Temporarily Temporally Terminated


Chrono Cadet
When you remember someone (usually a celebrity) being dead then discover they are once again alive, you can think of them as being temporarily temporally terminated. 3t'ed for short.
I guess you can call it that way, what really happened is that you had inavertedly entered into another timeline. That is callef quantum temporal dissociation. It might have happened before, probably you go through a place everyday and all of a sudden you notice something new and then people say its been there for like forever.
Hey Florida Jim

My favorite dead celebrity is Roger Ebert, who is presently alive, although declining in health. But then my ex wife and I both remember he died of a heart attack mid nineties. I became aware of his revival several years ago. Who is your revived celebrity?
Is this the depth of your thought? Maybe you didn't observe something before? Maybe you're like 99% of people and don't remember what you had for breakfast, let alone whether some stranger is alive or dead? This is ridiculous.
Who is your revived celebrity?
I've had many: Stephen Hawking, Roy Orbison (twice), Arthur C. Clarke, Nelson Mandela, etc... The one who is currently alive now who died in the late 1990's of a drug overdose (in my personal timeline) is Chris Cornell, the musician. I had a major altervu in June 2007 where buildings appeared overnight and then I heard all this Chris Cornell music for the first time, from the eight years or so he was gone.
I guess you can call it that way, what really happened is that you had inavertedly entered into another timeline. That is callef quantum temporal dissociation. It might have happened before, probably you go through a place everyday and all of a sudden you notice something new and then people say its been there for like forever.

Yep, that's what I mean by altervu but quantum temporal dissociation is a very good description. I've had these off and on for at least the last eleven years. It's funny to me when I hear people argue about things they remember differently. They can ALL be right. So, what causes Q.T.D.?
I remember the Office Depot sign being blue and now it's red. I feel I have Q.T.D. and I ask people if this or that happened recently and they say nope. But I found something for me to help me stay in the timeline I need to. Hopefully it will stay that way, but only if I have that object.
I am still investigating it. But QTD, as you elegantly put it, occurs when you find yourself in an extraneous timeline. In that extraneous timeline there will be things different from your own timeline. When you are confronted with events of that timeline and you remember them differently you experience the dissociation.

Its funny when I first noticed it was happening to me I told my wife and whenever I experienced the QTD I told her "Honey I've just arrived I hope I am married to you in this timeline!" She usually smiles and laughs. The joke was on me when one day all of a sudden she said the same line to me with a big smile, then she said " I think its contagious!" and we both laughed like young people.
LOL! I joke like that with my wife and family. For some reason they seem to believe me . Had I not experienced it myself, I don't think I would believe it. Maybe it's because I'm a totally honest, open book with them. Then again, altervus are just one of numerous paranormal experiences my family has had over the decades.
I've been meeting my wives from other timelines and we are best friends in this timeline.
It's great when spouse and best friend are the same person. I'm lucky enough to have that. Tell her your story. If she doesn't walk away shaking her head, ask her out on a date!