The Campaign For Real Time Travel


Chrono Cadet
I understand I may be spoiling people's time-travel-related fun here, but enough is enough...

(*Coughs* and adjusts soap box before stepping onto it once more)

Its time to take a stand People! Am I really the only member who thinks that anyone who turns up here claiming to be a time traveller...should automatically be excluded from ever being considered as one?

Anon's lazy 'Yes, I'm a time traveller...' post is the final straw for me. These tales are becoming SO deeply, mind-numbingly, repetitive and boring now. So unoriginal and so unspeakably...dull.

Who'd have thought it? Time Travel - the most exciting and incredible technology ever imagined...rendered horribly pedestrian and boring on this board by an ongoing invitation to muddy the water's with bad and predictable hoaxing.

If the modus operandi of any genuine time traveller is to turn up on a board like this, announce they're from the future then invite a Q&A about their mission without immediately backing up what they say with undeniable evidence...then all I can say is *YAWN*.

All this guff gives the board a bad name, robbing it of even the vaguest whiff of credibility.

I say, Bullshit Time travellers go home!

Lets, just once, have a chrononaut with the balls to post a single jaw-droppingly accurate list of events that will take place the NEXT day and then be proved so unbelievably right that it would brook no argument whatsoever. Lets put an end to bad-sci-fi-far-futures and vague, wishy-washy statements about the near-future. Either a time travel claim is verified by in-depth (completely unequivocal) knowledge of the next days headlines...or the board calls b/s and their not given any more oxygen to hold court and expand their stories.

Its a hardline...but someone's got to make a stand!

Lets have real time travellers or none at all.

Jeff Proby,
Chapter President CFRTT (Campaign For Real Time Travel)
I thought anon's post was rather amusing. I'm not aware of anyone who takes these forums or claims seriously. If one travelled back in time, the technology would be so outdated to them, it would be ludicrous. Consider giving up your 3GHz processor for an AppleII and a BBS. On the other hand, a traveller from the past would surely find such machines confusing and get along better without them. One could, of course, claim to originate from the present era and travel to and from other times. However, there is no benefit to believing or disbelieving such a story, as it will get one no closer to their own goals. Anyway, there's no real point to this post either, so we both just wasted a little more time. ;-)
yeah, they all are out there allright...

And if you say your a timetraveller, well its simply pathetic.
Real ones would never reveal themselves just for these two reasons: they are too intelligent
AND--> mockery
So if your a poster of timetravel claims, you are simply too dumb to understand the concept of time travel and too stupid to ever understand them and your brain HAS to be the size of your
time machine, being: 0.00000000

---> we should all ignore them!
Just because you got a lot of people on the board fooled with your crazy 'I'm from the year 2007' story don't make it true.

I admit the pics showing your time machine actually functioning are...well...okay, they're pretty damn convincing. But digital technology can do a lot of amazing things these days. Besides your machine sounds like its kinda slow. I mean, just to get to the year 2008 would require many weeks of time travelling. What's the point of that if, when you get there, all you find is HDRKid completely failing to read a newspaper properly?

also I dont see any people claiming to be time travellers from the past. Like if a person is coming from 1890's like H.G. Wells? They all gotta claim to be from the future.. and yes I agree its getting tiring and boring.

Besides, if I was a real time traveller, I wouldnt be posting my stuff on here anyways.
Agreed no self respecting time traveler would place his opinions and ideals out there to be scrutinized and picked apart under scientific scrutiny. Not to mention placing wild claims of nonexistent machinery. Time travel as it would be is serious business not to mention should only be achieved under an expressed contract of don't monkey around too much.

Time travel ... should only be achieved under an expressed contract of don't monkey around too much.

How long would it take an infinite amount of beings with infinite lifespans to ruin infinite parallel timelines?
How long would it take an infinite amount of beings with infinite lifespans to ruin infinite parallel timelines?

An infinitesimally short period of time... so short as to be considered instantaneous! :D


That's a point that we've bantied around for a long time. People have either proposed that the technology be closely controlled or that the government would automatically closely control it.

The obvious problem with controlling this particular technology versus any other technology is that time itself is being manipulated. There's no way to closely control time travel technology forever because it can creep up behind you from the past. It can appear to have created itself and it can appear to have never been created at all - it would just be something that is there and always was there. To explain the idea consider that a Supreme Being is peering down into our universe. S/he sees time travel invented on Earth in 2036. S/he then watches as time travelers go into the past to, say, 1950 and there they build another time machine (they took aong with them the technology to do this in 1950). Time travelers then start traveing from 1950 forward. The SUpreme Being further sees that same events occuring going back several centuries. The year 2036 comes about and they have a problem. The Superme Being notices that the inventor has no motivation to invent something that has been around for many centuries. The Supreme Being is in a position to see the entire history unfold. On Earth we would see a machine that appeared to invent itself, or a machine that was never actually invented at all. It just is.

I think that the biggest comfort that you can take away is this: you don't see a world around you that appears to change illogically on a whim. This can mean that time travel is never invented or that time travel mechanics limits it to being confined in the past to the time that the machine is activated and confined in the future to the time that the machine is turned off. That defines the limit of the loop that can be traversed. Either case eliminates our time from being affected by Earth-based time travelers (assuming that the theories are correct).
In a nutshell, time is time don't muck with it! theres too many inflated egos stating that they can quote "change thing's". The bottom line is don't assume that your so intelligent as to know what the true greater good is.Universal greater good may not agree with your own. You want to recognize the true greater good live,experience, and learn......

P.S. And whats up with the infinite being argument lol infinite being in a finite universe is an oxymoron,there will never be an infinite being get past that bit "O" fantasy and we will be alright..:)
I think that the biggest comfort that you can take away is this: you don't see a world around you that appears to change illogically on a whim.

Really? Then explain logically the fools wallowing about with their "rap", sideways hats, and battered speech. Explain the sharp decline of intelligence in the nations a few decades ago. Yes, there are more immigrants, but why are they here? Why does all present civilian technology exist solely to control the masses? The world does change illogically on a whim. But whose whim is it?
"Really? Then explain logically the fools wallowing about with their "rap", sideways hats, and battered speech. Explain the sharp decline of intelligence in the nations a few decades ago. Yes, there are more immigrants, but why are they here? Why does all present civilian technology exist solely to control the masses? The world does change illogically on a whim. But whose whim is it?"

in my opinion, this is incorrect. i believe that the world goes in loops. none of this is new. gangs are old, acting different is old, rebelling is old. people just try to freshen it up with new names, but its still the same trick.