Time traveller forced to take stock - Banking - Scotsman.com
Look at this source article in 13 April, 2003.
The quote of the news source was originally said:
Why does the article point out that SEC is skeptical about the claim?
Look at the weekly world news article scan below.
The face looks different.
Weekly World News - Google Books
I read the article closer and it
did come from the Weekly World News as a follow-up to Chad's article. So the article itself is
not fake.
OK - why does the article point out the SEC is skeptical? Most people are skeptical of any time travel claim, and for good reason. So, a writer calls the SEC and asks a friend, who is a food line server in the cafeteria, what s/he thiks about time travel claims. Answer - they're skeptical. The answer doesn't necessarily have any thing to do with the context of the article.
Another friend who is an SEC "insider" says this time travel stuff is a bunch of nonsense. Same as above. Do you believe in time travelers? No, says the SEC "insider" (this one a mail room clerk), it's all nonsense.
The questions not asked or addressed in the article: did the SEC arrest, have arrested, file charges against, convene a Federal Grand Jury to indict Andrew Carsslin for some felony charge? Nope. Nowhere to be found. Any names of the SEC, FBI or NYPD sources? Nope. Does the article actually say that the "insiders" who were contacted were SEC criminal investigators? Nope. Did it actually say that Carsslin was arrested by any agency for stock fraud? Nope. Does the article say that Chad or any other reporter for Weekly World News actually verified that Carsslin was every in custody? Nope. Bottom line, does the article say
anything specific about anything at all? Nope. Carsslin could just as well have been a drunk who was ranting about time travelers and the stock exchange when he was arrested for public intoxication and the arresting street COP noted his statements in the report. Chad reads the police blotter at the precinct and gets a bright idea for a story. The details are true...mostly. Run the story and sure, "scores of reporters" want an interview - one score work for Weekly Worlds News and a score each for a couple more supmarket checkout stand tabloids want an interview.
HINT: check out the dates of the events that supposedly occured WRT this article. Not so much the year (2003) but the month and day. I'll get you started: Chad's original article ran on March 28th. Follow ups were run for the next few days.
File this story next to "Elvis Married My Neighbor's Two-headed Dog from Mars"