Taylor Philip Kramer


Temporal Novice
He was the bassist for the group called Iron Butterfly, but he and his father were scientists and I believe he had discovered the key to beyond light speed travel and communications, and it had to do with low frequency gracity waves. He disappeared mysteriously years ago only to have been found at the bottom of Decker Canyon after several mysterious phone calls. Google him and come back and tell me what you think... please, I am very very interested. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum. Being a long-haired "freak" from the sixties, I was a huge fan of Iron Butterfly. Like many other groups of the time, they were much more than just musical groups. They were "voices" of the generation that was completely misunderstood and corruped in the years that followed. They were "psychedelic" in that they experienced first-hand what it meant to have their consciousness "expanded". I believe that this period in time was a "great earthquake" that has been prophesied. This period changed the whole world and made the search for "life, the universe and everything" an everyday byword. I also believe that the very reason that this bassist you speak of was interested in light travel to begin with was because he "experienced it" firsthand. Most of those I know of from the period also had similar experiences of "exiting" this universe and entering another that was just as viable--if nor more so--than this one. Time and dimensional "travel" was quite common during this period. I heard many people speak of it and, without exception, their "comeliness turned into corruption". This entire period was markedly one of self-retrospection and then self-expression which changed everything--right down to the nuclear family unit. Everything that was then held as sacred, was seen to be illusion and a search for truth began that was, to me, a renaissance of sorts. The very deep-rooted things that people are searching for today had its roots in that movement that has gone underground but has not disappeared.

Of course, the "drugs" of the period had a lot to do with the consciousness explosion, but it also had a great deal to do with the mind-set of many people of the period. Many of the people who "took" these drugs simply "whacked out" and ended up psychological basket cases. No one of sound mind ever suggested (except people like Timothy Leary) that the general populace start taking these strong drugs. They were(and are) extremely dangerous. However, to some (perhaps like the bassist you speak of), this was a doorway into a place that was "home" to many. "There", you could "see" music, and taste it as well. You could literally experience the geometry of space-time and manipulate it at will. All the senses carried varied experiences and some felt literally "blind" when "coming down". When many of these groups of the period sang, they were singing from these "places". Those who "heard" them, "went" there with them. It was no mystery, but there was also a great longing to be able to communicate this "experience" to others. That was where the mystery lay. How to bridge this gap between the "knowing" and the unknowing? No source of information was anathema. Anything that could be used to communicate this knowledge was utilized on every scale. Only now, is science reaching this point in their understanding and becoming willing to put everything on the table--including the esoteric. Nothing is taboo anymore, but this was common then. It is almost like we are "growing up" as a species. We are exactly where we should be in our maturation process.

I, too, would be interested in what others come up with on this. It sounds like you are talking about one of the "brothers". Thanks for bringing it up.
He was not in the group at the time of Inna gadda da vidda, he came along later, but he went on to design the guidance system for the mx missle and other things, and he and his dad, finished the formula that he was working on, and then he disappeared. Google his name as well as Low frequency gravity waves and tell me what you think? I personally think he had it and was abducted and killed as a result. If so light speed travel and communications may be around the corner! Thanks for posting!

Perhaps you could cite the google results that you believe to be relevant, rather than asking us to google it and "tell me what you think." The reason I say this is that there is a lot of information out there, some perhaps relevant to your point, but most perhaps not. It would be much easier for you to identify what information we should consider here in this thread.

As for Philip Taylor Kramer, what you are referring to is his "cult legend" status. I would not put too much credence into this until/unless there is some solid data to support that he and/or his father had actually made such breakthroughs. It is also well-known that he was of questionable mental fitness in the final years before he "went missing" and when his vehicle was eventually found. Many people around him have attested to this, and his wife had attested to his chronic bouts with manic-depression. Did you ever watch the "Investigative Reports" episode on him that is often re-broadcast on the History Channel? In that episode, a lot of this bizzarre behavior and psychological problems he suffered with was chronicled.

Finally, conspiracy theorists will often use the "but he designed the MX missile guidance system" as some kind of evidence that he MUST have also come to major breakthroughs in physics. However, one does not follow from the other. Being that I am an aerospace engineer who has done missile, aircraft, and now spacecraft guidance and control designs, I can tell you that what he did was impressive but not so unbeliveable or out-of-the-ordinary that one would have to assume he also had achieved major breakthroughs in physics. I have my own theories on modifications to existing physics that I think are unique, and COULD have large implications... but that does not mean they will, no matter how much I think they might.

Yet I wonder... if suddenly I "went missing", would the people on this board assign me "cult legend" status and immediately develop Conspiracy Theories around me that "he must have found something major, and so 'they' got rid of him?" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif If so, maybe I should just "disappear" on a long, silent vacation and watch the sparks fly! :D


I'd add to Rainman's post that LFGW's are being studied by spacecraft (LIGO for instance). What they are searching for are the gravitational waves emitted by the collisions binary white dwarf stars, binary neutron stars and binary black holes. While its true, especially in the case of colliding black holes and neutron stars, that "weird" effects in the surrounding spacetime can result, there's really no practicle use for us considering that the events occured hundreds or thousands of light years away from us. The effects, for now, are strictly within the realm of theoretical physics. We have no idea of how we can create gravitational waves that can be detected here on Earth. Those that we might be able to detect are the echos of the collisions of hugely massive objects - massive on the order of multiple solar masses.

Kramer might have been working on mathematical models (whether or not they were valid is irrelevent) of what effects LFGW's might have on the local spacetime in the area of the event but he wasn't working on a viable engineering project to build a TT/communication device. At the time of his disappearance we didn't have any instruments on Earth that could detect gravitational waves.

As Rainman said, he was an EE/CS engineer who worked on some very important technical projects in the US defense industry. He was a very important person in that sense and he did possess highly sensitive information about our ability to deliver nuclear warheads on target. But there's no evidence that he had any background in the area of general relativity, theoretical physics or quantum physics.

As an afterthought, having read your posts and the relevent Google references, I have to wonder why "dad", his apparent research partner, hasn't commented on the issue. If they together were on the verge of a break-through why didn't dad publish any of the materials? If the conspiracy theory is true, then the most effective means of protecting dad's own personal security would be to publish their work on ArXiv/LANL. All it takes to publish there is an academic connection to a college or university.

So, what did dad have to say?

As a contra-argument to the conspiracy theorists I point to Hugh Everett. He was John Wheeler's PhD candidate who in 1957 published his doctoral dissertation "Relative State Formalism of Quantum Theory" which is now commonly refered to as the Many Worlds Interpretation of QM. That was the last physics paper that Everett ever delivered. After receiving his PhD he almost immediately went to work for the DoD as an EE/CS engineer who worked on "game theory" in software engineering. His original work was never "covered up" and it was never a secret that he worked for the DoD. If anyone in recent times was someone who was subject to becoming one of the "disappeared" in conspiracy theory Everett was that person. It never happened. He died of lung cancer (as did his wife) after a long career with the DoD.