Ovr..." Well, I think it got away!"
Creedo..." Maybe we should move a little closer to that mist-shrouded over-hang" ?
Ovr..." Naw, I carry somethin' special for these occasions my friend" !
Creedo watches with open curiosity as Ovr reaches to a duffle bag slightly hidden in the shadows of the boat. Ovr opens the bag and pulls out a large candle looking thing.
Creedo..." Ovr, this is just a fishing trip and a chance to discuss Floing Aerospace. I hope you arent making more out of this than just that? I mean candles..." ?
Ovr gives Creedo a scathing look..." Eh, Creedo, these aren't candles " !
Creedo looks somewhat puzzled.
Ovr reached into his shirt pocket and pulls out a little object and attaches it to the first candle.
Creedo is thinking[{{{ what a strange looking candle, indeed. A waxey surface that seems to have a type of clear residue seeping from within.}}}
Ovr peers at Creedo..." Creedo, please don't make any sudden moves or do anything to cause me to drop one of these..eh..candles..!"
Creedo scratches his head..{{{ What in heavens name is Ovr up too ? " }}}
Ovr now has a large grin on his face as he flicks his bic and soon it seems as though it is Fourth of July in the little fishing boat. Damn, Creedo, laughed, Ovr brought sparklers. Well, if Ovr really thinks that will attract more fish...
" Ovr, why did you throw that sparkler overboard ? It looked like a good one too me ! Look, it is still going as it sinks deeper into the water ! '
Ovr still grinning..." Eh...Creedo ? "
Creedo...." Eh...Yes, Ovr ? "
That wasn't no sparkler !! "
Creedo eyes open wide..." Huh ? "
Creedo looks to Ovr..." Well, that was supposed to do
what ? "
Ovr..." Havent you ever heard of dynamite fishing, Creedo ? "
Creedo..."No, I haven't. Does the boat usually blow up, too? "
Ovr frowning.." Eh, not really. "......
Ovr sweeps his hand across the surface of the water...with a look of hope on his face..." But, Creedo, look at all these fish floating around ! "
Creedo smirks.." The damn fish aint the only one's floating around here...."
Treading water, Creedo is thinking to himself as he watches Ovr swimming off towards the shoreline....
" Damn it, if I didn't know that S.O.B. any better... I'd figure I'd just been screwed by Floing Aerospace again ! "