Thank You John Titor


Temporal Novice
Greetings unto all on this most interesting of message boards.

I'm really not very interested in time travel but I was drawn here due to something that piqued my curiosity. I was listening to Coast to Coast recently and heard an interview with the attorney for the family of John Titor and learned of his story. I was intrigued to say the least but also bummed when I found out I missed out on all of the fun. It's kind of like being around when the Hula-Hoop was big but not knowing it was there; and when you find out it existed they are all gone. Major buzz kill.

So I went in search of this John person and landed on the web site that had almost all of his posts archived and was even more bummed out; I hate missing good stuff. I eventually found the link to this site and got to read all of the exchanges, which was very cool.

I'm not a science geek even on the most basic of levels. I'm obsessed with two things: studying and recreating the Middle Ages and politics that support liberty. While what you explore here is not my personal cup of tea I got hooked on the Titor story.

Now I don't believe for one second that John was from 2036, not because I have the ability to debunk his technology or poke holes in his story, but because I'm one of those "I need hard proof to believe it" kind of people.

It doesn't take a visitor from the future or a psychic to point out that this country, and world for that matter, is on the express train to Hurt City. I think that's fairly obvious, so John isn't telling us much that one can't surmise from watching five minutes of international news. He was just more colorful on the details.

I am very grateful to John for two things. One is it was a very cool story and he really got into the role. If you turned off the technical / skeptical part of your brain it was entertaining and easy to get caught up in. And most importantly John said some things that we should heed and heed well.

One is to know our Constitution. How can you know your rights are being subverted if you don't know what your rights are? His point of leaving your digs the first time the government searches your homes reminded me of Nazi Germany. All those unfortunate souls that thought they could just ride the storm out died slow horrible deaths. I'm not going there folks.

Disaster preparedness and battle readiness was another. When everything blows if I'm not at 100% readiness I want to be ground zero. Surviving but not being able to fend well is more frightening to me than going up in a puff of smoke.

What we are putting into our bodies by way of what we eat. I do hunt and grow my veggies when growing season allows. When I buy food it's as organic as I can find. The crap we usually eat is slow poison.

The importance of community and gathering them now to band together when things go south is another great point. This is something I have already done and I think is very important.

These are just the high points of what John had to say that I'm down with. For those who just wanted to discredit him I think some really important stuff may have slipped by, I hope I'm wrong.

So John I know you're out there reading this, thanks man. It was one hell of a good story and most importantly a timely and sensible reminder. When the hammer falls I hope you have prepared as you have suggested.

Lord Ieuan Morgannwg
I agree with you on many points. I think the creators of John Titor did an amazing job. I like a well thought out story, and this was done. It did cause alot of thoughts to be put onto the table and provided many people a chance interact and perhaps progress towards an understanding...of some kind.
Story aside, what do you think of John's message to get ready for some really bad times ahead?

I thank you for your response.

Yours in service,
Lord Ieuan
Yes, I believe there are some really bad times ahead. As far as John Titor's predictions...or statements regarding our future...sure... heed should be taken, but won't be.

The Roman Empire is a good lesson on that, once very strong, fell into a posture of complacency and decadence...and crumbled from the inside. I wonder what would have been posted on a site like this had there been one?

As is mentioned in other threads, mother nature sure seems to be getting her knocks in. The response of many governments has "some" people a little wary of the ability of a response to something more widespread.

If Yellowstone did blow, and was as bad as predicted, what would the aftermath be for this country?

If the Bird-Flu or some other virus struck and caused a major pandemic...aftermath?

And if it was highly contagious...what to do if the hospitals and medical industry can't handle an on-slaught of a major disease?

So far it seems we have been lucky with the outbreak of anything that could sweep across the planet, but it seem as though Mother Nature is experimenting!

Mankind is not a stranger to pandemic's, but the death of the same percentages would be much higher...

""""The mortality rate of the Black Death was horrendous. It is estimated in various parts of Europe at two-thirds to three-quarters of the population. In England it was even higher during the first wave. Some countries were less seriously affected. Hecker, the author of Epidemics of the Middle Ages, calculates that a quarter of the population of Europe, or 25 million, died as a result of the Black Death."""""

Imagine if 2/3 or 3/4 of the population died in a future pandemic? The numbers would be staggering, and lead to major changes. Look at New Orleans, some Police Officers took off to fend for their own families, how about if it was magnified on a larger scale?

I dont think we need to worry about a civil war against the government, but, if it comes down to every man for himself "...thems thats got the guns..."

...and it depends how strict the government becomes if a large catastrophe hit, to preserve itself...and all that.
Some things to ponder...

I worked for a major cemetary in Los Angeles for awhile. The crematorium runs 24 hours a day, and this is under normal circumstances. If a major catastrophy struck, and the body count was extremely high...???

A question came up during a gathering of about 15 people. We were in one room and someone asked..."""What do you think we all would do if we looked out the windows and saw an airplane seconds away from crashing into this room"""?

A very good question...what would each individual do under that scenario? There was only one door out, and the bank of windows was where the plane was headed.

The true nature of who we are inside would certainly come to the surface.

Civilization hangs by a thread. It doesnt take much for the first reactions to be very animalistic. Sure, if you had a chance to think about your reactions..., but on the other hand if it was only a few seconds and some "friend" was blocking your only escape much of a friend would that one be then?

To now answer your question...( sorry )...if we were to take John Titors statements as a sign to "get ready" for up-coming events, it depends what "getting ready" means.

We certainly all should be prepared for any event, no matter what, and have the ability to survive for the duration of hardtimes.

Does this mean being armed to the teeth to overthrow our government? No.
There are many theories to our demise; some natural, some man made. There is also historical proof of both. The question in my mind is have you thought about your survival should you survive?

The message of hope in John's story for me was a strong sense of community, a return to simpler times - I'm by definition an anachronism - What do we have to show for ourselves and all our advances today? A walk on the moon? Some report on the soil from Mars? All of this expensive research while we slowly destroy ourselves in the name of *enter the name of your God here.*

John's message as I see it is to return to the basics, the uncomplicated times that we seem to thrive in. Where ideas and hearts rule, not greed,not power.

As for natural causes, which you sited, we know what caused the Black Death and how to circumvent it; Nostradamus had a handle on this. John mentioned Cholera, to know how it occurs and how to avoid it. I'm less concerned with some "bug" that has no agenda, what worries me is where we are leading ourselves.

Peace be upon your house,
Lord Ieuan
Yes when it comes to survival - your plane theory and beyond- I will fend for myself and mine. Remember the Twilight Zone episode of the bomb shelter? If you have not prepared for the end I will blow you away to save myself and mine. Not very pretty but it's reality.
Welcome Ieuan,
If you have not prepared for the end I will blow you away to save myself and mine. Not very pretty but it's reality.
Actually, "pretty" is in the eye of the beholder, just as our future is in our hands to create. The reality you speak of was expounded upon by Maslow, and it actually does look "pretty" to me.

If one has the ability to take care of themselves and their own needs, but they do not, why should anyone else do it for them? IMNSHO, it is the people who constantly look to others to solve their "problems" that are the ones who are uneducated about "reality".

AFAIAC, I am not creating the world that The John Titor Experiment warned about. I know OvrLrd is also not creating such a world. Yet once any of us "surrenders" our power of Creation to some group we call "they" or "them", that is the exact point where we also surrender our ability to affect the outcome in our world.

Fear is not a good thing to spread, and this is what I detest about The John Titor Experiment. It preys on weak minds that do not know how to reject fear and claim their own powers of Creation.

The question in my mind is have you thought about your survival should you survive?

Of course. I moved from So. California to the Hill Country of Texas. We draw water from our own wells( and there are still some wind powered pumps in use ), and have plenty of food supply around. The critters out number the people by an extreme margin. Most everybody is multi-skilled, so the ability to tackle anything required would not be a tremendous problem. The big cities may have troubles, but not out here in the "boondocks".

It would be very easy to adapt to "the old ways" if required to do so.
To follow up on your post, RainmanTime, or to clarify my position, I did not move to Texas because of any possible events that may occur in the future, as described by John.

It was an economic/personal decision. With the sale of our home in California, we were able to buy lots of land here and chose to live in the country. Something we always wanted to do.

The motives behind the move had nothing to do with anything being 'foretold' by anyone, J.T. or otherwise.

It is good to be prepared for survival on your own, but not to the point of hiding out in the desert in a specially designed concrete bunker.

I may survive, or may not, either way, I will take it as it comes, and until then, I plan on just living my life without worrying about when it all may or may not end.
To follow up on your post, RainmanTime, or to clarify my position, I did not move to Texas because of any possible events that may occur in the future, as described by John.
I understand, OvLrd. And I did not mean to imply that you did. Knowing you as I do, I also know that you are fully engaged in your own creative power to mold your own future.

But I need to ask: Are you gonna see if you can find some oil on your property? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Are you gonna see if you can find some oil on your property?

Nope. Like the land just the way it is. Dont have the need or greed for the money if there was any oil on the property.


This is an example of what its like down here.

And I did not mean to imply that you ...

This I know, my friend. It is easy to get caught up in the disaster fever that spreads through-out these hallways.

Sitting high up in the branches of the Tree actually makes the up-coming times rather interesting to ponder.

I certainly feel bad/sad for those that arent aware of there own responsibilities of Life. But, I think it will all work out in the end. or beginning. Something like that....

Story aside, what do you think of John's message to get ready for some really bad times ahead?


TimeTravel_0/Titor, on the political aspect of his story, didn't offer a single new idea or point of view. He popped into existence on 2-NOV-2000...election night. The night that pissed off every Democrat on the face of the continent. All he ever did, relative to the political message, was reflect on this board and Art Bell's board what was being discussed at the same time on the conspiracy/politics boards.

On the whole ask yourself when in history were there not people saying that the world is galloping to its doom?

When in history was there a time when people were not saying that they were trading liberty for security? The day that we signed the Constitution into the law of the land we traded liberty for security. The day that a law against murder was enacted into law we traded liberty for security. Trading liberty for security is not necessarily the devil incarnate coming to rape your wife and murder your children.

Titor related the story about how "Dear Old Dad" did the Gary North "Drag Up and Move". He didn't say that the government illegally searched his neighbor - nor did he say that they legally searched his neighbor. He said that he didn't know why they searched his neighbor. For all we know it was a heroin dealer and Dear Old Dad, being as much of a fruitcake as Titor, panicked and drove off into the Glades. It was just another one of the vague statements designed to see how far the pissed off Democrats would go to "interpret" it.

Boomer was playing with the Demosrats minds...its called a skull f***. Boomer is not a Democrat. He played Titor as a liberal/libertarian quasi Maoist-Leninist, but he tossed in the few "gems" that let you know what his true political leanings are. You just have to either look back at his posts to find them...or read the posts where we talk about that issue.

Anyway, the political story is a typical Internet rant.

Bottom line: The story had one real purpose. Money. Dear Old Mom (wonder where dad) hired a movie attorney to make sure that the CIA, NSA, FBI, DSA, BSA, LS/MFT and all the rest of the alpha-bet soup don't snatch her baby. (Vomit...);)

And now the movie is just about ready. In post production, I believe.

Lesson of the Titor Saga: "When you have them by the balls (and wallet) their hearts and minds will follow."

(Geez, Darby...don't hold back. Tell him what you really believe.)
Thanks for that Fab pyramid!!!

OvLrdLegion I too am a refugee from So. Cal. - fourth generation born- vile place today and I'm glad I'm gone. I now live in rural Oregon with my own well and fresh game abounds.

On a point here I read an article that listed the top ten "group" that would survive a cataclysmic event be it natural or man made. The society I belong to, the Society For Creative Anachronism, came in second just behind a "I live in the deep woods, eat only hard tack, get near me and I will kill you&" militia group. It is believed that beyond our abilities to live off the basics we have a successful operating system of government. This is not to say our "government" is perfect, far from it. But the one thing we do have is our deep sense of community, something John spoke of. Like the guy or not he has a point that should be examined.

All I'm saying is that times are getting ugly. For whatever reason John posted here he said something important aboout your rights and how they are eroding, and what you need to do to survive.

Darby, I appreciate your perspective and assessment. I am not attempting to validate Titor, he just brought up certain concerns I already had.

Personally speaking I just spent two hours with my libertarian representative trying to unravel our current dilemmas. Actually the Titor story influenced me to call my rep. Where do we go from here? We are headed for bad times; we either prepare or get stoned. Take your pick.

I just loved this post! :D And my but aren't you showing your age with this one:

Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco!

Yes, even I am old enough to remember Jack Benny and the "Lucky Strike Radio Hour".

I'm still laughing!
I too am a refugee from So. Cal. - fourth generation born- vile place today and I'm glad I'm gone.

I am kind of torn between two lovers. I do love the country, but I was born IN Los Angeles, and raised within its shadows. Los Angeles does have its good points, as well as bad. I really hate traffic and the attitudes of the people have changed as well. I did leave alot of really good people behind and will miss them. One in particular, whom knows of the snake in the garden...( Hint, hint...)

Here, everybody is really friendly, and does go out of there way to help you. One of our cars broke down and the repair place sent the mechanic out to the property to get it fixed. No extra trip charge either. Dont see that in California.

To expand on your post regarding community...

Yes, it will become very important to be able to pull together in times of need. I dont know if a milita would be necessary, but I would guess one is sort of here, since gun ownership is VERY common in Texas.

The Vice-President's accidental shooting wasnt a big deal on the news here, since hunting accidents are considered normal. The newscaster even made a comment about how the West & East Coast arent accustomed to accidental shootings, and the shooting by Dick wasnt that big of a deal.

The one catch with the events we are aware of that are the belief in Gods Word. Either you dont believe and will fear the future, or believe and await in anticipation of the future. So...turn to God and believe what He ( for a Qabalist "He" is a figure of speech ) says is going to happen, and have confidence that we will be granted a new life...


get caught up in the evil and wicked ways of the modern world, and get left behind.

Hope that wasnt too theological!
Perhaps we are looking at this whole thing from the wrong perspective. If pro-John Titor folks can make money, surely the anti-John Titors can too. Rainman had a John Titor is B.S. party, so who knows what else can be

The society I belong to, Society For Creative Anachronism

Now that's an interesting revelation. About four years ago a member on another board suggested:

Is anyone familier with the "Society for Creative Anachronism".

Why doesn't this group set up their own version, perhaps calling it The Society for Creative Chronism". They could base it on the parable of JT. Divide the U.S. into 5 parts. ( I vote for Darby as President of the West Coast league. Perhaps Pamela could lead the Midwest. Three more Presidents up for grab.) Everyone could have a roll to play. It might take this group to a whole other level.

We could meet once a year in person and enjoy each others company. Heck I'll even bring a time machine. Of course I would have to stop off at Home Depot to get the bells and whistles to make it light up.

I would enjoy playing one of the three billion victims. I could walk around in glowing neon green paint. Any Takers??

The suggestion was made because there was a strong suspicion that Group Titor drew upon a specific GURPS module designed by Spearweasel (World of Darkness) that was available online for a lot of background for their saga.

Spearweasel is no longer into sci-fi/war GURPS. He's now into knights, ladies and SCA.

Perhaps we are looking at this whole thing from the wrong perspective. If pro-John Titor folks can make money, surely the anti-John Titors can too. Rainman had a John Titor is B.S. party, so who knows what else can be

But what about poor momma Kay Titor? If the anti's take a bit of the Titor Pot O'Gold she and little Johnnie might starve. They're out there in the Glades hiding from the alpha-bet agencies eating swamp mud, snakes and bugs.

Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco!

Yes, even I am old enough to remember Jack Benny and the "Lucky Strike Radio Hour".

I remember the commercial from the T.V. show "Men in Space" in the late 50's (early 60's?).