Temporal Meddlers, you know who you are!


Quantum Scribe
Hello friends of EarthTR125.0121

I have been a fellow member of this respectable forum for the last three or so years. In that time I have participated in a greal deal of interesting threads posted by fellows like CAT, Pamela, Zerubbabel, Rainman Time and Olly. Although my reasons for being away were the cause of a rogue histotemporal nodewave I do have to say that there was also another reaason.

Several months back, I have been seeing that the threads and the posts on them were not at all relevant with the acquisition nor the development of theories that could back up the study of time travel. Instead they were directed to folly and a complete waste of (time).

Friends of this Earth, we are a forum dedicated to unfurl the mysteries of time/space. We are supposed to be locked into philosophycal debates regarding paradoxes, timeloops, nonlinear temporaLl junctures and finding out wether chronotons are real or not. Nonetheless, save for only a few, the rest of the forum are minding their own bussiness and simply using this forum as entertainment or as a playground where they can unleash their fantasis and dreams.

We as posters have the power to stop this nonsense. But we must be strong. If you answer to a post made by one such as this, you give to that person an enormous sense of power, importance and a certain amount of control. We should refrain from answering their posts, instead we should engage into intelligent and reasonable threads.

You might ask yourself: What if I do not follow the intelligent thread?

Well the Transient would answer: Educate yourself, read, and investigate. Most of us here have background experience in physics, sciences and engeneering technologies. Some of the members here have even dared to reinvent science and religion into a sort of "Rel-ience" (what about this one Rain?) where the power of science and the thought on the spiritual merge the two disciplines into one powerful force.

So my friends, lets make this forum fly into space-time until it reaches the Prime Temporal Point.
It depends on us.

PS: Mr Stevens we already know you are here.

Until later becomes now.
I think there had been a lot of threads in the past few months, some that were designed for harmless fun (yet still quite irritating) and then those that were possibly posted with a more sinister undertone.

Most of these 3rd world war threads should be left on the scrap heap with rediculous scemes like Zeta-talk and planet X.

its a shame as many people stopped posting and checking this forum quite as often
Yes Olly

Those with the more sinister undertone are the ones that worries me. I know for a fact that some time ago people were eager to post, there was even a time, where people posted several times a day. Now that is hardly the case.

We should re-focus and re-direct our energies into developing interesting post about the development of time travel related thought.

I can even recall that the Time Travel Activist, as much a pain in the neck he could have been, deterring and countersaying time travel theories, he was as a fact a great contributor of great threads.

So to all the fellow timetravel lover out there, think, think and keep on thinking about time and it's misteries so that you could develop great and inspirating temporal discussions.

Until later becomes now.