The Challenge of Linearity


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I have been following the Kryon channelings for several years now, and I have always gleaned pertinent information from them. However, over the last several months, I have been quite amazed at how the new channelings that show up, such as the one above, align and reflect with the message of non-linear reality that I have been discussing on this forum.

I found this latest channeling tonight, and I am simply astounded at how much the thoughts in this channeling completely reflect the feelings I have had about non-linear Time for quite awhile now. It almost feels as if this channeling has appeared just in time to validate my thoughts and ponderings.

I might not be terribly efficient at trying to express my theories on Massive SpaceTime, and their non-linear, integrated aspects. However the channeling referenced above expresses the kinds of things I have been thinking about quite nicely. I recommend anyone who is interested in transcending linear time to have a read...


And so it is that we've given you the truth this night. So it is that many have received it. If we had anything at all that we could leave in parting, we would say this: There will come a day when I'll meet you face-to-face. We'll talk about this time when we met. We'll laugh together and we'll weep together. And when I see you again in your angelic form, what will you be doing? I'll tell you: Regardless of what you think, warriors of the light, you'll be getting ready to turn right around and go back to Earth! I know this because you did it last time, and the time before. You see, you're in love with Gaia and the mammals around you and the whole purpose of the planet. It's what you do in the universe. And that, dear Human, is why you're so dearly loved.

And so it is.


Seems similar to what I stated about reincarnation and souls returning to new bodies...traveling Time.