The American Idol Conspiracy


Rift Surfer
After last year's American Idol contest between McPhee and Hicks, I wonder if Hicks was told to act and look like 'Clinton' so Democratic voters can be identified by PHONE NUMBER.

What if the entire 'American Idol' operation is to profile your voting characteristics by the 'singers' (canidates) you like...

If it came from England, I won't trust it... :)

And it is owned by FOX and Ruppert Murdoch... The Republican Network :)

Simon looks like a gay British Spy to me...

Don't vote on American Idol... :)

Re: The American Idol, Cell Phones and Satellites

So you put a Clinton clone out there in the American Idol contest.

You get people to vote by cell phone.

You can then track potential / actual Democrats by satellite.

Simple Plan.


Re: The Grease Reality Show Conspiracy

Let's say you like Barbara Streisand, Judy Garland and Musical Theatre... :)

Not that there is anything wrong with as Seinfeld suggests... :)

I wouldn't vote for the Grease contestants by cell phone...

Then all the male musical theatre buffs can be tracked by satellite.

A word of warning...

