The Age Factor!!

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Seems most of you feel that , age is a big factor in determining whether someone has time travelled. Who wants to age at all anyway? If human beings were to live for ever, would anyone want to travel to the future? May be it would be better to solve the problem of dying first!!!!

My theory on solving death is:- the human body needs to grow we all know this. But it has limited space to do so. If we gave what is in our bodies more space , or a bigger boundery to grow then we will achieve a longer existence.

Just a thought. So lets add on more space!!!
Human mortality is a blessing. An aging body is not...
Certainly there might be more personal and long term responsibilty of our actions if we were immortal. Are our minds really ready for such
Re:No big deal

I doubt if "immortality" is that big a deal. Hell, we've only been boiling water for a little more a 100 years (germs, you know). Why, we haven't even eradicated disease yet.

But if one could upload a set of memories to a disk and then upload the same to a newly cloned body (brain), you might be able to live forever. I mean, what's the big deal? Of course, anything radically new is a big deal for science, since most scientists don't waste their time on such "flights of fancy." If they did they might be (gasp!!) pilloried.
Re:Re:No big deal

I'm sure that there has already been much speculation in theories of tranfering memories on a disk. I suppose that if that could be made possible that it might be beneficial. However, it would only be an extention of literature and art which have of course have been around for much longer. But, how the cloned mind perceived those recorded images would have a great impact on how he acted on them.
Re:Re:Desease Man Made!!!!

If you've never heard of the hemp plant then your argument would be right.
You'd be foolish to beleive that desease still exist because man cannot eliminate it. Do you think all those in the buisness ever want to rid desease. Phamacutical companies(profit,grants), doctors(commision,profit,grants), sales people(commission, company cars), drug stores(profits), and all those working to build hospitals, even those people working in the disposable unit of hospitals, wether disposing of bodies or rubish. What about the nurses, nursing homes, ambulence officers, and those paramedics. What about those supplying food and drink to hospitals, and all the equipment manufactured/electonic and the not. And the drivers of all these companies. Why should there ever be private hospitals at all. And what about the supposed medical fund buisnesses. You could type for ever.
Lets be more pesemistic or right in believing desease=money.
Are people working in these feilds murderers? Well i'll leave that for you to judge. But it all starts at the top!!!

The creators of desease. The desease murchants!!!
I hope they havent addicted you to their drugs, like many who have visited them!!!!!

The sooner we get these people to practice what everyone thinks they preach. The better our journey will be.

Oh and about that hemp plant....did you know that this plant is the answer to everything you ever wanted? Who knows it might even help us time travel day!!!!!!!!!
Re:Re:Re:Desease Man Made!!!!

If I may...

If you've never heard of the hemp plant then your argument would be right.

You'd be foolish to beleive that desease still exist because man cannot eliminate it.
Agreed. They continue to evolve right in front of us with new ones cropping up as fast as we deal with the old ones. (AIDs, new Influenza strains, etc.)

Do you think all those in the buisness ever want to rid desease. Phamacutical companies(profit,grants), doctors(commision,profit,grants), sales people(commission, company cars), drug stores(profits), and all those working to build hospitals, even those people working in the disposable unit of hospitals, wether disposing of bodies or rubish.
There indeed may be some in the pharmacutical industry that place money above curing disease, but to make a sweeping statement like this implies paranoid conspiracy theory and displays a cynicism that goes beyond reality. There are many researchers out there who are genuinely trying to help the human race. Lumping them all into some sort of group that is out to get us, or keep us down is very naive on your part.

What about the nurses, nursing homes, ambulence officers, and those paramedics. What about those supplying food and drink to hospitals, and all the equipment manufactured/electonic and the not. And the drivers of all these companies. Why should there ever be private hospitals at all. And what about the supposed medical fund buisnesses. You could type for ever.
As a person who has been married to an Operating Room Nurse for 18 years I can assure you that your analysis is way off base here. Many private Hospitals are set us as non-profit foundations soley for the purpose of healing the sick and providing health care for many who cannot afford it. Again, you're generalizing in a manner that is beyond reason.

Lets be more pesemistic
No, lets' don't!

or right in believing desease=money.
Are people working in these feilds murderers? Well i'll leave that for you to judge.
This is downright insulting and betrays an immature mode of thought on your part that doesn't even derserve a response.

But it all starts at the top!!!
The creators of desease. The desease murchants!!!
You are becomming downright asinine and childish here.

I hope they havent addicted you to their drugs, like many who have visited them!!!!!
An interesting statement from someone who begins a post extolling the merits of the hemp plant. It appears that it's only certain drug usage you have a prejudice against, one that suits your own taste so to speak. Tell it to the diabetics who are "addicted" to insulin or the cardiac patients who use beta blockers to regulate their heart rhythms to keep them alive. You have generalized to the point where it is obvious you know absolutely nothing about the subject matter you have chosen to expouse upon.

The sooner we get these people to practice what everyone thinks they preach. The better our journey will be.
Change the word "these" to "all" and you'l get agreement from me. If I wer you, I'd begin by putting your words into practice as they apply to yourself.

Oh and about that hemp plant....did you know that this plant is the answer to everything you ever wanted? Who knows it might even help us time travel day!!!!!!!!!
Yeah...and I have a ticket on the next space shuttle flight I'll sell you for $5,000.

Well, I'm learning more about you, that's for sure. Your words speak volumes about that which you do not yet know. You baffle me less. The true narrowness of your view is much clearer now.

Thank you.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Evolving Desease Makes Time Travel Difficult!!!!

Well then - Hemp=elimination of anything that is made in which this plant can take care of, especially the manufacture of hazadous goods leading to rubish=reduced cost= what everyone(exept most people in the medical field)in the last 100 years have been trying to work towards, ie a better way of living(less working hours/more freedom)= reduced costs of living=less poverty=less desease.

Evolving desease??? May be but Im sure those in the medical feild are helping desease evolve. 'Here take this, this will help you' 'But it wont cure you''But dont take anymore than you are prescribed'.

Tell this to a patient who is in great need of help. Placebo effect? Maybe. Cure no way!!!!! Remember cure=less pay.

May be Im being to hard on you, but have you ever heard of REVERSE EFFECT, well then Ill tell you. Most drugs are made so the patient can use all that is given to them and buy more when they run out. Or if you are not happy with this explanation, then read this- the problem the patient has is releived for a short while, but just as the patient thinks they have been cured , the drug reverses its effect and puts the patient back to their original problem, creating a cycle of drug taking, sometimes making the patient worse than before. Then the patient might have to go to the doctor again , who then again gives the patient a different type of drug to addminister. While the patient is getting worse the doctor and pharmacutical companies and drug stores are getting richer.
But what happens to that patients future ie their next generation? Will they have to also continue visiting doctors? Maybe. And all thought it was a family problem!!!!And all thought it was a genetic problem!!!!

And yes desease evolves so. With the help of the drug murchants!!!
'Oh and dont forget to come and see me in a few days, just to see if everything is going well'.

Oh $5000 for a ticket on the shuttle? If only the shuttle was made out of hemp, we could both go for a ride on it. And many others on the same flight.

Hemp fuel is cheap!!!!!!!!!!
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Evolving Desease Makes Time Travel Difficult!!!!

sorry to break it to you ali, but hemp is not the answer to the worlds problems. instead, hemp is among the world's problems and is as bad a drug as society claims it is, although i haven't always thought so. hemp does lead to a lack of motivation for those who use it regularly (i saw my grades plummit last semester after smoking weed on a daily basis...from a near 4.0 in my three previous semesters at a good school like Southern Cal to a 3.2...and the worst part was that i really didn't give a damn). i did, indeed, gain a great deal of knowledge from my experiences with bud, but it is easy for it to become a lifestlye. Don't preach about the power of the drug.
about the disease thing you two have been discussing. it's foolish to think that all disease is man-made as well as the fact that it evolves. Just like any other species...a bacteria or virus will adapt to it's new environment in order to survive, whether the new environment includes man's new "cure" for the disease or not. It's just another form of evolution and whether man tampers with the process in the theory you propose or not it will continue to occurr. Rather than harboring all the typical anarchist views of the weed smoking community, open your eyes to the fact that society is continually progressing as a whole. Even with the few bad apples and lazy pot smokers don't contribute much to this progression, we still see that it's evident in the fact much more of the population enjoys a healthy and comfortable life-style than just one hundred years ago (or forty years ago for that matter). Do you think that the medical industry should be held accountable for the fact that the average life expectancy has nearly doubled in the past century or so? or was it just a fluke that numerous medical advances have taken place and that we've seen a happier and healthier population as a result of it? pharmicutical companies aren't searching for new diseases to infect the population with, they are searching for the cure to the existing ones, because that is the most lucrative stance on the situation. In a world, which is continuously evolving, they are always be searching for the newest cures and vaccines. You probably think that man created impotance too, just so the answer could be the billions generated by viagra. but, i'm sorry my friend, impotance is more likely a result of that bong your toking and the toll it takes on your body
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Evolving Desease Makes Time Travel Difficult!!!!

Well then - Hemp=elimination of anything that is made in which this plant can take care of, especially the manufacture of hazadous goods leading to rubish=reduced cost= what everyone(exept most people in the medical field)in the last 100 years have been trying to work towards, ie a better way of living(less working hours/more freedom)= reduced costs of living=less poverty=less desease.

Evolving desease??? May be but Im sure those in the medical feild are helping desease evolve. 'Here take this, this will help you' 'But it wont cure you''But dont take anymore than you are prescribed'.
This last statement is the pure asinine ramblings of a naive brain impared idiot whose insulting demeanor betrays that he hasn't the faintest idea what he is talking about.

The millions of dedicated health care workers, including my spouse, would rake you over the coals for this insulting remark. You have your head firmly planted in your pompous anus if you think any intelligent person is going to accept your demeaning attitude toward the people who do their best to assist fools like you when you fry your brains and can no longer think straight. This has become appearant in your writings here and from here on in, I'm going to ignore your use of this forum, which is supposed be about Time Travel, to come here and expouse your childish rantings about hemp legalization.

Take it to a proper forum for the topic you little jerk and try to safe and healthy. The day will come when you will need the assistance of those very same health care workers you insult here, and you can be thankful I won't be there to tell them of your attitude towards them.

They'll fix you up anyway and send you on your merry way to contunue to make an absolute ass of yourself as you have done here.

As for me, I have nothing further to waste my time discussing with ignorant childish ranting dolts like yourself.

Good day!
Re:Desease Man Made!!!!

The evolution of desease is an interesting point. If we traveled in our
imaginary spaceship to return to earth 100 years later and had only aged 10 years, would we be quickly be exposed to advanced forms of bacteria that our bodies had no defence? I have had similar experiences in domestic travel to other cities when I occationally catch a light cold or flu shortly after my arrival.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: The Great Plant Well Known!!!!!

You all think the hemp plant is created for human consumption. Yes you are right, but not for smoking only!!!!

The one reason most of you are alive is because the hemp plant saved your asses, the world wars were slaves to this plant. Without it you'd probably be slaves.

There are countries that have been saved by this plant. The plant is a source of energy. And a natural one at that. The first car was made out of hemp. Clothing, oils, fuel, fibre, paper, food(vegitarian), drink, all this and more can be made by hemp. The plant can also be used to build house (ie replacing the common brick and timber which is currentlly used).

Need I say more, so go and do a little bit of research please, maybe ask your grandparents!!!

The sooner you people rely on this plant the better our chances of existence!!!!!!
Re:Re:Re:No big deal

The brain is an organic computer. Its neural pathways are like the wiring of a chip. The brain then is the organic hardware, and our memories are the software.

A clone's brain would be a blank slate, having no memories or experiences (software). Thus the clone has no a priori perceptions, as such. But if you were to upload a set of memories of experiences to the clone's brain, it's perceptions would be based upon or programmed by those experiences. Would something be missing, like "soul" or "consciousness"? Maybe, but it's better than nothing (i.e. death).
Re:Re:Re:Re:No big deal

Mortality is more a gift than it is a horrible obsticle. There has to be an ending and a relief of all things, even the universe that we long to understand. To cheat it is to rob others. To describe the mind as a complex computer is only one decription of it's make up. If it were just a number cruncher then we would have no clouldiness of passed events...and no "personal versions" of events we see. Why waste our energies in making only the memories of this generation magnetically encoded on super disks. Libraries are full of recorded data, ideas and images in the most reliable medium since the existence of humanity, the written word. The authors of these books are nothing less than immortalized by there publications. Disk medium might limit our ideas as much as it expands them. In a disk medium, all things would be exposed as in the Spirit. To be recorded on disk would be to hold a spiritual method in a sub-spiritual way. The only trouble would be one constant, the greed of man. Elinate that, and there would be little gained in material things or pride. But, elinate that and you have unlocked the heavens.
Still, for some, if used correctly, it might be a valuable tool. But who should decide who is to be recorded? What of the insane or criminally minded? Are they any less a part of our experiences. To eliminate them would lift a burden in one hand, and blind us in another. There is more to life than simply scientific understanding. There is also the scientific experience. Why understand if doesn't help others grow and better themselves? Science is not an elite class. It's a quest for the truth.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: The Great Plant Well Known!!!!!

I'm with ALI on this one, hemp isnt a problem drug so to speak, it is no worst than nicotine or alcohol, if the world were to pull their heads out of their asses, they would legalize it and the revenue produced could yet cure another worldwide problem.....poverty. Oh yeah ALI, you forgot the moisturising properties of "the problem drug".
I dont want to start a whole new argument so please dont argue because i just wont be able to resist arguing back.
just thoughts remember.