

Temporal Novice
Hey everyone... You know what I find interesting? Almost all, if not all, of the ideas on startrek the next gen voyager deep space nine old school startrek and enterprise actually have been mathmatically proven to work. Wormholes, blackholes, quantum spacial tears, time/antitime, Interesting how gene roddenberry really knew his stuff back in the days of nuclear toys huh? LOL- commandersisko :D

I also agree. The hallmark of great modern sci-fi is to keep the "sci" as factual as possible - along with the "fi" part of the story.

Andre Bormanis was the science advisor for all of those series. He received his BS from University of Arizona in physics and his MS from George Washington U. He had a fellowship tour with NASA. He co-wrote several of the scripts.

I think that the original science advisor was Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer who also had a stint at NASA.

What I also love about the Star Trek Series is that it is the way "we" should be in the future. Our society is based on money, as everyone knows. Star Trek, on the other hand, deals with human beings wanting to better themselves and the rest of humanity, not just themselves and their country. There is no money in the time of the Kirks, Picards, Archers..etc, they do it because it is what they want and love to do.

One day, I would hope that we can show each other what it is like to be kind and generous again. Today, society is always in a rush to get from point A to point B in the fastest possible time, while endangering themselves and others in the process. People hardly ever want to deal with other people when they don't have do (and no, I don't speak for everyone, just society in general).

I love when people come to me and ask me if I like Star Trek. Of course I say "H#ll yea!" Then they look at you like there are two heads on your shoulder. "You like Star Trek, that is so fake!" OH boy, that was the wrong move right there. What do you think happened back in the 60's when the original series came out. No one knew what a computer was, no one ever imagined us even going into space. And now you look back on that pilot episode and say "Wow, they have handheld computers just like we do now, they are in space (in which we are somewhat now)..etc" Maybe, 100 years down the line, we will go back to that pilot episode again and say, "Wow, we have ships just like they do (in a sense), we have the ability to transport just like Scotty did with Kirk...etc" You just never know what the future may hold for us, lets just hope it is for the positive.

And one last thing...What would our society/world be like a 100, 200 years in the future? Will we all come together as one WORLD instead of nation by nation? Will we ever get along to even start the process of this happening? Gene Roddenberry had a great idea of what the future should be and maybe one day, we will all realize that future is not too far away...
I don't think society will function as well as it does currently without rewarding people for their work (money). I know that if I didn't need money, I sure as hell wouldn't work. I'd be on the holodeck and play war games all day.
I understand where you are coming from but the whole point in Star Trek is to better yourself, the world and help humanity discover the stars. This in itself should be enough incentive to complete your work. Also, if there is no money, that means everything is free, and when everything is free, there will be no need for incentives. Get my point? ;)
Friend Roorichard of EarthTR125.0121

The problem is exactly that we had come to depend to much on money. Even the greatests of all of our individual desicions are weighed against how money would stop or begin flowing our way. Humanity as a whole has turned into this colorful amalgam of currency.

It is the worst virus ever. Capitalistic nations, even as you all read this, are ploying to involve non capitalistic nations and regions into the big game of monetary exchange.

The saddest part is that most of these nations are buying into it.

It is as if no one really thinks there is another way of being without having money. People actually believe that your are as much money as you have. We need to start thinking less about money and more about ourselves as a species.

I have seen entire worlds live off without ever going into the obscure region of money and their development and their entire social strutures are as impressive and as ominous as those of our present world.

GR was a visionary, a man who also had a dream. He dreamt of a better future. Unfortunately we do not seem to be doing much in order to make it ours. Instead we are forcing our neighbohrs with our own policies, making them buy what we produce and investing in war and cutting on the really important parts of our nation.

We truly need to grow up. And it starts right here, but we must all commit towrds the bright future that awaits us.

Until later becomes now
Tran001, you are the worst traitor, as with your knowledge of good offworld species, you never even intimated, that this allowance was for the masses.
GR was a visionary, a man who also had a dream. He dreamt of a better future. Unfortunately we do not seem to be doing much in order to make it ours. Instead we are forcing our neighbohrs with our own policies, making them buy what we produce and investing in war and cutting on the really important parts of our nation.

We truly need to grow up. And it starts right here, but we must all commit towrds the bright future that awaits us.

Startrek included a history of war that happens before utopia can spread. Gotta make everyone sign on to peace, one way or another. Be patient.
Comrade Transient,


It is the worst virus ever. Capitalistic nations, even as you all read this, are ploying to involve non capitalistic nations and regions into the big game of monetary exchange.

Last I heard Comrade Stalin, as a part of the implemention of the true proliet revolution to overthrow the capitalist bourgeois, "purged" (what a quaint word - purged) about 10 million folks in one of his great pogroms. When Ukraine became "problematic" in the 1930's he simply moved 10 million to Siberia and starved another 8 million to death. All tolled he murdered about 30 million Soviet "citizens".

Maybe you might want to rethink where capitalism rests on your "Worst Virus" list.
Hey everyone... You know what I find interesting? Almost all, if not all, of the ideas on startrek the next gen voyager deep space nine old school startrek and enterprise actually have been mathmatically proven to work. Wormholes, blackholes, quantum spacial tears, time/antitime, Interesting how gene roddenberry really knew his stuff back in the days of nuclear toys huh? LOL- commandersisko

Just like a virus or a disease is contagious so are ideas contagious.

All this technology is not because somebody saw the future. Its because it was simply thought of… This is the conditioning force. What the mind can think, the mind can create…

The universe is a machine for the distillation of consciousness…

Change is the “watchword” of progression…

BTW, hello everyone… Darby and Transient /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
All this technology is not because somebody saw the future. Its because it was simply thought of… This is the conditioning force. What the mind can think, the mind can create…

The universe is a machine for the distillation of consciousness…

If I may augment your sentence???: The Physical Universe around Us is a Machine for the Distillation of Consciousness into Low-Frequency, Vibratory Matter... Which is Constantly in Motion.

Perhaps the most visible, and difficult to refute, example of the truth of your statement, CAT, comes from the original Star Trek series itself...

Look at how the concept of Kirk's communicator, first made popular in the original Star Trek series, has been manifested precisely in the form of our modern day, Information Age cellular phones! After I get done talking to someone on my phone, it is so hard to resist the corny urge to flip the phone closed and assertively state:

"Rainman Out!"

The "geeks" who grew up on Star Trek (like so many of my electrical engineering friends!) have become the engineers who have Created Kirk's fancy device in our physical reality of today.

How can one ever argue with this evidence for what you have stated? IMO, ya just can't. :) Once you Create something in the realizable world it becomes an unarguable Truth. And your point is directly related to the point I am trying to make about how our Information Age is beginning to evolve into our INTENTION Age. It is a cool thing to watch as it transpires around us...
I've always found it funny that science fiction such as startrek is looked down upon by the majority of society as nerdy. But the science fiction of today ends up being the science fact of tomorrow. The people who are into sci-fi seem to end up making these fabled inventions a reality, which is then taken for granted by the society that once supressed it. The world does in fact need it's dreamers as much as it's scientists.
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

The word here is Will. What we will onto our minds finds it's way around the intricate maze of reality, and as the ever precise CAT tells us, it becomes real.

Rainman the real trick here is to keep a Will consciousness and to decide to change something. A friend of mine how goes by the name of Moses once said that we needed to understand that we are the very thoughts of the Great One. If we ever wanted something, all we needed was to will it for we are the very thought patterns of creation.

We even said that if you were able to delineate a concept you would be able to take it away from the world of ideas. After that idea had been "created" one should begin to adhere to its surface the neccessary tension lines (Sephiratic equilibrum equations) so that it would latch onto the next world, which is the world of formation. Once latched in place the idea woyuld simply need enough coagulation, as Nicholas would say, until it became apparent in the physical world.

So to keep up with your phrase, once it is delineated it becomes real, it becomes part of the great luminous TRUTH.

Until later becomes now

The world does in fact need it's dreamers as much as it's scientists.

Nicely put, but we must also take into account all “prophesy” because it is also a rising and mysterious intention in world “consciousness”.

For without prophesy there would never be an “invitation” to participate in shaping and changing the future. For in our world there are no determined things, instead they are all possibilities of consciousness to choose from.
We even said that if you were able to delineate a concept you would be able to take it away from the world of ideas. After that idea had been "created" one should begin to adhere to its surface the neccessary tension lines (Sephiratic equilibrum equations) so that it would latch onto the next world, which is the world of formation. Once latched in place the idea woyuld simply need enough coagulation, as Nicholas would say, until it became apparent in the physical world.

Trans, you go way beyond anyones comprehension here – by linking consciousness to sephiric/sephiroth/sepher teaching. I wasn’t going to reply or venture here because I feel nobody here (except for a few) would be able to relate… But truthfully, that is not for me to decide now is it?

So I will say in the ways of sephiric teachings that each letter (the Hebrew letters) and the shape of each letter channels a very specific dimension of energy that we also refer to as “consciousness” – consciousness of the life force of G-d… What these Hebrew letter can do for us, (and that is what the entire revelation on Mount Sinai was about), is to provide us with the tools by which we can structure a future devoid of chaos, pain and suffering. That is to say that the future could be shaped and formed by the individual if he/she understood and was taught how to make use of these configurations of different letters and different words.
Hey Fletch ,

I've always found it funny that science fiction such as startrek is looked down upon by the majority of society as nerdy. But the science fiction of today ends up being the science fact of tomorrow. The people who are into sci-fi seem to end up making these fabled inventions a reality, which is then taken for granted by the society that once supressed it.

I am sitting here watching the new History Channel show "How William Shatner Changed The World". Shatner is just so funny and campy as he recounts the FACTS that this show did, indeed, lead to many of the technologies we enjoy today.

I get a kick out of the humor. But behind the humor there is a very important truth. That truth is that WE, here in the PRESENT, actively CREATE our FUTURE. WE CREATE OUR FUTURE.

When you fully comprehend what this means, in scientific terms, it becomes hard to believe that anyone like John Titor can come back in Time and tell us about the world we Will to Create.

Now I would agree that a STORY such as that of Titor's could certainly help SHAPE the kind of world we choose to Create. In fact, I choose to Create a world quite a bit different from the one that Titor predicts will come to pass in our Future.

The more I see shatner the more of a self-centered jerk I think he is. Ever see invasion Iowa?
Heh-heh. Yeah, I saw it Fletch. But you gotta understand.... he is an ACTOR. Could you tell me any single actor who ISN'T a self-centered jerk? And remember, just because they might be "acting" like they are not a self-centered jerk, recall that most people who get into acting do so because they have "look at me" syndrome!

You want a bigger, self-centered (add thinks-he-knows-it-all) jerk? How about Martin Sheen? The guy actually thinks because he PLAYS the POTUS that this would actually qualify him for the job... and actors like him NEVER seem to hold back their thoughts...on ANYTHING. They also confuse the fact of people wanting to watch their movies with people giving a flying frig what their political views are!

I live in LA LA Land, and see it all-too-often. It is an illness, and I guess I should be thankful it is mostly concentrated in this area, rather than being spread throughout the country! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
