Studies find evidence of a fourth dimension


Chrono Cadet

Quantum Hall annexes fourth dimension

The quantum Hall effect, discovered in the 1980s, is an important fundamental effect in condensed matter physics that links topological states with electronic properties in two-dimensional systems. The quantized conductance is prescribed by an integer global topological invariant and is therefore protected against perturbations. Such invariants are characterized by a so-called Chern number. Two papers in this issue experimentally confirm the prediction that the quantum Hall effect can be generalized to a four-dimensional (4D) system. Immanuel Bloch and colleagues implement the 4D quantum Hall system in a superlattice of ultracold bosonic atoms, and Mikael Rechtsman and colleagues achieve the same in a photonic waveguide array. Both groups find that their system harbours a second Chern number, as expected. The studies show an intriguing advance towards new physics provided by topological protection in higher dimensions.

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WOW! Good find fella! I now have more to think about for at least a month or more! Now That may explain why some have said the saucers they saw seemed to have disappeared. Also could explain why the three aliens that I saw could do the same. Dimensional jump from ours to another could explain that we have much more work to do before we understand the cosmos.

The fourth dimension is time. The article you linked to says nothing about "discovering a fourth dimension", it simply says that the quantum Hall effect is 4D symmetric and that the effect can THEORETICALLY be generalized to four spacial dimensions. (again, time is the fourth dimension) Essentially what this article is saying, is that if you could reverse time, it would look the exact same as it would when time was moving forward.

The fourth dimension is time. The article you linked to says nothing about "discovering a fourth dimension", it simply says that the quantum Hall effect is 4D symmetric and that the effect can THEORETICALLY be generalized to four spacial dimensions. (again, time is the fourth dimension) Essentially what this article is saying, is that if you could reverse time, it would look the exact same as it would when time was moving forward.
It's proof of low-dimensional topology.
