The Conspiracy of Debt? By Banking ( - Illuminati?


Rift Surfer
As anyone noticed that amount of debt that have to have in order to live the American Dream these days...

o Private Schools - Financed Bank Loans?...
o College - Government Loans and Private Bank Loans
o Car - Banking based Car financing
o Credit Cards - They are even issuing them to teenagers and college students with no credit histories
o Mortgages - Bank mortgages for home, co-op, condos and timeshares....
o Living Expenses - Clothes, food, gas, fuel, entertainment that some people put on credit cards..

It seems Bank (and maybe the Illuminati) are conspiring to keep you in debt for EVER.

I would look for marketing or targeting plans for individuals by banks and government institutionns like HUD/FHA/FANNIE MAE...

Specifically, terms like "Debt loading" and associated with "Credit Rating"

Something to look into...
