

Staff member
StarDust6488 went through and deleted everything they'd posted so far, blanking out thread titles as well. For some reason, members were set to be able to edit posts FOREVER which we obviously don't want. I've fixed that.

I tried sending them a PM asking what's up, but their account was set to never receive emails and I couldn't be sure if or when they were going to come back. Since we can't let threads just sit broken like that, I restored the deleted posts and then deleted the Stardust user to anonymize the name. I also left off one personal experience post, since it was more personal than other posts and deleting it doesn't hurt anything.

Honestly I'd rather not do stuff like this, but they made some pretty drastic moves and I've gotta respect their decision... But also maintain continuity here. If it comes up, that's why the account was deleted and most of the posts restored with a new name.

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And again, apologies...Gotta settle down and take time to pay better attention..... so much going on my head is spinning
No worries at all. Shit is crazy :) I am thankful you guys are even interested in TTI.
