Does anyone know much about that favourite sub atomic particle of Star Trek, the tachyon?
It's a theoretical particle that can only travel at speeds faster than light. This could give rise to time travel theories what with the theory of relativity and all.
I recently looked it up and was amazed to discover that there isn't actually any evidence for it's existence. Physisists have tried to detect them because apparently they'd give off a certain radiation (I can't remember what it's called), but it's analagous to the sonic boom caused by supersonic aircraft. To no avail however.
It's all a bit like the quark, supposedly the most elemental particle, that also hasn't been observed. Scientists have managed to come up with about six variants of the quark though, with three further variants of each. They seem to invent a new kind of quark every time they come across a problem that isn't explained by the existing ones..
I have to say, that if I didn't have a weakness with maths, I could become a nuclear physisist. I've certainly got the imagination for it..
It's a theoretical particle that can only travel at speeds faster than light. This could give rise to time travel theories what with the theory of relativity and all.
I recently looked it up and was amazed to discover that there isn't actually any evidence for it's existence. Physisists have tried to detect them because apparently they'd give off a certain radiation (I can't remember what it's called), but it's analagous to the sonic boom caused by supersonic aircraft. To no avail however.
It's all a bit like the quark, supposedly the most elemental particle, that also hasn't been observed. Scientists have managed to come up with about six variants of the quark though, with three further variants of each. They seem to invent a new kind of quark every time they come across a problem that isn't explained by the existing ones..
I have to say, that if I didn't have a weakness with maths, I could become a nuclear physisist. I've certainly got the imagination for it..