Temporal Tools: Spirit, Soul, Mind, & Body


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In past posts, and on my website I have expressed that these are the four, nested, closed-loop components of our physical, and non-physical, existence. I even have the following diagram that suggests how these components of ourselves align with the four levels of the Tree Of Life:

Well, in reading Neale Donald Walsch's The New Revelations: A Conversation With God, I have found an excellent description of this concept of the four, nested components of our existence, and how they help us to define, and comprehend, our greatest mystery....Time. Here is a quote of this passage from the book:

"NDW: What is the difference between soul and spirit? Is there a difference?
God: Your soul is the individuation of the Divine Spirit, which is All There Is. The soul is the universal life energy, focused and localized and vibrating at a particular frequency {NOTE: Frequency = 1/Time} in one specific time and space. Energy vibrating in such a highly specific way is the Singular Outflow of Universal Life. You may abbreviate that in English as S.O.U.L.

The soul uses the rest of Itself - that is, it draws upon the Energy of Universal Life, of which it is a part - as one of three tools with which to fashion a particular experience. The Energy of Universal Life is sometimes call the spirit. The other tools are the body and the mind.

Your soul is who you are. Your body and your mind are what you use to experience who you are in the Realm of the Relative."

This is "The Truth" that I have realized and described in many of my posts here, and it is completely described by and related to the concepts of fractal, embedded, closed-loops of experience that are plainly seen to exist throughout the universe. Systems Theory, and specifically the study of non-linear, closed-loop, self-regulating systems, is the area of science that explains both WHY and HOW it is a basic truth of our existence.

When we all begin to realize this truth, and learn how to use it to achieve what we say we wish to achieve, our world will reach a new level of evolution. We live in the time when more and more people will become consciously aware of, and in control of, their souls.

A great time to be alive, IMHO!

Lke you, I also came to the same conclusion a while ago.

It think the description is good, as its specific. Its hard to describe this stuff to other people. Technically you have to read and think a lot on the subject. Maybe months and months for some. So decriptions are hard to condense.

I think that one is pretty good all things considered!

kind regards,
Hi Olly,

Technically you have to read and think a lot on the subject. Maybe months and months for some. So decriptions are hard to condense.
Agreed. I've been studying the structure of our physical and non-physical elements of Self since 1982. The coherency of the proposed model grows the more one understands its connection to Nature's geometry and mathematics.

Thanks for your comment. So how do you see the personal task of trying to integrate one's Mind with Soul, and Soul with Spirit for that matter? Anything you've found to work well for you?

Take care,
BTW, Olly... one might say of this self-reflective model of Soul/Spirit that:

"Our reality is all done with mirrors."

Kind Regards,
Another interesting subject.

It's really kind of fun to research this subject and make some kind of "tangible" connection to something as "slippery" as the soul or spirit and its ultimate "destination". The biblical answer is simple and straightforward. The "fire" that animates body, soul and mind returns to the "source" from which it came. That "fire", physically speaking, is not seen until a deeper level of physical is examined; namely into mitochondrial dna. This literal fire is almost comparable with the description given concerning the "burning bush"--an infolding fire with no apparent source that is consistent and constant and breaks down completely once interrupted. Any deviation equals death of the organism and the eternal fire returns to the void--fully recorded on some celestial book/prime temporal point/zero-point energy source/God.

The concept of mirrors is really a good one. If we extrapolate the "fire within" as an interface with the "fire without" then the only possible outcome, from that particularly focused point of view, is self, "reflected" with the additional dimensional understanding of the fire without. Self can then speak honestly to self in regard to its own "spiritual" condition. Contrary to popular belief about the "results" of this contact--specifically elevated "consciousness", comes not with increased knowledge, but rather from the conceptualization of how far beyond the fire without is compared to the fire within. In short, "my comeliness turned into me, corruption." Only by reflection upon our "degraded" condition can we perceive the concept of a "God", that only has our good at heart and desires to "polish" our mirror to fully reflect its magnificent and elevated brilliance. The end of those who "achieve" that sort of brilliance are forever part of the 144,000 seen in the future temple as perfect "stones" and will nevermore go out of the temple because they will be the "conduits" that govern the entire universe. It kind of gives new meaning to the phrase, "know ye not, ye are as gods?" Has your mitochondrial dna talked to you lately?
Hey there Rainman,

I always think there is no spirit or mind. There is only the soul and the body.

I live (as dictacted by fate), die and I am born again as myself and the same thing happens on and on.

Every one follows a predetermined PATH- this path is a result of our thoughts. These thoughts are dictated by our environment- The electric and magnetic field around us, etc.

That is TIME. There is NO good or evil, Heaven or Hell!!!!

I rely on this.
Another nice post, Zerub!

Has your mitochondrial dna talked to you lately?
I sure am talking to mine over the last few years... And yep, they've begun to speak back to me!

And speaking of speaking, this leads to sounds and frequencies. And we both know how central the concept of frequency is to the understanding of the integrated Body/Mind/Soul/Spirit (BMSS) ... BioMaSS?

Our Body exists within the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. The MST Matrix is nothing more than three names we use for a single, vibratory phenomenon called Energy. The idea of vibratory frequency is common to each of the 3 dimensions of Mass, Space, and Time as follows:

1) Mass is the lowest frequency vibration of Energy. I think there is little to no argument with this.
2) Space is the next highest vibration of Energy. While we perceive Space as "static" it is far from it. Yes, friends, Space is also in a state of vibration. However it is so much higher than the vibration of Mass that our Mass-based senses cannot perceive the vibration of Space.
3) Time is the highest vibration of Energy. Same situation here as with Space, but taken to a whole new level. The vibrational frequency of what we call Time is so much higher than Space, that not only do we not perceive it correctly (just as we do Space), but we have a natural (and difficult to shake) tendency to perceive Time as linear and single-dimensional. The reality is exactly what I have been saying on this forum: Time is also 3-dimensional. Just like Space and Mass.

Before anyone has any success in physically traveling in time, I am afraid they will have to have a solid understanding of the Matrix of Massive SpaceTime, known as Energy. We will all be amazed by what we learn about Energy in the next 7 years. I guarantee it will "blow your Mind"! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

I've been trying for a while now to conceptualize the "invisible things", for all other effects (space/matter/time/energy) have the invisible things to thank for their very existence. It is no coincidence that I happened upon the structure of mitochondrial dna and its striking similarity to the structure of superstrings, or in this case, the "superspace" whose vibrational frequencies give form to not only the string structure, but to the galactic systems strung along its length. I like to think of them as the neural pathways of God's mind. I believe there is a literal interpretation of "angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." I also believe that it is our legacy for the everlasting power to be fully revealed to us for our use and edification. Just as Jesus appeared and was felt and touched to be of physical substance, so can we be assured that our "bodies" will survive the transformation necessary to transcend time/space. Of course, that body may not be "flesh and blood" as we currently percieve it for "flesh and blood cannot enter into the 'kingdom'". Instinctivly, I think, many people are sensing the onset of some mysterious change--but few are prepared to accept the highly ordered "resonances" operating upon our dna, let alone in the "spiritual realm". If you read the rest of the scripture I quoted above, the end result of those who "resist" heavenly influences and the invisible things of God will only lead to degradation of body/mind/spirit. It is written that the spirit of God will be removed from some and doubled up on others. History has shown us what evolution has inevitably brought into play, supremacy of one species over another. Early in our history, body was the deciding factor. The strongest survived. Mind proved to be the next deciding factor in species survival. It is only fitting that the next leap will be in spirit (in a physical content.) In other words, mind, body and spirit will become one--right down to the mitochondrial dna level. I totally agree with you Rainman, the true understanding of energy will change everything. Exciting discoveries are being made every day that help us understand our own potential and the not-so-invisible things of God.