Hello All,
As I mentioned in my previous post, today is my last stop in my trip to this decade and while I had a pretty interesting time, I failed in one of my all time personal dreams of contacting myself in the past if I were ever to experience time travel in the future. Apologies for not posting in that thread, but I can't find it anymore.
For what it is worth to you I will document my experience of trying to contact myself here in hopes that maybe it explains to someone else why people from the future on constantly contacting themselves.
I had sent several e-mails directly to myself in the past, all of which went straight to a spam folder or got deleted immediately. I was in the habit of instantly deleting messages from any e-mail address that contained my name as it seemed just like SPAM.
In hopes of getting around this, I turned to the Time Travel Institute forum which I recalled visiting as a younger man. I had pretty much figured out the date that I first came to the site. I did not get a response on the forum, but did get a mail in my inbox from [email protected] a little while later. (My name nick on this forum was tannencycle as a homage to BTTF and obviously I picked up the humour) As it usually happens when something in your past changes, you are left with 2 sets of conflicting memories . After leaving I remembered e-mailing a "so called" time-traveller on my birthday in 2010. Fortunately I was spending this day in 2010 and was able to respond to myself. Made it easy knowing what question I was going to ask ;-). This ended up giving me a whole new set of conflicting memories. I remember both playing an important role on this website in my youth, but I also recall giving up on the site after registering became an issue. Might be worth asking the administrators about this if you are interested in seeing what happened. This is known as Dual-Mem.
Anyway, I am still trying to figure out why I have not been able to fully realise my dream. I did contact myself, but not in a meaningful way as I never believed myself. While paradoxes have pretty much been disproved, I have heard of stories where people could not physically do something that seemed simple while travelling back in time, many have argued that this is natures way of preventing paradoxes. Personally I think that is rubbish.. Not a lot of scientific support for that theory.
For the technical nuts out there here is a little bit of info. Sadly we never built a time machine into a car... Still only a dream I am afraid.
There are several existing traversable wormholes all throughout time. These are not things that we can create and have to rely on existing wormholes that have the properties we require to make them traversable. The closest one you have to your time is 1999. For me to get to 2010 from 2042 I had to travel to 1999 and then take advantage of the time dilation experienced through near light speed travel. A trip from 1999 to 2010 took me about 15 minutes.
It is not the most comfortable experience in the world, but the protective gear you have to wear is getting better and lighter all the time. The discovery of traversable wormholes has allowed us to visit places in space that were thought impossible not so many years ago and as a result we have discovered incredible materials. Currently the protective suits I must wear are made of a substance called Rogun which was discovered about 10 years ago. It is a very common substance in certain sectors and is mostly found in space debris. Something to do with the intense heat generated when a star explodes. Initial ships were built out of a Carbon Nanotube variance which provided was able to withstand the rigours of time travel (although not always successfully). We have since discovered a far more succesful material known as D59T which looks like a kind of dirty glass. Many buildings are now build using D59T as well.
In terms of how it all works, the best advice I can give to you is to stop thinking in terms of time and start thinking in terms of distance. The reality of the universe is not a multi-verse as you would define it today. There is a very definite "front" of time and very definite "beginning". Although the beginning of time would more correctly be defined as the middle and everything is happening simultaneously, although many things are linked.
This may not make a lot of sense to you, but it is very difficult to explain in terms of what you know today and I think I have done a pretty good job of explaining it it laymens terms.
You are living in an exciting time. The advances that we make in space travel and energy generation in the next 30 years are absolutely astounding. If you look hard enough, you will already see some of the seeds how it will work.
As I mentioned in my previous post, today is my last stop in my trip to this decade and while I had a pretty interesting time, I failed in one of my all time personal dreams of contacting myself in the past if I were ever to experience time travel in the future. Apologies for not posting in that thread, but I can't find it anymore.
For what it is worth to you I will document my experience of trying to contact myself here in hopes that maybe it explains to someone else why people from the future on constantly contacting themselves.
I had sent several e-mails directly to myself in the past, all of which went straight to a spam folder or got deleted immediately. I was in the habit of instantly deleting messages from any e-mail address that contained my name as it seemed just like SPAM.
In hopes of getting around this, I turned to the Time Travel Institute forum which I recalled visiting as a younger man. I had pretty much figured out the date that I first came to the site. I did not get a response on the forum, but did get a mail in my inbox from [email protected] a little while later. (My name nick on this forum was tannencycle as a homage to BTTF and obviously I picked up the humour) As it usually happens when something in your past changes, you are left with 2 sets of conflicting memories . After leaving I remembered e-mailing a "so called" time-traveller on my birthday in 2010. Fortunately I was spending this day in 2010 and was able to respond to myself. Made it easy knowing what question I was going to ask ;-). This ended up giving me a whole new set of conflicting memories. I remember both playing an important role on this website in my youth, but I also recall giving up on the site after registering became an issue. Might be worth asking the administrators about this if you are interested in seeing what happened. This is known as Dual-Mem.
Anyway, I am still trying to figure out why I have not been able to fully realise my dream. I did contact myself, but not in a meaningful way as I never believed myself. While paradoxes have pretty much been disproved, I have heard of stories where people could not physically do something that seemed simple while travelling back in time, many have argued that this is natures way of preventing paradoxes. Personally I think that is rubbish.. Not a lot of scientific support for that theory.
For the technical nuts out there here is a little bit of info. Sadly we never built a time machine into a car... Still only a dream I am afraid.
There are several existing traversable wormholes all throughout time. These are not things that we can create and have to rely on existing wormholes that have the properties we require to make them traversable. The closest one you have to your time is 1999. For me to get to 2010 from 2042 I had to travel to 1999 and then take advantage of the time dilation experienced through near light speed travel. A trip from 1999 to 2010 took me about 15 minutes.
It is not the most comfortable experience in the world, but the protective gear you have to wear is getting better and lighter all the time. The discovery of traversable wormholes has allowed us to visit places in space that were thought impossible not so many years ago and as a result we have discovered incredible materials. Currently the protective suits I must wear are made of a substance called Rogun which was discovered about 10 years ago. It is a very common substance in certain sectors and is mostly found in space debris. Something to do with the intense heat generated when a star explodes. Initial ships were built out of a Carbon Nanotube variance which provided was able to withstand the rigours of time travel (although not always successfully). We have since discovered a far more succesful material known as D59T which looks like a kind of dirty glass. Many buildings are now build using D59T as well.
In terms of how it all works, the best advice I can give to you is to stop thinking in terms of time and start thinking in terms of distance. The reality of the universe is not a multi-verse as you would define it today. There is a very definite "front" of time and very definite "beginning". Although the beginning of time would more correctly be defined as the middle and everything is happening simultaneously, although many things are linked.
This may not make a lot of sense to you, but it is very difficult to explain in terms of what you know today and I think I have done a pretty good job of explaining it it laymens terms.
You are living in an exciting time. The advances that we make in space travel and energy generation in the next 30 years are absolutely astounding. If you look hard enough, you will already see some of the seeds how it will work.