Tachion Transceiver


Chrono Cadet
May build a tachion transceiver for sending electronic signals through time.
The tachion transceiver is a round amplifier made by Proffesor Shiniki Seike.
The round amplifer is an electronic oscillator. It generates square waves.
Amoung the square waves are narrows spikes as electrical signals.
These electrical spikes are assumed to be produced by tachions
travelling through time in the transistor material of the circuit.
The electrical square waves in the circuit send out tachions through
time and then are received or detected again by the round amplifier.
The roung amplifer consists of three common emitter transistor stages
connected in series. The electric output of the last stage is send
back to the input of the first amplifier stage via capacitor link. This produces an
electronic oscillator that generates the square waves and detects the tachion pulses.
The collector load resistances of the transistors are about 500 ohms and
the emitter resistances are about 100 ohms which are bypassed by capacitors each.
The electric power supply voltage for the transistor was about 12 volts
direct current.
The transistors may be 2N3904 type or faster.
The amplifier stages should be well shielded from each other with
metal sheets. Other sensitive amplifier circuits can produced similar narrow
electric spikes in the presence of 6o hertz frequency electric signals.
These spikes may be from the stray inductances and capacitances of the amplifier's circuit
and is not positive proof of tachions travelling through time, but the experiment results
may lead to more research on time travel with tachions.
Tachyon Transciever Part 2

Made a spelling error: tachion should read tachyon.
Tachyon particles or waves is assumed to travel faster than the
speed of light c. Perhaps the tachyon particle velocity is c*c=v,
c*c*c=v or c^c=v. Can compare a tachyon particle to a photon.
If a photon particle has a certain size range, the tachyon would be smaller.
If the photon has a mass, the mass of the tachyon would be smaller.
If the tachion has a wavelength A, the wavelength may be
A=c/f, where f the oscillation frequency like the photon's frequency.
Some time ago once tried to make a tachyon transceiver. It is a sensitive electronic
amplifier made with transistors as amplifiers capable of detecting a few millivolts.
The electric output assumed to be produced by tachyons from this amplifier was send to
digital D flip-flop memories for recording the electric spike pulses produced by tachyons.
An electric excitation pulse could be transmitted from another electric circuit
to the amplifier input to transmitt the tachyon wave. Before this pulse was manually
send to the amplifier input, the D flip-flops were latched or turned off electronically so that they can no longer
detect input from the amplifer. This way the manual pulses send could not be recored by the D flip-flops.
Electric signals from tachyons could only be detected by the D flip=flops
that came before the electric excitation pulse in time. If electric signals were detected by the D flip-flops,
they came before the manual pulse was send. This means that the tachyons have travelled
backwards in time a few milliseconds, because the tachyon signals were recored by the
D flip-flops before the excitation pulse was send. During some tries of this device, the D flip flops
did record some pulses, but the is experiment was not conclusive. The device had
poor electric shielding and the cirtcuit timing was difficult to check and control. Electric signals for making
the electric excitation pulses could have been leaking
through the tachyon amplifer before the D flip flops were shut off.
The D flip-flops about 4 in series as commercial transistor-transistor logic intergrated circuits
work as a recording device. A digital storage electronic oscilloscope
should work as well as a recording device.
i dont think that well go back in time or anything like that............ it may or maynot only cause you to go to other demesion,and if you try to go the speed of light you will be riped apart. as well as machines will be ripe apart too :eek:. this kind of speed can be given to energy. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
and what do the V in your formular mean?