As for "you have "agents" who have seen all and know all of what happened, right?"
You should be careful RMT ... I might have your "ticketed" for reckless driving on the 405... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
As for "First: That does not address the fact that you show clearly Xenophobic tendencies."
I just try to remind Americans that our "cousins from across the Pond" don't "really like us..." and the burnt down the White House in 1812, think of America as a "British Corporation", hate Irish Americans, sent us the "Mind Control Beatles" and "Heavy Metal" not mention the "Evil Rolling Stones". Some "cousins" really "don't get along..." and the German / British War of WWII may have been a "con" to get Americans into the European Theatre for "black mail, mind control, extortion and replacement by look a likes".
What? You say... Germany couldn't go across The English Channel and invade England? or Couldn't bomb them into obilivion with their superior airforce, bombers and V2 ROCKETS?
The WWII European Theatre Action is "not what you think it was..." and why have 1 MILLION U.S. SERVICE MEN stationed in lower England for over a year? Before Invading France?
But back to Mr. Christian Bale....
I'm sure his "mum and his sis" maybe be "hustlers" or "grifters" of sorts trying to blackmail him before the premiere for "big bucks"...
His "mum" was a "evil circus clown" and "carney" and he and his family although Welsh are from "working class London" refered to as "The Cockneys"... As his accent reveals...
Many people have "evil family" members... Mr. Bale seems no exception...
But I'm really "upset" with American Movie Studios like Warner Bros, FOX, Columbia etc... for casting British Guys in roles like...
o Batman
o John Connor of the Terminator Series
o Michelle Ryan of The Bionic Woman
And of all casting choices...
Snake Plisken?
Give us a break?... The only good and handsome actors come from Scotland, Wales England and Australia?
I think not...