possibilities revolved and permuted themselves, resulting in a myriad alternate universes where history or even life as we fathom it is completely different.
All this realities are arranged by a number of chronotrons, which are temporal particles that gauge the passage of time. Where are they then? They find themselves at the very center of the Prime Temporal Point. All joined as a web or lattice by the Coronal Tubes.
This Coronal Tubes are surprisingly similar to the theoretical wormholes of our scientists here on Earth. The only difference is that they lack an event horizon, they simply exist joined to the reality as an ever encompassing tube around the universe it surrounds. As you can all imagine this coronal tubes are to be excedingly massive and dense. In themselves being the curvature of time/space.
Thus are formed quantum clusters of sibling realities, realities where every single chioce taken was completely different,resulting in a very distinct chronological timeline and realities were the universe even manifested in very confusing ways, giving out conditions where life as we know it are simply impossible.
As always is open for the debate.
Until later becomes now.