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In past posts, and on my website I have expressed that these are the four, nested, closed-loop components of our physical, and non-physical, existence. I even have the following diagram that suggests how these components of ourselves align with the four levels of the Tree Of Life:
Well, in reading Neale Donald Walsch's The New Revelations: A Conversation With God, I have found an excellent description of this concept of the four, nested components of our existence, and how they help us to define, and comprehend, our greatest mystery....Time. Here is a quote of this passage from the book:
"NDW: What is the difference between soul and spirit? Is there a difference?
God: Your soul is the individuation of the Divine Spirit, which is All There Is. The soul is the universal life energy, focused and localized and vibrating at a particular frequency {NOTE: Frequency = 1/Time} in one specific time and space. Energy vibrating in such a highly specific way is the Singular Outflow of Universal Life. You may abbreviate that in English as S.O.U.L.
The soul uses the rest of Itself - that is, it draws upon the Energy of Universal Life, of which it is a part - as one of three tools with which to fashion a particular experience. The Energy of Universal Life is sometimes call the spirit. The other tools are the body and the mind.
Your soul is who you are. Your body and your mind are what you use to experience who you are in the Realm of the Relative."
This is "The Truth" that I have realized and described in many of my posts here, and it is completely described by and related to the concepts of fractal, embedded, closed-loops of experience that are plainly seen to exist throughout the universe. Systems Theory, and specifically the study of non-linear, closed-loop, self-regulating systems, is the area of science that explains both WHY and HOW it is a basic truth of our existence.
When we all begin to realize this truth, and learn how to use it to achieve what we say we wish to achieve, our world will reach a new level of evolution. We live in the time when more and more people will become consciously aware of, and in control of, their souls.
A great time to be alive, IMHO!
Well, in reading Neale Donald Walsch's The New Revelations: A Conversation With God, I have found an excellent description of this concept of the four, nested components of our existence, and how they help us to define, and comprehend, our greatest mystery....Time. Here is a quote of this passage from the book:
"NDW: What is the difference between soul and spirit? Is there a difference?
God: Your soul is the individuation of the Divine Spirit, which is All There Is. The soul is the universal life energy, focused and localized and vibrating at a particular frequency {NOTE: Frequency = 1/Time} in one specific time and space. Energy vibrating in such a highly specific way is the Singular Outflow of Universal Life. You may abbreviate that in English as S.O.U.L.
The soul uses the rest of Itself - that is, it draws upon the Energy of Universal Life, of which it is a part - as one of three tools with which to fashion a particular experience. The Energy of Universal Life is sometimes call the spirit. The other tools are the body and the mind.
Your soul is who you are. Your body and your mind are what you use to experience who you are in the Realm of the Relative."
This is "The Truth" that I have realized and described in many of my posts here, and it is completely described by and related to the concepts of fractal, embedded, closed-loops of experience that are plainly seen to exist throughout the universe. Systems Theory, and specifically the study of non-linear, closed-loop, self-regulating systems, is the area of science that explains both WHY and HOW it is a basic truth of our existence.
When we all begin to realize this truth, and learn how to use it to achieve what we say we wish to achieve, our world will reach a new level of evolution. We live in the time when more and more people will become consciously aware of, and in control of, their souls.
A great time to be alive, IMHO!