Thank You Mr. TESLA!


Quantum Scribe
This thread shall be a personal contribution for everyone to post anything they can dig up that is, or "should have been" accredited to Honour Mr. Nicola Tesla.

In Honour & Memorial Of Nicola Tesla...

*Tesla created the zero-time generator in the 1920’s. It provided a very basic time reference which is actually locked to the center of our galaxy. That’s why they call it a zero time generator. Locking equipment to that is the only way you can get some of these higher function generators to work.
do not understand on this subject, is an equipment or a concept which was created for Tesla?.
"Something for everyone" are some additional Links that may give you all some clearer points of referrence on this subject.


*Tesla Technology, Today: International Turbine And Power, LLC & Global Power Alliance, LLC

*The "ITP - GPA, Thermodynamic Transformer, Tesla-Type Engine"

*The Tesla, Bladeless Boundary Disk Turbine.

*Who was NIKOLA TESLA, and what were his greatest inventions?


*"My Inventions" - Nikola Tesla's Autobiography.

*Tesla Tunguska; Free Energy:

*Tesla: The Greatest "Hacker" Of All Time?

*Tesla's "Black Box"

*Tesla Information, and Books.

*Vortex Theory: Water Power.

*Who was Viktor Schauberger ? The "Water Wizard": Parts 1 & 2

*More Nikola Tesla LINKS...
Re: Tesla Death Ray

Online Tesla Library

"Zero Time Reference Generator"

This pretty much covers a very large bulk of TESLA related information, however if anyone else has something to add, or comment on, Please, by all means "Do So!"
there is much more to understand about the magnitude of Great works that this most exceptional, unusual & remarkeable Genius attempted to contribute to our world before he was burried by social & economic political pressures, that seem to continue to supress the reality of his work, unto our present World-Line of today.
(this time I'm gonna mention just one time the following word): GUYS!!!! This is interesting "the more we have to share the more we understand" (in hopes of survival) now where were we?....uh, sorry for or "if" my "intrusion" (no-is) appreciated or not depends on time. "NOW" can anyone tell me who was Tesla? I'm ready and when I mention ready I really mean it IF you understand. "ready for a dictionary" And another thing (important please) I heard before about "water energy" BUT not wizard. Please reply? I'm not joking
By the way! I think I can make a movie of "Water Wizard" with the parts necessary if you understand. PLEASE
"NOW" can anyone tell me who was Tesla? I'm ready and when I mention ready I really mean it IF you understand.
---Celebi Time Traveller

C'mon Celebi,
if you really took the "Time" to review the information I provided here, you of all people should not be asking this question!
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