Suggestion For Our Visitor from 2026


Quantum Scribe
To all on TTI,

May I suggest we all not waste our time trying to prove Zeshua is from 2026.

Instead, let him tell us his story and each can decide for themself if he is from 2026 or someone playing a hoax from 2005.

He'll never be able to prove he is a tt so let's not waste effort going down that road.

To quote someone most should be familiar with:

Truth is something we all want. Like opportunity, its something you have to be ready for to recognize it.

And my addition:

When you see truth you will know it. It either rings true or it doesn't. And it's a personal decision.

So Zeshua, stop trying to prove you are from 2026 and tell us your story.
He'll never be able to prove he is a tt so let's not waste effort going down that road.

That's the problem. He claims to have technology that would let him setup a webcam and he could prove it. But he said that would start a "Time Quake". But but - only if we "believe" it's real. BWWAAAHAHAHA.
Just let him tell his story.

All the questions trying to trip him up just gives him something to talk about. Let's see if he can keep our attention with just what he has to say.

That's not as easy as it sounds.
I agree Mem

just not quite sure what to think. some are easily dismissed others take time to crack I think thats how it always works. I've followed claims like this for years on old BBS's, people being aliens and meeting time travlers and stuff like that. so Im just waiting. Lets see what he really says.
But thats adding fuel to the fire. I mean, don't they want to be questioned? These ding-bats post stories about time-travelling, being aliens, etc. because they want an outlet. IF they are the REAL DEAL, they will tell us their story, either PROVE IT or answer our questions as logically and to the best they are able to. Otherwise, who stands to gain? I think one of the reasons we all come to this forum is to discuss the fallacies of these hoaxes. We almost take a certain amount of pleasure in "busting" their hoax. I know I do. We can sit back and listen to the B.S. or we debunk them with scientific logic and reasoning. I guess to each his own.