Not really laughing at ""the poster"" ...
My name is Thomas.
I got tired of the usual methods as experienced here in TTI. A shot in the dark, this may be, but still worth a try all the same.
First, I realize that there are flaws with the post.
1. It was done very quickly, since I jumped into my vehicle and drove down to the location immediately. I didn't explain myself, nor even titled the post with a more accurate description.
( Everybody hates "tests" )
2. I am assuming that someone will actually read these posts in the future, when time travel can be done, if it ever is.
3. There are other flaws, as well, but in time I hope to work those out of my program, so to speak.
4. Nobody did meet me, but that doesnt mean that they weren't there. There were several people that could have been time travelers, but I have no way of knowing. Too easy to remain anonymous at the specified location.
5. I varied from the conditions of the possible meeting, and for a reason. This will become known shortly. The variation will also provide any "REAL" time traveler the opportunity to establish themselves as such, and then perhaps more of "us" would take heed of their tales of the ominous events of "our" future.
The flaws with your reply, that I 'will' addresss
1. At first, you did miss out on what Darby out pointed out. For a time traveler, s/he would have plenty of time to arrange to be at that location at that time. S/he would NOT be confined by the 35 minutes, as a non-time traveler would be. Thus, any time traveler already in this time period would not have to drop anything and transport themselves to my selected location. The post was intended to be carried out by someone in the future, from their time period, not ours.
2. I didnt want one of our "supposed" time travelers to be able to reach that spot, thus I the reason why I didnt put the time limit 30 days out. I still took a risk, assuming that no one that visits this site ( TTI ) lives or was within 35 minutes of that spot.
3. You have absolutely no idea what the location looks like. It actually is a perfect location for anyone to meet that is wary of whom they are meeting, and very easy to find. And as pointed out above, it is a very good place to remain unknown if one decided not to reveal themselves.
Even though it is under a bridge, it actually is a really beautiful spot, not dark and mysterious as it seems you may have thought it to be.
4. As far as why a time traveler would want to meet me....
A. Housing
B. Food
C. Safe Haven, since I live "way" out in the country, there presence would be un-noticed
D. Transportation--my truck has tinted windows, so anyone outside wouldnt see who was inside.
E. Access to the internet, and other forms of information gathering
F. I dont want anything in return. Nothing. The mere event of anyone showing up would be return enough.
And many more items could be added to the list.
I will try again, with several variations. Some may not involve meeting anybody at all. Time will tell. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif