Stars, Accretion discs and dark matter


Quantum Scribe
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

Hello my friends, its been a really long time, but then again time is absolutely irrelevant. I do have a question I would sure hope you could help me a sense its really important, really important.

If I were to create an artificial accretion disc around a white dwarf over the already created accretion disc it naturally has would it be possible to re-create the casimir effect? Please let me know what you guys can come up with, its really important.

Until later becomes now

Maybe you should explain what you mean by an "artificial accretion disc" and how it might differ from a natural accretion disc. An accretion disc is just matter orbiting a star than ends up infalling and adding mass to the star.

You should also explain what you mean by "recreating the Casimir Effect". The Casimir Effect postulates that a net force (it can be either attractive or repulsive) is present in a vacuum. It is a field. The particles associated with the field are virtual. This is consistent with the Uncertainty Principle.
Not sure why you want to ' recreate the Casimir effect '. From my understanding it is a very tiny 'force' created in the space between two metal plates....and is due to pressure from virtual particles.

Perhaps what you really are after is frame dragging.....which is a relativistic effect created by rotating material around a white dwarf or black hole dragging the space along with it. Whether any time dilation effects could be used may be the matter and energy in such areas is so chaotic that even the sturdiest of time machines would be destroyed.
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

I had previously asked about an artificial accretion disc orbiting in front of the regular accretion disc of a star (particularly a white star) because I was wondering if two substances orbiting so close and at relativistic speeds could actually create a form of casimir effect so that energy/force (bosons in particular)could be displaced elsewhere.

The reason for my question is this; the second accretion disk would put the star under enough preassure as to make it compact due to the intense gravitational forces that would arise between these three objects. The intense gravitational field created would make matter there so dense that matter itself would break down leaving only behind quarks.

The matter left would be matter composed of quarks.

This is known in theoretical physics as strange matter. However, strange matter is theorized to exist in stable form through out the universe, and it is thought that when strange matter interacts with regular matter the later becomes attracted by the denser strange matter and it becomes strange matter as well. If by some unknown process this energy could be catapulted to other regions of space, say a black hole what would be the end result?

Until later becomes now
The reason for my question is this; the second accretion disk would put the star under enough preassure as to make it compact due to the intense gravitational forces that would arise between these three objects. The intense gravitational field created would make matter there so dense that matter itself would break down leaving only behind quarks.

Alas it doesn't work that way. Look up class 1a supernovae. Once the accretion disk reaches a mass of 1.4 times the mass of the sun.....various predictable forces generate a massive explosion....a supernova.

It is precisely because the limit is always 1.4 times the mass of the sun, that class 1a supernovae have a standard brightness......and can be used as 'standard candles' to measure the distance of distant galaxies they lie in. This was the main method used to determine that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.