The boy Time Travell:ller who cryed Wolf.


Temporal Navigator
There once was a boy who told stories about the future.

Could someone from the Future with the best intentions in coming back to the past trying to fix the future infact be the one who creates what he or she is trying to fix?

The moral of the stories.

This storie was told to me in the past when i was a boy and im glad i can now share it with you today.

Best Regards
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

Are you saying you've turned skeptic? Come back Blair!!! You belong on the Darkside, lol
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

Could someone from the Future with the best intentions in coming back to the past trying to fix the future infact be the one who creates what he or her is trying to fix?
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

Could someone from the Future with the best intentions in coming back to the past trying to fix the future infact be the one who creates what he or her is trying to fix?
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

That is entirely possible, well in my opinion at least.

Like what if you came back in time and saved the life of a childhood friend that was killed in the war? then that friend goes on to kill millions of innocent people. Every action has an equal or oppisite reaction, works in physics it can work in TT also.
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

The answer to that question.

only allow non-time traveller to become a time traveller when they can prove they can be trusted and think about what they do and do to others.
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

But what if he was supposed to tell everyone and by stopping him 100 million people don't die in say 2059, but 5 billion people die in 2065? and if you hadn't of stopped him the people who started the war in 2059 would be dead already?

I just picked random dates, don't go back and search the Titor posts and look for those predictions
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

So your saying you wouldn't sacrifice one evil person to save the lives of Billions of inocent people?
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.


I think Kevin's point is that Time Travel should not be used to interfere with the natural passing away of a person's life. No one has the right to play God with people's lives. What if that person you save, knows that you have a time machine, and then one of his parents dies due to the fact that he still existed - maybe on their way to collect him from the airport or something - what would you do when he asked for your help? What if you helped, and his parent wanted you save a friend of theirs? Where is the line drawn?

If you can draw a line - you are defining yourself as a God...
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

My name is Keven, please spell it properly or you can refer to me a Kev' if you like.
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

I would tend to feel that any 'messing about with history' could have censequences beyond calculation, and would therefore best be avoided /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

There was a classic Simpsons episode on the Tv recently, Homer inadvertantly travelled back in time, and stood on a bug, when he returned everything was different, in many many visits back to change the past he caused all kinds of chaos.

I would tend to think that the ripple effect of minor changes (illustrated by Homer) are so far beyond our comprehension that they should be avoided.

A similar thought was proposed in a book once (sorry I forget the title / author) who actually proposed that an accident with a time-machine (it exploded I beleive, showering the area in radiation, causing primitive cells to mutate) actually caused life to develop on this planet in the direction it did.

Both examples made me think that there is almost no good that can come of 'meddling with history', or rather no changes that have not already been made, or rather are destined to be made.

Whenever I think about it I get a headache though;)
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

Sorry about that. No offence meant - it's normally spellt with an 'i' where I come from. Just didn't check it.

James /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

No problem.

What if you were meant to go back in time a make changes?

But somthing happened that wasn't supposed to?

I think the best bet is just fiddle with time travel and if you do make sure it's someone else's worldline /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

What if you were meant to go back in time a make changes?

But somthing happened that wasn't supposed to?

I'm a little confused by your post. 'Meant to go back..' implies a belief that time is linear. Everything that will happen, has happened - ergo your journey to the past has already happened, you just haven't experienced it from your own perspective yet. 'something happened that wasn't supposed to...' implies that history is not set in stone. Knowledge from the future can alter the past.
How can both scenarios be true - or have I misunderstood?

In any case, your post got me thinking of a nice little problem and maybe possible way to travel through time. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif First we assumne that there is a multiverse. Every possible action produces a new universe. Now the future of one universe only exists because you went back in time and did a certain action. It would be in the best interest of an inhabitant of this future to return in time to this present to provide you with a time machine so you could fulfill your mission in the past. I suppose you are still free to make your own choices in the past therefore perhaps you do something wrong and don't create the right future. A multi-dimensional paradox is created and the universe goes boom!

Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

I know I meant it to be like that, but I mean what if you were supposed to go back in time and say, steal your parents car, and then you got blamed for it and got grounded, and while in your room thought up time travel? Again assumeing there are not other worldlines, which in my opinion takes out all the fun of TT
Re: The boy Time Travelller who cryed Wolf.

I have figured that the world we live in now is based on 2 things time travel and no time travel!!
You choose!!