The AID VIRUS Conspiracy?....


Rift Surfer
As everyone knows that HIV and AIDS are the greatest viral threasts humanity faces...

I recall a press announcement in the 80s about a LAB in Philadelphia, PA admitting they may started the AIDs virus with a vaccine.

I don't know if anyone has a copy of that press article or release.

But let's look at the victums of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.

- Gay men - Usually "feminine" men

- Women - Usually have little or no resistance to the disease

- African Americans - Rumoured to be spread by the "prison" sex and "down low" culture

- Hispanics - Rumored to be spread by "Machismo" "down low" culture

We were fascinated by the TV NEWS reports of Manhattan Gay men who got the disease...

They seemed to be "typical" "fashion" "flamboyant" type gay males or very open about their lifestyle

Why Them?

Did the Illuminati target them? Were they "big mouths" about who they had sex with? Were they given the disease on purpose?

We wonder...

And then there is the "immune" people to the virus... It is said "Northern and Eastern Europeans" are immune to the disease? Why? Why can't an anti-body vaccine be developed? why not a gene-therapy approach be developed?

Also, Nairobi sex workers in Kenya Africa also rumored to be immune or disease resisant to the virus? Isn't it strange "SEX WORKERS" are immune? IF your created resisant drug carrier "sex workers"?...

Wouldn't it be a "great way" to spread the virus by "evil groups"?...

They should be tested and compared to the Northern and/or Eastern Europeans...

What is the biggest problem area for HIV/AIDS? AFRICA

Kids are orphaned in unimaginable numbers... Some villages have NO ADULTS.

Probably, targeting "black" people. By "Illuminati" type groups.

And the new growing threat regions? INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA

In ten years, 50 MILLION more people will be infected...

And then there is HUMAN SEXUALITY... The truth about HUMAN SEXUALITY is that PEOPLE are BI.

Based on the increasing HYPER-SEX ACTIVITY in the U.S. of "hooking up" and "taking on all" attitudes about sex in the last 20-30 years in America.

We believe THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS are infected... Or immune somehow?... Or unknown carriers of the virus?

Is "everyone" "infected" by "evil Illuminati" type groups and the virus kept at remission by "unknown means"?

If you are seen as a "threat"? Is the "anti-dote" removed?

We wonder...

Patient Zero and Fire Island, N.Y.

Looking back we find it STRANGE that PATIENT ZERO in the U.S.A. came from FIRE ISLAND.

FIRE ISLAND in the early 80s was the "hip cool" place for Manhattanites to go...

Way before "The Hamptons"...

If one wanted to "target" New Yorkers, the perfect place to "plant" a disease was FIRE ISLAND.

Given the non-monogamous lifestyles of some bis and gays... It was perfect to spread a sexual disease.

And the fact, he was a FLIGHT ATTENDANT was a "double back-up" of spreading it across the U.S.A. and the REST OF THE WORLD.

Looking back... It is VERY SUSPICIOUS.
