Tell Me About Element 113

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
Tell me everything you know and can search for on the archive about Element 113.
Tell me the reality, tell me the myth, tell me the current news.

Question. Could Element 113 have something to do with anti-gravity and time travel?
Thomas, why do you think it has anti-grav and temporal travelling properties? Please let us know! You know I love a good temporal gossip.
Thomas, why do you think it has anti-grav and temporal travelling properties? Please let us know! You know I love a good temporal gossip.

It does not exist naturally in nature.
It is a radioactive isotope that is more stable than lower proton count atoms.
It decays yielding an incredible amount of energy -- which can be focused in propulsion.
It is a super heavy atom which may fold space and time around it.
The propulsion approach could be feasible. If the element is ever stabilized (for it is quite unstable at this stage) it could work as an Ion Engine. However how do you propose it could bend timespace?
You know, Bob Lazar talked about Element 115 as having these strange properties. But the properties can be duplicated in a lab environment without having these elements. So why make stuff up when you can play around with these properties for real?
You know, Bob Lazar talked about Element 115 as having these strange properties. But the properties can be duplicated in a lab environment without having these elements. So why make stuff up when you can play around with these properties for real?

That's just it. The Russians and the U.S. claimed to have created these elements before without substantial proof. Now that there are better bombardment and collection techniques, we can study these elements in more detail.

Bob Lazar? Yes. Do you believe the men in black are ruining his reputation? I doubt it. If Bob Lazar did really know what was going out there -- he would be dead. Julius Rosenberg and his wife were the only civilians in U.S. history to be executed for something similar to what Lazar claimed he did. So therefore, Bob doesn't know anything.
The element 113 is an element that nn is located on the earth. E 'a mineral not of the earth. Clue very detailed if you know the truth, "you should ask for a Aliens Greys or rather to an alien reptile maybe you can help" :)
@John Thomas:
It does not exist naturally in nature.

Really but the U.S. Governament have many isotope in Los Alamos, Dulce Mesa and others underground bases.

It is a radioactive isotope that is more stable than lower proton count atoms.

It decays yielding an incredible amount of energy -- which can be focused in propulsion.

YES, but is not exactly...this energy focused for anti-gravity propulsion but is not used for large distances

It is a super heavy atom which may fold space and time around it.

No...isn't distort space-time using screens that capture photons from space.
The mass is stored, around the ship creates space-time distorted, the charged mass is used for propulsion.
@John Thomas:
No...isn't distort space-time using screens that capture photons from space.
The mass is stored, around the ship creates space-time distorted, the charged mass is used for propulsion.

Hey Tony, that Andrew guy from Vancouver, Washington was talking about the Pegasus Project. He said they had ChronoVisors.
@John Thomas:
Who is this guy Andrew???? ...Andrew Basiago? If you're referring to Basiago, do not even know how to contact him and I highly doubt that he has provided a Chronovisor, we have worked on secret projects not rule it out, but from here to have a Chronovisor his own I do not think.
@Tony Andy said that CIA has Chronovisors. He is unaffiliated at this time. Andy is running for President in 2016. You can't see a chronovisor unless you are in the CIA. I know a lot of what Andy has said about everything you are interested but I'm a little hazy at times now because it's been a while since I learned about all of that. By the way, if you have Facebook, I can give you the contact info to the group page for Project Pegasus. (Now named after the project he was in as a kid.)
OK .. but on facebook, with contact Basiago, answer him? That is, in the sense that you have already tried to contact him? If true, it would make me very happy and I would be grateful.
It does not exist naturally in nature.
It is a radioactive isotope that is more stable than lower proton count atoms.
It decays yielding an incredible amount of energy -- which can be focused in propulsion.
It is a super heavy atom which may fold space and time around it.

Well, yes - it is more stable than a few other radioactive elements but it isn't an element that the term stable can be applied to. It has one nuclide that has a 20 sec half-life. The others are much shorter - 5.5 sec to 340 micro seconds. It decays by alpha emission and its decay chain stabilizes at Lead, Bhorium or Titanium (the terminus depends on the original nuclide). Subsequent decay chain products are alpha, beta, neutron and gamma emitters. Bhorium-275 is itself unstable (less than one second) however the daughter products of its decay chain are unknown...but probably lead to Lead or Thorium. Apply to propulsion? No. If simple radioactive decay could be used for propulsion you would use Polonium-210. It is extremely radioactive and a mega neutron emitter - which is why it is used as a nuclear fission trigger in weapons. Besides, who would want to "fill 'er up" at the Ununtrium filling station at several trillion dollars a "gallon"? Super heavy so much so that it folds spacetime around it? No. It is super heavy to be sure. But (again depending on the specific nuclides) it's only 14% to 15% more massive than Plutonium.
It is a radioactive isotope that is more stable than lower proton count atoms.

One thing to consider is the odd-odd rule - odd number of protons and odd number of neutrons, especially once your reach element 81 thallium. An odd number of protons and neutrons means a very unstable nucleus. Virtually all of the nuclides of the elements from thallium and beyond are radioactive, i.e. unstable.

John, what you should do is take some time to research the strong force. Its name indicates that it is the strongest of the four known natural forces. If we arbitrarily assign gravity a force of 1 then the electromagnetic force is 10^38 and the strong force is 137 * 10^38. The strong force overcomes the Coloumb repulsion of the protons (+ charge) in the nucleus. But even through it is 137 times greater than the EM force there's a very important difference. The EM force is carried by the speed of light and, at least intheory, extends to infinity. The strong force is carried by Pi mesons. They are very massive particles. While the force is 137 times greater it only extends to the diameter of one or two nucleon (protons and neutrons) diameters. THat's the fight in the nucleus. All those protons are repelling each other with a force that extends to infinity (dropping of under the inverse square to the change in distance rule) while the strong force only extands to a couple of nucleon diameters. The nucleus of every element beyong hydrogen does its best to blow itself apart.

As you add more protons you need an ever increasing number, by increasing proportion, of neutrons to glue it together because the strong force is attractive and not affected by the EM force. But it is a losing battle. The strong force can't continue to overcome the repulsive force of EM. The nucleus is radioactive.

You might ask me just how strong the repulsion between protons is. I'd answer thusly. Stand on a platform 1 meter above the ground. Step off. You'll hit the ground at about 5 meters a second velocity. Now increase the force of gravity to equal the force of EM. In that case you'd hit the ground at about 1.6 million meters a second! Because you're a real person made of real "stuff" what would actually happen is your feet would start moving at the velocity "long" before your head moved. You'd be "spaghettified" - and then go splat.

There's a reason why we don't see elements beyond Uranium in the natural world. All of the other elements are so unstable that they have long ago decayed, assuming that a super nova actually created any ponderous mass of them in the first place.
OK .. but on facebook, with contact Basiago, answer him? That is, in the sense that you have already tried to contact him? If true, it would make me very happy and I would be grateful.

Tony, can you invite Andrew to our Time Travel Institute?
One thing to consider is the odd-odd rule - odd number of protons and odd number of neutrons, especially once your reach element 81 thallium. An odd number of protons and neutrons means a very unstable nucleus. Virtually all of the nuclides of the elements from thallium and beyond are radioactive, i.e. unstable.

That's the general theory. Odd numbered protons and neutrons are unstable and even numbered protons and neutrons are more stable.

Artificially stable elements would need to be bombarded to destabilize them and produce efficient thrust. Yeeesh, I know that one of you in the future is going to say "That's what she said. Produce efficient thrust."