Chrono Cadet
I understand I may be spoiling people's time-travel-related fun here, but enough is enough...
(*Coughs* and adjusts soap box before stepping onto it once more)
Its time to take a stand People! Am I really the only member who thinks that anyone who turns up here claiming to be a time traveller...should automatically be excluded from ever being considered as one?
Anon's lazy 'Yes, I'm a time traveller...' post is the final straw for me. These tales are becoming SO deeply, mind-numbingly, repetitive and boring now. So unoriginal and so unspeakably...dull.
Who'd have thought it? Time Travel - the most exciting and incredible technology ever imagined...rendered horribly pedestrian and boring on this board by an ongoing invitation to muddy the water's with bad and predictable hoaxing.
If the modus operandi of any genuine time traveller is to turn up on a board like this, announce they're from the future then invite a Q&A about their mission without immediately backing up what they say with undeniable evidence...then all I can say is *YAWN*.
All this guff gives the board a bad name, robbing it of even the vaguest whiff of credibility.
I say, Bullshit Time travellers go home!
Lets, just once, have a chrononaut with the balls to post a single jaw-droppingly accurate list of events that will take place the NEXT day and then be proved so unbelievably right that it would brook no argument whatsoever. Lets put an end to bad-sci-fi-far-futures and vague, wishy-washy statements about the near-future. Either a time travel claim is verified by in-depth (completely unequivocal) knowledge of the next days headlines...or the board calls b/s and their not given any more oxygen to hold court and expand their stories.
Its a hardline...but someone's got to make a stand!
Lets have real time travellers or none at all.
Jeff Proby,
Chapter President CFRTT (Campaign For Real Time Travel)
(*Coughs* and adjusts soap box before stepping onto it once more)
Its time to take a stand People! Am I really the only member who thinks that anyone who turns up here claiming to be a time traveller...should automatically be excluded from ever being considered as one?
Anon's lazy 'Yes, I'm a time traveller...' post is the final straw for me. These tales are becoming SO deeply, mind-numbingly, repetitive and boring now. So unoriginal and so unspeakably...dull.
Who'd have thought it? Time Travel - the most exciting and incredible technology ever imagined...rendered horribly pedestrian and boring on this board by an ongoing invitation to muddy the water's with bad and predictable hoaxing.
If the modus operandi of any genuine time traveller is to turn up on a board like this, announce they're from the future then invite a Q&A about their mission without immediately backing up what they say with undeniable evidence...then all I can say is *YAWN*.
All this guff gives the board a bad name, robbing it of even the vaguest whiff of credibility.
I say, Bullshit Time travellers go home!
Lets, just once, have a chrononaut with the balls to post a single jaw-droppingly accurate list of events that will take place the NEXT day and then be proved so unbelievably right that it would brook no argument whatsoever. Lets put an end to bad-sci-fi-far-futures and vague, wishy-washy statements about the near-future. Either a time travel claim is verified by in-depth (completely unequivocal) knowledge of the next days headlines...or the board calls b/s and their not given any more oxygen to hold court and expand their stories.
Its a hardline...but someone's got to make a stand!
Lets have real time travellers or none at all.
Jeff Proby,
Chapter President CFRTT (Campaign For Real Time Travel)